Why do feminists hate robot waifus?

If only unattractive men buy them, why would they care?

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You know why.

I'll bite shill...
Heres a question...
Why even bother trying to make them look real?
Why not just make a sexy metropolis-tier robowaifu w/human feeling holes?

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Will they look like this?

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If you want yours to, i suppose

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Go on. Tell us.

Fucking and making babies are the only uses for women. Women cause more problems than they solve outside of the kitchen. Women at work is a fad.
That's why.

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because it devalues their axe wound. their only source of power

the only things women have that are valuable are their appearance and their ability to make babies.

once you start replacing those with artificial means, women lose their value to society.

Only bargining chip is sex. Otherwise they are just winey unbalanced men with tits.

They will lose the only value they have except for being necessary for procreation on a technical level.
Because humans are attracted to humans unless they have a severe mental disorder(popularly called a "sexual fetish"). You are not attracted to the hole nor to its feeling but to the image of a woman. Even here the point of attraction is the feminine shape - facial structure, color, etc. are secondary.

>ftw no chromatic waifu

Because it makes them lose the only value they have to society.

Women hate men who are useless to them, but the only thing they hate more are men who aren't giving them attention. Same mentality here. even if the men are unattractive, the fact they don't care about them signals that they aren't getting the attention of everyone. Plus sexbots can offer love and companionship to a degree which is something they are incapable of.


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They won't make sweet betabux.


Basically OP, even if you're not deeply aware of economics, I'm sure you're aware of Supply & Demand and so with that, I can say that the issue is simply that when low-value men start buying sex robots, they stop demanding real women and thus, hurt the value of real women. It's the cruel truth.

>Basically OP, even if you're not deeply aware of economics, I'm sure you're aware of Supply & Demand and so with that, I can say that the issue is simply that when low-value men start buying sex robots, they stop demanding real women and thus, hurt the value of real women. It's the cruel truth.
The only value women have is their pussy. When you flood the market with an alternative to their pussy that lowers the value of all women overall. They cant get their free ride if no one needs them anymore.

I'd like my robowaifu to look like her pls

I can make just about anything since i work in a metal fab shop and have my own machine tools. Should i try to make one?

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Cause they will stop paying for gamer girl streams.

Those who can do. just do it faggot!

Imagine if you paired AI with a 3D modeled waifu? You could run thousands at once and make millions sitting on your ass

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>Why do feminists hate robot waifus?
why do workers hate maschines?
because they will replace them

Because desirable men with options dont go for feminist cows. Feminists rely on the weak willed bottom of the barrel who dont have any other options.

Robot waifus render undesirable women completely useless and thats why they hate them

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Because femiorcs will get replaced by them. It's weird because most femiorcs are also lesbians.

Feminists dont want male feminists

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This is like the 8th robo waifu thread in 24 hours wtf guys

Literally no one cares about the fact that you want a robot “girlfriend”...

>born too early for robot tomboy waifu
hurts lads

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>>They will lose the only value they have except

OP is talking about feminists
Have you seen what a feminist looks like

losing value is the least of their problems

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They should loose some weight while they’re at it

I don’t have a problem with normal women though

First of all, most women are feminists, your pic is just a feminist political activist.
Second, then probably just the fact of sexual objectification is what bothers them, right?

>cared enough to respond

What happens when attractive guys choose the robot grils too?
Imagine the salt

But these robots would be able to reproduce or no?

Unironically legalize prostitution
and if you are worried of that getting out of control
use shaming

the less goverment the better
and both "incels" get to fuck
and slutty women can whore themselves but for real
and no need for this plastic crap

Also shaming whores is integral part of Free speech
anyone against it is a degenerate / pro slavery

>objectifying an object
yes schlomo I see the problem now

That's like asking
>Why do owners of gold mines hate the alchemist who figured out how to turn iron into gold?
>Why do pharma companies hate the biochemist who created a cure for cancer?

