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Nothing of value was lost during the holocaust.

>implying the Holocaust happened

Lots of Americans and Europeans died.

The state of Americans

Who is "We" in his sentence.

The casualties of WWII are around 80 millions, i guess the lives of 74 non-jews don't count?

This stupid fucking Jew. There is so much wrong with his data that I can only say he hopefully dies soon.

>we lost 6,000,000 people during the holocaust
where did they go?


This guy keeeps moving goalpost

the jews had a jewish economy during the holocaust?

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Looks like a Chad

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Lmfao is this really real bros?

well he is a jew so...

this guy was also right
say sorry

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it was 17,000,000 if you believe the official numbers. but faggots gypsies and commies dont count

>The holocaust
Is actually a really good argument against jews and pro nazis

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World war 2 shut down the economy for sure. Everything was redirected to the war effort. Wtf is with these idiots?

>Our economy

This can't be real.


>our economy


This post is too stupid to be real.
Link or it didn’t happen faggot

>Our economy
>Remember the 6 gorillion
This post can't be real

Kek this has to be trolling or is he just retarded?

Prove that it happened first, faggot.

Bill "buy the dips" Mitchell

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Funny, just yesterday, I read that it was 11 million.

NICE TRY Yas Forums!

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oy veyy, remember the 6 billion, filthy goys

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Das rite, all poor uncle Hitler wanted is to get rid of the communism by making alliance with communism to invade non-communist nation

Attached: brave germans saving europe from communism.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

wwii saved the economy you baboon

you again (((pole)))?
gonna start whining about 200 gorillion poles who died in warsaw?
poles were aggressors who were tricked by the eternal Anglo. minister beck was a delusional fuck who caused the second world war.

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starve the leeches and the snails, then dd seasonings delicious

Explain to me exactly what you mean by this. How did the Poles start World War II?

In addition, since you're so much of an intellectual, why was the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact signed?

Seems like you're avoiding the actual subject of debate here.

don't culturally appropriate OUR holocaust you fucking POS boomer

This guy is clearly mentally ill

Hitler knew that he was going to be forced into a war with Poland.
the Molotov Ribbentrop pact was signed ,because hitler thought it would cause one fo two outcomes
A: GB and france declare war on both germany and the ussr
B. GB and france do not enter war ,because of soviet involvement.
the western "allies" showed they did not care about Poland when they declared war on only Germany.

committing atrocities against the German minority and refusing to open negotiations for the ceding of the free city of danzig back to Germany.

mind your own fuckign business cunt. im responding to this (((pole))), because i was arguing with him in a thread last night and did not have aces to this infograph due to phone fagging.



America lost nothing durring the Shoah.
In fact many American corperations were involved and made lots of money with no recourse off the concentration camps.

What atrocities?

Tell me exactly what happened to the German minority in Poland.

And while you're on that subject, tell me about the German minorities in Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Yugoslavia, and Greece too. Oh wait.



America is basically just a giant jewish colony at this point, so he's right. Or well, it would be more appropriate if he said "our masters lost 6bazillion people".

He’s an Australian

There are up to 10 million jews in the US. That's like 3% of the population any yet they have so much fucking power. Probably 90% of them work either in the government, financial or entertainment industry sector. Fucking hell.

If I'm reading this tweet right he wants to use coronavirus patients as slave labor in the camps. He's more brutal than I thought.

I didn't know WWII took place on the USA's territory...


lets talk about the second part fo the question first. chezoslovakia was an unstable state made up of many different ethnic groups including 3.2 million Germans. WHen the slovakians declared indepdencance the germans invaded the czech side ,because President Emil Hacha requested the rtest of czehcoislovakia to be annexed,because of the independance of slovakia forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?t=9569. now lets look at. Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Yugoslavia, and Greece. Germany never intended to annex any of these countries denmark and norway were occupied to prevent the british from blockading Germany, the Netherlands ,Luxembourg, and Belgium were invaded to get into France without crossing the Maginot, Yugoslavia was invaded ,because the pro axis government was overthrown and the allies were attempting to sue Yugoslavia as a beachhead for moving troops into mainland Europe.greece was the only that might have been annexed, not by germany ,but italy,which was not Hitler's fault he had to help his ally.we know these territories would not be annexed,because in every peace offer offered from 1939-1945 stiuplated that danzig would be ceded to germany and slovakia would remain under german occupation , and Germany would no longer have to pay reparation for ww1, the offers stipulated that the rest of the occupied land would return to their original owners.

>implying Germany's economy is our economy

dude what

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That's not what the word "facism" means. Facism is the opposite of libertarianism. Fascism is the belief that the state should control of certain aspect of the lives of the citizenry to prevent them from making bad decisions. Whoever wrote your essay is a retard who doesn't know what he is talking about.

FYI anyone who supports tobacco control laws, drug control laws or firearm control laws is supporting fascistic policies.

I just realised the holocaust and coronavirus have a lot in common, both killed people who had no value, both are a hoax and both ruined our timeline, who would have guessed this

the murder of 5500 Germans . forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?t=7525

also heres a funny quote i found "Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it even if she wants to."
- Polish Marshal Rydz-Smigly as reported in the Daily Mail, August 6th, 1939)"

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He's admitting that only Jews are people. The 70+ million goyim that died were just nigger cattle.

Can't argue with this