China is mobilizing Troops I kid you NOT !!!!!

THEY VERY ANGRY they Blamed the kung Flu , And US / Other Countries People are saying Nuke them first , an Pakistan said they will Launch first if Needed! < poor dirt poor nation has Nukes but we send aid to them .. lol

Seriously .. we Going Defcon 3 ..

LISTENS when the last siren starts .. Go Out an screw anything for 30 mins til it goes all white OK , Dont die a virgin.. !!!!

Pic related so you can see it true lads

Attached: GCHQ .jpg (1280x800, 223.76K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Based if true. Time to slither underground, Schlomo.

Good, fuck china. I fucking hate bongs, but I hate the insect more. Time to teach these commie faggots a lesson about the white devil

Please. The modern white devil can't beat black bums. Look how pathetic Trump is on the black crime issue. A complete and utter cuck. God himself couldn't create a cuckier cuck than Trump.


Our niggers will kill the chink menace and then black their surviving women as war prizes.

Attached: source (24).gif (499x206, 1000.41K)

China is a joke. .they could be wiped out militarily in 1-2 weeks.

62,984,828 voted for a wall and this limp dick fence is what Trump managed to build. Now he wants those voters to die in China for Greater Israel. What a piece of shit.

Attached: Wall.jpg (1280x720, 102.63K)

A guy who works at GCHQ with access to cutting edge signals intelligence is a retard who talks and types like a year 3 primary school gyppo.
I'm listenings mate

their tanks are made of rice paper and their planes are propelled by rubber bands.

Its the End of Humanity as we Know it ..

I cannot wait til Trump Hears this News , an Most EU want to NUKe China

Russia has said =this NOTHING ! Dont include us !

>I fucking hate bongs
It was over 200 years ago and you weren't even there for it you daft cunt. At this point you're just partaking in a meme so you can idenfity as an American - pretty sad that you can't without being a cunt to Brits, your partners in the Anglosphere. Irrational twat.

Just export all our niggers to china and watch them fall within months.


Lol. Okay Chang. You will soon learn why the Arabs are a race of refugees.

That's more than enough to fuck up white people these days.

Attached: Shocking Ohio Heroin Picture.jpg (1024x512, 58.8K)


Jewish media informed them about your mom.

I wouldn't wish niggers on my worst enemy.

bullshit we could beat black bums.. I have beaten black bums and crack fiends before living in Pennsylvania when they come popping out of the shadows like some fucking brain hungry zombie. The reason whites don't isn't because we give a shit about blacks. It's because we're still too wrapped up in our women whom for some reason they think the woman would be horrified by such an act. Women get off on men fighting their sick sadists like that.

Trust me if black wanted civil war they would remember colonization all over again. If Hispanics want a fight we will show them the Alamo all over again. You idiots. The whole point of the democrats race baiting was to start a civil war.. how fucking dense do you have to be? Whites just know this.. Blacks don't understand this and Hispanics were looking at that chicken over there thinking it'd made good Fajitas.

Respect Bloke , I didnt want to get into a that spat ,

NEWS COMING in, Border Forces are Fighting China Forces , China Just sent up the Nuke Planes/fighter escorts !

user please, you know our war doctrine. 8 days of ass kicking then pull back the line for 4 years to maximize loss of limbs before ending in an armistice, followed by decades of lesser EU nations laughing about rice farm warriors. The MIC can't be threaten by actually winning wars.

You have one week to get all of your troops out of Japan. Non-compliance will be met with force and will be seen as an act of war. We will not risk an amphibious landing or allow you to gather more troops.


huwhite people ay. You don’t say? I hear them huwhites like bland food and are sensitive about being called cracker. Oh them huwhites sure are not looking forward to being a minority, that’ll teach em. All the browns and blacks and systematically oppressed people who possess enslaved DNA are finally gonna be the master. Enslave the huwhites yeah I hear exactly what you’re saying. Activates my almonds I tell ya.. yes indeedy

I think bongs are pretty funny. I especially love their trashy chav slags.

Bob's your uncle!

LOL. Nobody fears the sick man of asia

THIS GUy , Had one in Training Froze near Killed me , I plunged my knife in guys throut .. he was a gutless wonder . I would like to say nigger this an that , He got blown too vapours by a ied , but I went in the diplomatic corp , hense my shitpost here

Is that the Chinese Pentagon?

Its look pretty nice, im not gunna lie

Attached: 1072423365098180608.jpg (917x1024, 66.35K)

>We fak up the wolld
>Now we fak up the wolld foweva



China will lose the war:

The US will arm HK.

