I'm ashamed to be an American

I'm ashamed to be an American

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on the bright side it will only last for 4 more years, lets hope the next president after biden or trump is better, hope this is a good lesson for you

Moishe will send jamal to have an inspirational talk with you about your desire to fight for Israel's right to exist.

non whites aren't really Americans dude, so you have nothing to worry about.

>not ashamed to be human
step up

yeah I hate 99% of people in this country. feels bad man

Russian people suck less. Only problem is they all speak Russian.
I consider myself an American refugee who beat the rush.

fair enough

I love this country but I hate the people in it

Then kill yourself


>I'm ashamed to be an American
Feel free to leave.

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Good. Consider suicide if the shame is too great.

I ashamed on your behalf too

Why? You really shouldn't.

kindly fuck off to another country then asshole

GTFO then...
Pic prolly WUHAN wet cunt market

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Let me fuck your dream girl, you can watch bb

Dead... thank god...
Not so dangerous now it seems....


Do not believe kike lies about America. It is beautiful and blessed with some of the greatest natural areas in the world and has produced many great persons. It's current state seems to be abhorrent but there are still salvageable parts.

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His words still live on ;)

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Kill yourself. Now is not a time for hand-wringing-weakness.

Then leave, we're ashamed of weak faggots like you.

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ok CCP

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I hate our minorities and the jewish cancer that plagues us but other than that, we're pretty awesome

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you should move back to Poolandia, pajeet

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user do us all a favor and don't be ashamed of who you are, most of the people here who shit on america are either shitposting or or are actually jealous of what our country is capable of. We are certainly going through VERY hard times right now, but hopefully this will create people who will fight to have a better future for us all. Never show weakness user. Not for one second. Be proud of who you are and what you can do.


Why? You live in the best nation on earth, niggerfag.

then what would you rather be...jewish???

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Is the bird okay?

Alexandra, you can leave whenever you want.

I'm ashamed to be Chinese.

swallow it bb

Are you proud of your country right now?

>also ur gay

We're ashamed if you too.

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Congratulations! You're doing exactly what you are told!

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Once I realized that I'm living in the center of the evil empire and am most likely to reap the benefits I just embraced it. All I need is an evil moustache to twirl when I talk about investing stocks into the military industrial complex and referring to the middle east as "the colonies" and I'll be set.

at least you're not dirty fucking chink

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Hi Poland! I love you!

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Then kys or leave to another country where you will probably get killed in some alley. We don't want weaklings like you

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Fuckoff back to China.

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Yeah but where would you rather be from? Nowhere in the world is particularly good now that every single 1st world country is a debt slavery corporate hellworld.

then get out and see for yourself how shit the rest of the world is, where going unnoticed is the best you could ever hope for.

Same. Fuck this gay country.

hello newfag

no, fuck you and get out.

Pic makes me really sad.

You guys aren't very good at your job. Fuck off back to the meme lab and come up with something better faggots.

You turned the world into a fucking mess, fren.
It is always good to realise reality.


Pic related is the absolute state of America. Other than being a spic, why would you be proud of this gigantic strip mall full of tranny story hours?

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Being gay is legal most places, but personally, I'm not into men

You do you OP

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Good thing you're not, Haim.

ive been here since Yas Forums was created, now fuck off faggot

prob because they've been outside of this sheltered bubble you take for granted and incidentally shit in.

I think what he meant to say was that America is so far gone that it wont matter who gets elected.

Trump is a retard, but you're delusional if you think it's only not going to get worse from him.

Then leave

i wouldn't be talking that shit with a faggot like Trudeau at the helm....

Based OC?

Stop watching jew media and visit the countryside. It’s not so bleak when you actually grow up somewhere besides a metropolis and don’t dwell on trivial sensationalism.

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We're ashamed of you too user, fucking 1pbt(((yid))) cocksucker.

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not with this attitude

Fun fact; third world countries have a lower suicide rate than first world countries. Do you think that xbox and McDonalds really makes for a worthwhile life? Worship of money and materialism always comes to an end.

i'll gladly exchange your citizenship for my last vanguard of christian values in europe country's citizenship

wow looks like OP just got his first vpn

I'm ashamed you're American too.

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*long luxurious sip of monster* ......Liberal

I live in rural pacific northwest. I watched my home town become a micro Mexico in ten short years. When I visit family, I can go in public and literally never hear English and the high school has gender neutral bathrooms. Face it, it's over.

Kill yourself then.

Cancer and heart disease gonna double team her to show her who the real big men on campus are

>gender neutral bathrooms meaning that all hope is gone
It’s cringe sure but good god mate the pessimism right there is a little severe. I grew up East of you and Mexican immigration is insane but de facto segregation makes them bearable to me ig.

>the president isn’t elected he’s selected
>the bill of rights has never been real you don’t actually have rights
These black pill psyops are gay. It’s all meant to demoralize.