Realistically, how long can this lockdown truly last?
Corona lockdown
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If Boris Johnson dies it'll be at least another six months.
until this antibody testing is proven, manufactured and has the labour to cope with 500k a day
Not more than a few months at most. The economy can’t take much more of this.
Two more weeks
I work for as a manager at a huge super market chain in NYC and I can't tell you the amount of people that have called out just today. It's going to get worse as time goes on and most of my employees are niggers and spics. The niggers are absolute garbage and totally unreliable but some of the spics are alright and actually show up to their shift. I had this one nigger call me 30 minutes ago and said "yea man this corona thing is you know? I don't wanna take the risk bruh.." I just hung up on him and got some SPIC to cover. It's going to get so bad if were locked down another month.
No longer than 2 weeks, i fucking hope
There's going to be a recession, the longer we stay shut in, the bigger it's future magnitude will be. The worst hasn't happened yet lads; we are in for a ROUGH ride
Realistically, I think this will last another month
I hate to admit it guys, but I'm concerned
Can anybody here with an economic background describe what the world economy is going to look like if this keeps up? What are the effects of the time we've already been shut?
What's America going to look like? Europe?
I'm not ready for all that. Just bought a new car, got settled into my new apartment and even got a new real doll. If this shit continues I'm afraid I won't be able to sustain my new lifestyle.
>my new lifestyle.
that's a lifestyle?
To add; what other effects are we going to see after all this?
Socially? Culturally?
He used to splooge in a dirty sock.
till easter
i'm givin up early tho.
if wednesday is nice that's my exit day.
it will be shut down until at least june. Thats their plan.
Just wait June is when things get exciting.
Wait, like you want to kill yourself? Don't do that my guy
Dr. Doom said this virus could become seasonal. Prepare for the police state goyim. Your only purpose is to serve your boss and pay taxes.
The damage has already been done.
Anyone thinking it will be two weeks or less is clearly in denial.
Three months at least ... Six months worst case
How do you think the virus is going to impact deliveries and product prices at supermarkets in NYC?
Did you make this?
If so, how?
Dude, I genuinely hope not
This. Without a vaccine or a very good treatment the only option left, other than a lockdown, is plain and simple natural selection
A higher deference to government
Yas Forums will be more popular and have higher traffic; but the effect of this is up for debate
More of our rights will be stripped, whether it's justified or not
I'm an internet lawyer so i know what i'm talking about.
The government in the US at least wont let companies go under so they'll print more money and give it to the CEOs so they can retain employees.
One month after they receive said gibs in trillions of dollars you'll see mass layoffs everywhere while they pocket all that money.
Hope you like dumpster food.
mass unemployment + mass welfare
housing market crash a la 2008, unless foreclosures are prevented
rich get richer, small businesses ded
culturally: more nationalistic at least, especially if there's a worse round 2 next fall/winter, more frugal, more people having to do real jobs or learn trades since college will be less accessible and less useful, a huge uptick in alcoholism and drug use and deaths from those two things; many normies who normally drank socially are already full-on day drinkers and it will just get worse as people turn to those things to cope with the inevitable depression and isolation
There will be a breakdown in social order and political authority if they try to maintain it that long.
Well we've already doubled prices on fresh produce and tripled prices on toilet paper and clorox wipes etc. I don't know how long we can keep this up before a few nogs decide to rob the place. I tried explaining things to corporate but they are so focused on profit profit profit they never factor in extreme scenarios that may directly effect the company.
it's MY lifestyle and I'm happy with it
I sometimes take a few of my girls into a private show and I pretend the real doll is them
they always look so shocked when they see it for the first time
what cam sites do you like most?
I'm really into live jasmin lately
Seems China is still dealing with the issues. They just locked down another major city of 600,000. Seems to me there's no point to the lock down unless they plan on doing it for the next six months. It seems we are going to be going through this anyway...
Oh, and like I said in my other comment; RECESSION. It was already predicted that there's by one by 2020-2021 *before* corona; but now with this shit its an inevitability. Those in corporate jobs are going to be stressed hard into retain their incomes
No nothing about economics but desu it doesn't look that much worse than 2009 crash. Probably worse in terms of global unemployment and small businesses going under which will have some effect but some countries in Europe are coming off lockdown soon and UK doesn't seem far behind but who knows.
Also America will have a lockdown over 2 weeks, it is last to the party and every nation has gone over their original lockdown time. So, it's hard to say because it's not over yet
>many normies who normally drank socially are already full-on day drinkers
wait until some realizes they can just declare liquor stores non-essential and have them closed.
>real doll
Ohhh I legit thought you were referring to a femal as a doll, lol
Was it worth the investment? It's most definitely not as tedious as a living bitch I bet
>Well we've already doubled prices on fresh produce and tripled prices on toilet paper and clorox wipes etc
Thats the local supermarkets. The big chain suppliers (costco, target, ect.) still have affordable prices on nearly everything since they supply their own shit from bumble fuck who knows where in trailers. Sure theres a long ass line but wake up at 6 am and wait outside.
Supermarkets should be boycotted for the robbery they are trying to pull off but you see dumbasses in there filling their carts with $100 worth of product and get rung up for $300. You have no excuse in the city, especially Manhattan no to go to a big chain supplier.