HKs people will stand with the US. They will take tons of territories. Taiwan and Japan will also Aid the US.

If we promise India a cut then they will gladly join in and help us break up China.

The way I see it soon enough China will be 4 different nations and another part of their territory will be given out as payment to those that help the US.

China will still survive this conflict, but be reduced in size by about 1/3, losing all of its GDP.

Likely will wind up a lot like NK

If war breaks out screen cap me. Because thats whats going to happen.

Based Paki's. If you pakis fire the first shot, I'll be right there to fire off the fucking secondly volley.

RUSSIA has Issued statement , They Remain in Isolation And Nothing to Do With any Aggressive Pact , an WILL not Retaliate.

>One instance of the wall tilting because of bad soil
Im not even a fan of trump but this is real cope. Get it while it's hot, anons.

the first one in a potential ww who faces a loss will very likely just push the red button


WW3 is a war that noone wins

idiot.. The survivors of the nuclear winter will be the winners.. Reset button for human stupidity.. maybe we will get it right in the fifteen to 22 thousand years. We screwed up this cycle.

Good God Glad you Not a diplomat ,
Are you drunk /simples =retard /aspergas ?
SERSIOULY YOU are in Pig shit

I won't get into heaven if I'm not a virgin. Do you know how many points virginity is worth? A lot.

To any Americans wondering what the photo is, it is a big nuke target we set up for you to practice on. Go ahead.

Well this is the USA who started in whuhan so obv they mad.



we truly are, number one again

nah thats the u.k. spook central.

Attached: 1562706191032.png (657x527, 50.8K)

>Im not even a fan of trump
Yes, you are rabbi. He is the king of Israel. Now go swing a chicken for lying.

FBI INFORMED . we near earthcore now shit posting this haha , scary

Sociopath Statistics

The sociopath makes up approximately 3 to 5 percent of the general population. According to the American Psychiatric Association, about three out of 100 males and one in 100 are sociopaths. Approximately 70 percent of sociopaths who come from fatherless homes and 30 percent are born out of wedlock. As many as 15 to 25 percent of prison inmates who show signs of being sociopaths.
I’m huwhite son. What was written, that was something called sarcasm. Spics chinks and niggers are the true menace. Pull your head out n wipe off the shit.

>62,984,828 voted for a wall and this limp dick fence is what Trump managed to build. Now he wants those voters to die in China for Greater Israel. What a piece of shit.

Its a thing of beauty, ins' tit?

If you look close you can see they are still construction phase on the section. Look at the base they havenent even poured foundation for it

>Sarcasm + Text = Chances of being completely misunderstood because there is no tone to the commentary you wrote.

Nah not at all, I've been there. It's a shithole that is honestly a glorified west virginia, your women are ugly, the men are stupid and everyone dresses like shit. You're slighter more tolerable than the Norwegians & French.

> nuance

>this is your brain on gutter oil and cap cum

Don’t mind him daddy, I still love you UwU

Learn to english better Xiang-Eatbaht

LISTEN Putin Issued Statement their Nation in Lockdown , The have No wish at these dreadful Times to think more Deaths , Will Not tit for tat ( was a very similar Russian thing but same as he said to any war footing or More Deaths , NO !

What about Millennials?
I just suck with tone even in real world. So i flew over the Sarcasm without seeing it from space.

Good, let’s nuke China and get this party started.

Attached: 7FC543C3-18E6-43BC-9FF7-CBDF318466A6.jpg (484x500, 44.18K)

Are you Changs M8 . listen . you get spirited away ok

Okay your now in charge of making the Bestest fence ever.,.. throw some autocannons and rocket launchers on it.. Maybe some ground level flamethrowers so the pregnant spics cook like fried pork under a flame.

China has only around 300 nukes and its ability to launch most of them is questionable. A war with China will result in Russia taking some of the north. Taiwan reclaiming parts of the mainland China. HK expanding its borders and India getting up in the mountains. Iran might even try to take a bit. Japan wont go to war until China fires on them or launches a nuke. Then their SDF can act. North Korea will most likely be saying they are best friends with South Korea and in no way even know China.


I hope my m9a3 comes in before the world wide boogaloo. Its been 1.5 weeks already!

Attached: M9A3_Final_0007.jpg (840x560, 43.92K)

When Mutt's Law meets Oh Say Can You See

Attached: 1567546458177.jpg (1024x283, 48.97K)