What will you do, Yas Forums?

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Doomp it

Nothing. Nobody will ever take my Linkies. Ever.

I have a green thumb and lots of ganja
Better than gold

Why do you think so? The first wave of panic is long gone, and I dont see it happening again.

Tell all the shills on Yas Forums
>They are low iq
>Their threads are sloppy shit

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I have 290 dollars to my name idgaf

BofA employee here

On vacation. Multiple banks in my city are closed because wages call in sick for that 2 week paid vacation ez money. Some of these banks didn’t even close during the 80s meltdown. We were restricted to $2k per customer and I rigorously enforced this rule on my tellers. The payroll loans were supposed to be given out but the small business bankers are just letting the emails pile and phones ring since they don’t really have a way to loan the money with a guarantee. I think that the newbs who are running the show while I’m on vacation are going to fuck up and I will be consolidated downtown next monday I’m bored so ask me anything

Because consumer and business debt is at a historic high. But neither have revenue or income to meet payments. Also banks and Wall Street rolled back the 2007 regulation for a cushion. The whole system is massively over leveraged and fed intervention simply can’t cope. It is a house of cards. Deutsche Bank is on the verge of total collapse. Other are too. None of your savings are investments are secure. That’s why all the large companies (Apple, Facebook, equity co) are liquidating and increasing cash on hand in private secure vehicles outside of all the public risk.

They, the wealthy, are already “running their bank”

Do you want to be the last in line?

I think you're full of shit and a fearmongering shill.

Why are you talking out of your ass and talking about shit you know nothing about?

Nothing. No one uses cash anymore, especially since it's basically guaranteed to transmit Corona. No one but low IQ people will take cash out. Cash also has no intrinsic value.

Sure. Then why are the top multinationals doing exactly what I said they’re doing?

There all-in on cash.

$325 Billion In The Bank: Nine Companies Ready For Any Crisis

I've seen levels of corporate debt, 2x higher than before 2008 collapse. But investors dont seem to give a fuck and are happily buying. How far can FED pumping keep it afloat?

You're not a financial advisor and you only have pure speculation. You're also taking shit out of context.

Honestly, if anyone takes financial advice from some rando on Yas Forums they deserve to lose everything.

Everything he said was spot on. "ur dum" isn't an argument mutt.

It's time to dump fiat hard.
Buy cryptocurrency with trumpbux and they will be worth 10 times what the USD will be.


>What will you do, Yas Forums?
Well presumably i'll have to join in to avoid losing all my wonga.

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How can you limit funds when the FDIC says you have access to all of your money?

Im not speculating. I’m looking, objectively, at what corporations, equity giants, institutional investors are doing. As a fact.

These are the same ones that were telling you to hang on to your stocks and 401k and don’t do anything three months ago, while they were selling off and taking their profit. That’s what they did, as a fact.

You don’t actually think financial advisors are looking out for you, before their company and themselves?

Fool me once..

All in in BTC.

Well the order came from regional. Every bank is doing it. I assume these are orders from the FDIC. Now I’ll happily write a cashiers check for all the funds in multiple accounts, we just won’t give you CASH. Good luck depositing those checks at another bank that will be one 14 day hold good sir :^)

>Im not speculating. I’m looking, objectively, at what corporations, equity giants, institutional investors are doing. As a fact.
>These are the same ones that were telling you to hang on to your stocks and 401k and don’t do anything three months ago, while they were selling off and taking their profit. That’s what they did, as a fact.
>You don’t actually think financial advisors are looking out for you, before their company and themselves?
>Fool me once..
Central banks and their glow niggers drop bombs on children while we pay for it. Dump fiat now, but bitcoin.

I'm not following you, user when you write that the community banks don't "have a way to loan the money with a guarantee." Did you mean without a guarantee?

The FDIC only covers $250k, and that’s only in savings, not ANY investment accounts like 401k. And that depends on the saving account. Not all are covered. And there’s absolutely no protocol or plan for that coverage if there’s a large collapse. Just look at FDIC response, in the past, on small bank collapses. They did nothing of substance. That fact is FDIC is a reassurance and trust measure ... it exists to try to maintain confidence in the banking system ... not to actually protect your money.

