user asked a nurse for feedback on the leaked medical info
BoJo meets criteria for sepsis
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Bump while I get a second opinion
a doctor or nurse? Bumping for this
Fucked if true
Sepsis?! Dang. He's dead. RIP, Boris.
is this Boris Johnson leaked medical report ?
On track for multiple organ failure, sad.
What about that points to sepsis?
>What I meant to say earlier is pneumonia ISNT always an indication for covid it’s just usually associated with it
Correction from her text
he has covid for sure that's already been established
Someone put the numbers here. This the official measure q-SOFA for sepsis. I'm on the phone
What is the source of the initial data?
>it doesn't say what the sputum is positive for
COVID. Here's the original
SaO2 =86%
normal is 98%
he's lungs are closing
Looks like bojo has the genetics for hypercytokinemia.
Bump this is huge, get in here faggots, Boris Johnson is dying !
link? also what proof did he post?
>leaving the EU
what did he mean with this?
Values under 90 percent are considered low.
I posted no proof, just the opinion of my nurse gf
She told you a bunch of stuff in a Yas Forums screenshot didn't make sense. Should tell you something shouldn't it? Something that rhymes with Rake and Bay?
Need his lactic acid level to determine sepsis
So I guess not even traveling across the atlantic and becoming the leader of another country can save you, dying from the kung flu like a true new yorker.
She didn't see the full screenshot that mentioned covid.
Also procalcitonin levels are apparently not elevated for covid
Tomorrow morning: Boris sedated, put on ventilator "as a precaution".
Tomorrow afternoon: Boris given last rites "as a precaution".
Wednesday morning: Boris taken to morgue "as a precaution".
Wednesday afternoon: Boris taken to funeral home "as a precaution".
Wednesday evening: Boris cremated "as a precaution".
Thursday morning: Boris buried in the family plot "as a precaution".
Friday morning: children run over by rugby players adjacent to Boris' grave "as a precaution"
Lymphocyte count, but. But "sepsis" on its own doesn't mean he's going to croak by any means. We know he's sick as fuck already, since he's got COVID and is in the hospital, moving to ICU. His heart rate's a little high, breathing is on the higher side of normal, but his blood pressure isn't low as fuck, so all in all, this isn't some "holy shit" moment. As it is, he's still significantly more likely to pull through than he is to die, or at least nothing here changes that.
When was the last time a 55-year old world leader died of the flu?
hope he chokes to death on his lung excrement. fucking prick probably has a gold plated ventilator.
Lungs are not "closing".
Layman's terms here: the lungs have little sacs that expand and fill with air when you breathe in. These little sacs become filled with thick mucous and can't do their job. Their job is exchanging the oxygen into bloodstream. Thus low O2 Sats.
Source: I'm a nurse.
Need to get that O2 sat up
nice one
Chloroquine and Azi save this fella. God save this fella Boris.
You guys must be fucking retarded if you believe this because someone posted it on Yas Forums
Last night's research session was on FIRE here-we made a SHIT ton of new discoveries riffing off the NYC front line doctor's videos and observations.
Why does HCG work to stop virus replication if used early on in infection? HCG increases the body's acidity-and Wuflu HATES acid!
We did a lot of work on the hypoxia-and if Boris is being treated the standard way, he will die. Which, of course is the fucking plan.
>Frontline Doctor says Wuflu is NOT pneumonia
part 2
The virus attacks haemoglobin, leading to hypoxia (and lung damage as a secondary effect).
It seems that patients should be left on CPAP for as long as possible.
There is a specific genetic mutation for that-pic related. Found this digging today after last night's research session got my almonds tingling.
This virus has a LOT of mysterious "inserts".
CRP is such a waste of a few hundred dollars of a test
Imagine thinking medical advice from someone who has never been in the room with the patient is valid
Yep, appears that main risk factor is genetic.
>Last night's research session
>Last nights circle jerk
Fuck off, no one's buying it.
"out of an abundance of precaution"
get the talking points right
Sa02 should normally be 95-100
Anything under 93 and your lungs are either fucked or your RBC are being stooped from receiving or sending oxygen
Trump next?
whatever point you may have had was immediately invalidated when you started talking like a nigger, user.
>You guys must be fucking retarded if you believe this because someone posted it on Yas Forums
I thought that for many years until Epstein's murder was leaked on Yas Forums.
Trump is protected by god.
If you have sepsis the hospital is the place to be. He will pull through, I'm sure he's getting the best treatment in the world. He's the PM of England
Your lungs are probably already fucked if you have hypoxia retard.
>Muh secret research session.
Let me break it down for you retards circlejerking: if he's in hospital for more than a couple of days then he is dead.
The average shitskin in Marseille has access to the treatment in the world, not the PM of the UK.
But it's sheer genius-not only genes for that-but also, for instance, sickle cell anemia. It looks like the virus constructor inserted things that would be devastating to certain populations but "not obvious".
We were working on the hypoxia theory last night and guess what came up? Pic related.
>Trump is protected by god.
is trump taking low doses of HCQ as a precautionary measure?
I'd love to see the kind of tech they'd use to keep a President alive.
He'd pop some malaria medication and keep on going. The demoshits will obviously try to invoke the 25th amendment.
LOL you cope posters are hysterical. I get that you are mentally unable to comprehend crowd sourced research-and that's OK-not everyone is intelligent enough to cooperate in such intensive work that requires a high level of intelligence and higher order thinking.
We realize fully that many retards are on Yas Forums. They often post angry strawmen nonsense and babble incoherently in the face of any evidence that contradicts their limited understanding of complex processes.
He might be. It works to stop virus replication the same way it does to stop Malaria. It makes the body more acidic and Wuflu loves alkalinity and hates acidity.
Why not ? It's harmless, I would snort that shit between Melania fake tits every morning. I would also sparkle some into Baron's froot loops, you never know.
I'm sure they will give him some. They must be desperate.
Boris 'Herd Immunity' Johnson
Darwin Award 2020
Sent this to my mom who's been a nurse for over 12 years and is currently in oncology as a bone marrow transplant nurse. Will update with what she says.
>COVID-19 grows only within a narrow pH range; ideally 7.38-7.42
Kek, i've seen the Andromeda Strain recently, too.
Boris’s Turkish genes are going to let him down. Say a prayer. He’s a good man.
ITT: people extrapolate from "leaked medical info" that may very well be fake and gay
>leaked medical info
oh shit, is this supposed to be Boris?
do it!
We have 3 nurses and one doc who have chimed in on this now. It seems legit
lel yeah it's almost an exact quote from what I remember, great film
Ah-bro-read the papers. Hydro-quine acidifies the body, acidic bodies are able to stop virus replication. What's so hard to understand?
Nah the Rothschilds had the Queen poach all the best kit and kids for them. They're probably pumping up Boris' lungs with a set of bellows.
I don't dispute their *analysis* of the report, but we have no idea if the report is legit in the first place. All we can say is that it looks plausible and isn't an *obvious* fake.
does methylene blue acidify also?
>Elevated temp
>Increased RR
He meets sepsis protocol. He's also satting low. Dispo: ICU with q1 vitals