Because it means an end to their "business" model. End of simping, end of "chivalry", end of men even pretending to give a shit about women.

You can get diseases from organic flesh women though.
Also flesh women also have to poop!

>What happens when attractive guys choose the robot grils too?
>Imagine the salt

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Wooowie one article totally proves that people care about you getting a sex not doesn’t it!!

>most women are feminist
quite hard to find actually
women avoid that word because it's inherently political

2nd I don't think it really even bothers them
not the political type anyways

If they are pro men to men ie Gays
if they see nothing wrong with men cutting their penis (like circumcision but even worse)
and then pretending to be women
same those degenerates fucking dolls is right up their alley

How many do you want?

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"robo-waifus" are a gigacope for genetic deadends.
you wont see a convincing, physical replica of a human being with humankind intelligence within your lifetime. as of now, all "sexbots" are glorified blow-up dolls that maybe possess some speakers and chuck e cheese ass animatronic capabilities.

Literally ask anyone on the street if they’d care about if you got a sex bot or not and everyone would think you’re weird for asking that but everyone would also not care about it either.

Wouldn't lesbians benefit from everything feminists want to ban? Why would any lesbian be a fucking puritan ass feminist?

>most women are feminists
>sexual objectification is what bothers them about sexbots
try again.

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>talking about feminism
what is this 2016???

Artificial wombs are already a thing, but are only used to grow farm animals as a way to "grow" meat. They aren't for human use (yet) due to ethical concerns. But the tech is already here on that front.

Though they are WAY too big to fit inside a slim robot waifu, so technically the "robot" won't be reproducing.

use condom or something
it's not about that

Also it's better to use actively slut shaming for prostitutes than the law
this way they can't claim victimhood
and for the once practicing despite it, they can service the most desperate that would supposedly shoot up schools otherwise

Both women will think they won
both the filthy word "incel" will die out as they are 20$ of getting it done
also women knowing their "Price" is cheap and available now will stop feeling entitled and get back in line

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It's feminist political theory i.e. nonsense, what did you expect?
(although their problem is the objectification of women, the fact that the shape of a women is an object to be sold bothers them, not the fact that objects are objectified)
>quite hard to find actually
>women avoid that word because it's inherently political
Sure but ask most women and they will think they should have political and financial rights, and see themselves as more or less equal to men. That is pretty extreme feminism, we just have a low standard.
Gays and transgenders are men who are hurting themselves. Female shaped sex toys supposedly hurt women by objectifying them. Also remember that they aren't actually pro women, they are just hateful towards men and male society to the point of mental disorder.

>Though they are WAY too big to fit inside a slim robot waifu
Expandable stomach, duh.

>illegal ideas

>Literally ask anyone
So now you're moving the goalpost from anyone to "anyone on the street".
>they’d care about if [Fringe thing] or not and everyone would think you’re weird for asking that but everyone would also not care about it either.
I could ask them if they care that whites have less than 2.1 children.

>sexual objectification is what bothers them about sexbots
Meant the political activists i.e. SJW stereotype.
And I already showed here in what way most women are feminists.

I’m just saying that no one will get offended by the fact that you want a sex bot despite how much you want people to be offended they just don’t care about you, sorry.

Yas Forums will support literally any jewish scheme as long as they think that it upsets their enemies.
artificial wombs are the same kind of degeneracy as eating bugs and living in a pod.

>political and financial rights

Inequality in rights is synonimous with abuse namely rape
Ofcourse they would be against something that can get very ugly for them

Financial rights is connected with sexual abuse in the work place
political ones may force them to marry political figures which may be old ugly fat people

As for the last part
those are not feminists but Lesbians

If youre successful you will become the wealthiest man on the planet and the most respected.

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I would support getting women back into fucking line post haste over this shit, but since that isn't going to happen because normie males are fucking simp cryptocucks who won't let m'lady come to any kind of harm or discomfort, then a lowering of the percieved value of women will have to do.