Itll weed out oversocialized people who cant go a few weeks without attention
Hopefully forever. I want the world to collapse
I bought her for 350 USD on alibaba. Her holes were tight and she had a very clownish scary looking face so what I did was I printed out full sized facial shots of the models I took to pvt on live jasmin and plastered the photo to cover the real dolls face. However when the models saw I did that they were disturbed. I confessed to one of the models I fantasized about stabbing her to death and I took out my blade on camera and held it to the dolls throat. This got my first account deactivated.
Pls dont an hero britbro ;~;
You have so much to look forward too once everything is gone
At least you're able to keep the place running. Half the supermarkets in my neighborhood in Queens have shut down, and the places that are open are a shitshow.
Just look at it this way, niggers will remain on unemployment for the next 4 months for the
>Trump bucks
You'll just probably get filled with people who need jobs and not the lazy Tyrone
Hopefully forever.
Antibody test is already being produced and distributed in German pharmacies.
Might i suggest some Jesus/Allah/Yahweh/whatever you wanna worship, to quell these sexually violent thoughts?
Well people are scared and you can't blame them. They think it's the end of the world and as a result they're panic buying as much as they can. I saw one family buy over 1600 dollars worth of groceries. Mostly water and toilet paper btw. For petes sake, I'll never understand some people...just buy a G-d damn water filter and use water and soap to wash your shitty ass lol. The dish soaps are flying off the shelves too on account of the liquid bathroom soap selling out whenever we restock. The people love their liquid soap boy I tell ya..
HAHA right under the COVID ad is a " Mobile 5g is here" ad. COINCIDENCE!!?? you be the judge...
As long as people allow it and as long as the supply lines hold.
If it stops even for a single day it'll be chaos around the world.
I don’t blame them. I really, really don’t. It’s a shit job with shit pay, most stores are offering no protective gear, and they’re being slammed with Black Friday level sales day after day. I can’t help but think those people are at a higher risk of infection than nurses in a hospital.
You have no right to judge me
You're not better than me
taste shit
This is exactly what they're trying to do. These niggers are trying to push me to fire their ass but it doesn't work like that. You no show over and over again you basically fire yourself, simple as.
I'm in the Bronx and most of the super markets here are in total disarray. Me and my crew get the job done and the reason for that is most of my best employees are illegal spics that can't afford to get ousted. We have a few niggers but they basically quit after a few months. It's a problem that sorts itself out as I like to say.
That'll happen either way. The elite are buying time before bailing out and hiding on some private island.
No judgements; just concern- especially when knives are involved
Lock down? what lock down? I'm american US man who loves trumps and knows this is a fake otu by dem dang democraps! I love beer and letting BBC fuck my wife! Buurp yup burgers and beer now to walmart to shit myself
I get that they are scared but if they are spending 1 grand at their local supermarket where a 6 pack of haagen dazs bars jumped from $3 to nearly $10 and costco gives you 15 bars for the same fucking price then they deserve to die for being retarded.
And dont give me that membership costs $60 bullshit, you'd come out saving money even if you arent a member already.
18 months
Niggers can't stand to be cooped up for very long. They're going to start chimping out in a few weeks.
Here, our politicians are signalling that things won't get back to "normal" for at least two-three months.
retard. it's a pandemic not a dem panic.
Do you think that can be subject to change?
Yes. Coincidence.
unironically 1929 tier
Realistically I've been outside this whole time.
Yeah started by them dems and commies! Buuurp just like europe!
They're already taking advantage of the emptiness and having block parties; wouldn't surprise me if that becomes a thing in major cities in the coming weeks
IT can last as long as you're willing to let it last
Shit with the amount of unemployed people you can let them just work temporary for the shut down.
People that are easy higher caliber workers too.
>Three months at least
Dude the moment the weather becomes nice everyone will go outside and the shits over. At least here. You can stay in your commie block only so long.
hey, um.... how about stop the divertisy hires across the board and get some white people in there, you fucktard. i can already guess you're at a whole foods. 100% of the cashiers are nigger bitches and all the stock people are spanish guys in every one in manhattan.
Hey you're pretty good lol. Oh as for the hiring white people comment, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret ok bud?
There, do you understand now? K good..
Its hard to know because nothing like this has happened.
The conventional wisdom says that since this is a war-shock more than a normal depression collapse that we should bounce back pretty quick but well see
Back in the olden days plagues usually were followed by prosperous times but those plagues were far more devastating in loss of life than this will be.
Basically the world completely collapsed for years but then there was so much empty land many survivors were better off long run.
That I’m not sure if you’re trolling is scary. I couldn’t even make shit up this weird
Ivanka made a video about nwo
>Stupid faggot ass leftard thinks it’s republicans into cuck degeneracy.
Yeah that’s exclusively the limp wrists who want equality doing that
well that's not true. white people do want to work, just generally not in food store retail unless they're young, have no experience, or it's their first job or something. so i get where you're coming from. but to have such a staggering amount of non-whites at literally every store, what the fuck.
What's scary about it? I work a normal job, I pay my taxes and I've never been arrested (not even a parking ticket). What I do behind closed doors is my business..
Why would they when you can legit make the same or more off unemployment than you would bagging groceries and getting coofed on?
his name is on the graphic, maybe ask him, @lenkiefer looks like