when it's extremely poisonous to humans; the side effects can cause permanent hearing loss, permanent hair loss, loss of eye sight or permanent tinnitus, while at the same time being anti-vax, something that has mild to no side effects?
Why does this board keep shilling hydroxychloroquine
Other urls found in this thread:
why? answer my question
HCQ is not "extremely poisonous to humans" if taken in the right ammounts, just like most pharmaceuticals.
There's your (You)
Yas Forums, much like Yas Forums in general, bases its opinion on contrarianism.
R*ddit and the media say that hydroxychloroquine is bad, so Yas Forums instantly claims that it's good.
Retard, there's a difference between overdose and side effects. All those things I mentioned in the OP are side effects when taking the right dose, overdosing on hydroxychloroquine would lead to heart failure.
Because Dr Fauci says it's promising
Yas Forums is also raided by shills everyday
because those side effects only appear after years of use at high doses. Corona treatment doesn't require either.
The media says it's bad because it's a generic drug with no patent.
because corona stans are a doomsday cult who want people to be scared and die
>extremely poisonous to humans
Assuming you're not using a proxy to shill, you know enough Swedish to trawl your way through this shit to read about how "highly toxic" this shit isn't.
By the way, Paracetamol can cause PERMANENT liver damage, yet people take it daily for the smallest shit.
1600 is such a low estimate. you could put a team of 20 each on just the top news sites and be over 20k very quickly.
Why don't they hire me I could use the money but I think they hired JIDF Trolls
Shall we look at more medications and their dangers while we're at it?
Epilepsy medications for instance? Just about every one of those can lead to Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, where the skin dies and falls off, leading to death.
Yet we take those, we're just fucking careful about dose titration when we start a new medication.
right, as if those JIDF screwballs need the money anyways most likely
chloroquine is a treatment for arthritis you fucking idiot. It's so safe, thousands of people take it daily for years at a time without any trouble.
Chloroquine might very well be bullshit, but going by side effects doesn't mean much desu. Open your medicine cabinet and look at the side effects of aspirin
The Donald True Believers. Anything Drumpff says is religious dogma to them.
There are risks to it, like with almost every medication. If you get a reaction to it, you have to go off it immediately or risk permanent damage.
But that goes for 75% or more of every prescription medication we use on a daily basis.
Not every medication works for everyone.
>There are risks to it, like with almost every medication.
Yes, some people are allergic to diphenhydramine, a common otc allergy medicine. There's always sensitive individuals and counter indications.
>Anything Drumpff says is religious dogma to them.
You're a fucking idiot.
"Chloroquine Inhibits HMGB1 Inflammatory Signaling and Protects Mice from Lethal Sepsis"
I'm allergic to penicillin and sulpha. My GP almost killed me with those two as a kid.
Is tonic water poison? Cause it's in there
The doses of it needed to purge the body of covid are so low that there's barely any risk of that, and those side effects are rare to begin with. On a controlled dosage for a week or two, those risks go from low to pretty much insignificant.
1. You don't know what anti vaccination even is, its about global identification systems, you just parrot the media line.
2. Malaria drugs are poisonous, antibiotics are poisonous. You don't understand how either of these things work, the point is to kill living things.
thanks for correcting the record
Typical memeflag retard
>The doses of it needed to purge the body of covid
The point in using chloroquine isn't to kill the virus, it's to mitigate the inflammation response.
because Trump said it's amazing, and there are a bunch of underage retards odd from school who haven't seen the developments between then and now providing nuance to le based president shit, and there are a fuck ton of qoomers out of work who are dumb enough to not know why infinity went away so they came here to shit things up.
prove me wrong.
>t. triggered Trumptard
It's so predictable, but never tiring!
>permanent hearing loss, permanent hair loss, loss of eye sight or permanent tinnitus,
4 years in the Marines pretty much same-same.
>It's so predictable, but never tiring!
You're still being a fucking idiot. You should stop that.
"Chloroquine inhibits proinflammatory cytokine release into human whole blood."
Because it works
"The results indicate that chloroquine treatment lowers some proinflammatory cytokines and may provide a photoprotective effect."
>when it's extremely poisonous to humans
But it isn't.
Acetaminophen is unironically more poisonous to humans and that's handed out like candy.
And yet people take it every day all over the world for malaria, lupus and arthritis, and its in the WHO Essential List of Medicines. The pharma jew is afraid.
Why do (((you))) keep shilling against hydroxychloroquine despite the fact it’s been shown to be a cheap and extremely effective corona treatment?
At least in the marines you got your ass fucked, am I right?
OP btfo with his gay little orange man bad post. What a faggot.
methanol is the real cure
Fauci said that before he gave his friends at Gilead (yes, like The Handmaid's Tale) millions of government money to get an exclusive patent on a miracle drug that cures SARS, MERS, ebola, and, at much more profitable rates, COVID-19 perhaps.
>methanol is the real cure
Is that what your mom was drinking when she was pregnant with (you)?
Because it is;
Literally the 2 things Jews hate the most.
So it would also be effective against Swine Flu and Spanish Flu. Funny that Fauci didn't recommend emergency measures for diseases that predominantly killed young people.
1 post by this ID
never fails
No, he isn't. He's taking a rare side effect and portraying it like it's a common occurrence. It's like taking any epilepsy medication and saying you get TEN or Stevens-Johnson Syndrome from it.