Already took out $100k this past month, just to be safe.

What happened with the CFTC and MBNA over the oil derivatives? Is that a sign of a colossal mistake or is MBNA in big trouble even before their card holders default?

Fuck off shill, no one is buying the matzah you’re selling bitch.

the only people talking about a run on banks are people with no money in the bank

here is the FAQ for low IQ tards

This is not a drill dump FIAT now buy BITCOIN.
Trumpbux incoming -> Bitcoin about to moon

Just to be clear, that would include checking accounts and CDs if any, not just savings accounts.

Exactly. FDIC only covers $250k in insured savings accounts. No investments or 401s are covered. Lot of savings and checking accounts aren’t FDIC insured either; check what you signed up for.

Read the FAQ.

BTW that’s $250k per depositor. Per person. Not per account. If you have $250k in an insured savings, and $250k in insured cds ... you’re only getting $250k, not $500k. Even if you deposit with more than one bank.

That’s assuming they can, and will, payout in massive financial collapse.

nobody is gonna pump up your bitcoin trash so you can cash out in fiat lol . . fucking poser

FDIC insurance covers all types of deposits received at an insured bank, including:

checking accounts,
negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) accounts,
savings accounts,
money market deposit accounts (MMDAs),
certificates of deposit (CD) and other time deposits, and
official items issued by a bank (such as cashier's checks or money orders).
FDIC insurance covers depositors' accounts at each insured bank, dollar-for-dollar, including principal and any accrued interest through the date of the insured bank's closing, up to the insurance limit. The standard insurance amount is $250,000 per person, per bank, per ownership category. Additional information on deposit insurance coverage can be found in the Your Insured Deposits brochure.

>Dump fiat
>Buy Crypto

Buy silver

i bought 50 lighters. 1000 tea lights, food and other stuff
you can all take your printed paper or useless gold.
I put my little money on physical and practical stuff.

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already done. way ahead of you.

I think I just made a lot of money by buying the dip, while you idiots thought the dip hadn't come yet

in fact, I know I made a lot of money

I ain't cashing out I am buying cloud storage.

BTW: the total US FDIC insured deposits is $7.7 trillion.
That’s double the whole annual US budget.
It’s more than a third of US GDP.

How will the government ever pay? It is not economically possible. Even in a partial collapse.

Make a note of the price anons.

Not at these premiums. Fucking sick.

> 0% reserve requirement
> fed promising to buy any and all garbage banks have on their books
> FDIC insures everyone's money up to $250k
> no one has any money anyways.
> banks are going to be unable to meet withdrawal requests.

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whats a bank?

So your article says that Apple "holds net cash of $5 billion", and you use this as justification to withdraw all your savings from the bank, yes? Could you explain to us exactly what you think that quote means? Do you think Apple has a secret vault at their corporate headquarters where they're storing $5 billion in literal cash?

I'm a poorfag with zero money in the bank. I subsist on gibs so I will do nothing. In fact, I can't wait for you wagies to beg for gibs and become just like me.

I probably will not run on the bank because it is very small.

Do you actually think multinational companies hold their cash reserves in the same banking system as your local branch?

They have separate financial holding companies, offshore, that may have association with an established international bank for transfer or investment purposes. But they’re not linked in any substantial way to the banking company. They’re independant.

All major multinationals, literally, own their own private bank. That’s the basis of international corporate finance. It Is also how they avoid taxes.

Laugh heartily at the fools.

Who uses cash anymore?

What I'm the holy fuck is this picture?

>new fag
It’s delicious

Fucking why? The stores are stocked, the market is up, the cases are trending down. To me it looks like we are revving up for a new golden era of capitalism. But stocks while they're cheap.

>the cases are trending down.
We haven't even begun to peak

>Implying the fed hasn't already printed a bunch of money and bought most of the crypto currency with it so that they can manipulate the market at their whim.

the kids just another dumb bear sucking up garb from paid shills all so he can give bulls their profits

plz stfu bear you lost all your money and now you cry on pol just kys no one wants your cancer except for some dumb ass Canadian who will get fucked 2021 year of the rake at last!