Possible, but extremely rare and the reason why you never start those drugs at your full intended dose.
>So it would also be effective against Swine Flu and Spanish Flu.
The theory is that some people are more susceptible to hypercytokinemia, a cascading inflammation response to the virus. The main risk factors seem to be age and/or genetics, like other types of maladaptive inflammation (arthritis, bee sting allergy, etc)
We interrupt this shill thread to bring you this public service announcement:
Intracellular zinc ions have been proven to shut down Covid-19 viral replication. Normally zinc cannot pass through the host cell wall; however hydroxychloroquine has been proven to facilitate transport of zinc through the infected host cell wall, thereby allowing zinc ions to defeat the virus.
For more information watch this video by renowned pulmonary specialist Dr. Roger Seheult, recorded way back on March 10, before anyone had ever heard of chloroquine:
I wonder though, if Trump said heroin cured COVID-19, would his cult be here parroting that information too.
>would his cult
anyone who doesn't religiously indoctrinate themselves with MSNBC propaganda = cult
>The media says it's bad because it's a generic drug with no patent.
I wonder if they say it doesn't work because there isn't enough to go around? Kinda like when they said don't wear masks?
In Sweden they've stopped giving it to COVID-19 patients in some hospitals because of severe negative side effects, but of course you'll only pick and choose anything and everything that fits your Trumpian narrative. It's not a drug to you, it's a part of the COVID-19 dogma of your Trumpian belief system. Let's face it. Why are so many people getting emotionally bent out of shape over a drug? Over a drug most had never even heard of until recently? Because it's politicized, and hence it's one of the top beliefs for Trumpians and consequently many anti-Trump lunatics shill against it just because. If some anti-Trump clown show had promoted it and Trump said he doesn't believe in it, you wouldn't be promoting the drug. The whole discussion around it in the US is irrational, and the fever pitch about it underlines it.
Donald Trump dickriders
>so dig everyone who might be exposed to malaria gets is poison!
Take your meds, Chang.
>Because it's politicized, and hence it's one of the top beliefs for Trumpians
Trump barely mentioned it in passing you total fucking retard. I've known about HCQ as possible treatment to covid since February, but you literally learned about it first when Trump said something about it.
The irony is that you are the one who is part of Trump's cult. Not me.
"The Antimalarial Chloroquine Suppresses LPS-Induced NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation and Confers Protection against Murine Endotoxic Shock"
>In Sweden they've stopped giving it to COVID-19 patients in some hospitals
Anecdotal report is not the same as science you fucking idiot.
Lum will never ever sit on your face
>Trump barely mentioned it in passing
>in passing
He's done it "in passing" so much it's weird.
>you are the one who is part of Trump's cult. Not me.
No doubt.
>gets mad when chloroquine causes severe side effects in "anecdotal" real life medical practice involving treatment of COVID-19 patients
Lol. The funny part is that you don't even have enough maturity / self-awareness to detect your own irrationality. All your brain power is spent on rationalizing your emotional and irrational impulses. Fun times. Enjoy. I'll go fly my Trump cult flag.
Who here has tried Ivermectin?
I got some yummy apple flavor on the way
>I'll go fly my Trump cult flag.
Is this what you call wit you fucking retard? I think I'll trust Didier Raoult over your stupid ass.
Oh, look. Who is at the top of that list?
>self-awareness to detect your own irrationality
I've literally posted 5-6 peer reviewed articles and all you have is an offhand anecdotal report from the media. Who the fuck is being the irrational retard here?
I took chloroquine in 2005 when I went on a trip to Panama as an preemptive malaria treatment. Its harmless. Only weird dreams.
Why are you so mad? Maybe pose that question to yourself and have a long meditation about it.
Yes, you throw a lot of stuff at the wall and most of it is irrelevant to the problems posed by COVID-19. You do it because you need to rationalize your irrational and extremely emotional attachment to the topic, like I said previously. I've pointed it out for you. You can learn from it or not.
>In Sweden they've stopped giving it to COVID-19 patients in some hospitals because of severe negative side effects, but of course you'll only pick and choose anything and everything that fits your Trumpian narrative.
Preach on Markku; you're winning them over!
I'm not a doctor and you obviously are, so can you tell me why every other time you guys talk about cytokine swarms or hyperwhatever it's always about young people dying? Is COVID-19 the first disease to kill with cytokine more old people than young?
>and most of it is irrelevant to the problems posed by COVID-19
No it's not. If you knew anything about covid-19, you would know that everything I posted is relevant.
"The use of the term in infectious disease research began in early 2000 in reports on cytomegalovirus (6), Epstein-Barr virus-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (70), group A streptococcus (15), influenza virus (154), variola virus (71), and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV)"
The fact is, you are a know nothing idiot infected with TDS who is spreading dangerous misinformation. I'm angry because you're stupid and you have a platform.
Side effects after a year of taking daily, look it up and gtfo, side effects of serious corona are fucked lungs or death
No, you're mad because you're immature and emotionally attached to the topic for some reason which of course has nothing to do with Trump or politics.
>everything I posted is relevant.
Claims like this are a part of the apparently incurable irrationality you operate under.
Yet, it is used as a treatment for Malaria and Lupus for what, now, seven decades?
It is necessary to test and experiment, but the preliminary results are promising. It may not even be the solution, but it is a start.