they never truly integrate into western societies. either they self segregate in their local enclaves or become anti social and resentful towards their host country. multiculturalism doesnt work. end of.
Asians are not model minorities
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This is true cope. They work STEM jobs and earn +$100k a year while you sit on your fatass all day NEETing off your parents or working at McDonald's like a sad Millennial loser.
Asians are tolerable but only because all the other non whites set the bar so low
generally idk. i honestly don't like them. just because they're miles ahead of non whites doesn't mean they're actually good
What is model minority supposed to even mean if all multiculturalism is degenerate? They're not actively public nuisances like niggers but they still undermine the ethnic interests of the host people
Virginal cope
One of the most successful brainwashing campaigns of the 20th century.
Baizouism was probably more successful. Westerners litterally destroying their future for fake virtue points.
Depends on the Asian. I see a lot of Asians in middle/upper-middle class areas that are of better ilk than spics.
So is Yang right? Should Asian Americans prove their Americanness?
asian americans contribute a lot unfortunately they are all cucks that vote against their own interests literally all asians vote dem which then ban asians from jobs and and school based on affirmative action
Is this Negative XP? They all look alike
I think there is a difference between multi culturalism and bhaizouism.
I think multi culturalism and tolerance are fine.
I dunno from my experiences with all kinds of differnt FOB's and 3 generation+ asian americans they really aren't all that different from whites on the scale of total dude bros to total douche bags... some can be super extroverted chatty people that just like to chum it up and others that are total autismo that never speak a word, not really all that different from other non-negro races.
The women are a different story, I am certain that they have psychic powers in their pussies because once you fuck an asian lady THEY ALL KNOW you're an asian lady fucker, they've got radar for white cock or something because once you get within 30 ft. of them they disengage their default "sentry mode" and switch over to "semen seek and acquire" hunter mode where they lock eyes on you and start sizing you up like a terminator robot, I figure they're making an assessment of your physical attributes and then coming to a decision if immediate extraction of your semen into their wombs is necessary or not. Fucking real life gene stealers man, gives me the spooks.
asian man here.
we work our asses off in higher education, work hard at our jobs, save and invest our money. lets compare that to white men:
white men:
>ignore university and higher education
>get shitty trade jobs because they are risk averse and don't care about investing in their future
>get the minimum necessary income to afford a modest lifestyle
>waste time on pointless hobbies like video games or watching niggers play handegg
>never invest in real investments like stocks and real estate. instead they invest in bullshit like cars and crypto.
>get in a shitload of debt with (((VISA))) and (((mastercard)))
>marry borderline retarded white women who fuck niggers and are terrible mothers just because they have blue eyes and nice tits.
>raise one or two stupid useless white children and hamper them even further with (((christianity)))
then the cycle repeats itself and the next generation of whites are even dumber and more pathetic than the last. i give it 80 years tops and the white race will be virtually extinct. once whites are out of the way asians can begin cleansing this planet of black and brown filth. i cant wait.
If you didn’t gib those jobs to ccp china nationals your country would be better off.
Shooter is my homeboy. Lay the fuck off.
shooter should stop boozing so hard
cope more incel. who do you think is holding everything together in the world? asians? lol. gimme a break
> t. asian man
Your conflating personal success with racial (sic; sociatal) success.
Youre not as smart as you think. It is decent bait though
I've never met a conservative Asian before. If I showed them videos of niggers attacking Asians, they would probably make excuses for the nigger's actions and then continue to vote democrat.
Das rayciss
By Third generation white American and Asian American culture is the fucking same. You ever game online? You can instantly tell whose a nigger but a fully assimilated Asian dude sounds white. They are also rarely blue pilled that's an Asian woman specific feature.
True, just read what they write on r/aznidentity. You don't hear other minorities acting so passive aggressive.
Asian males have the closest to the white American male experience of any minority in the US. Plenty are conservative.
Regarding Chinese "immigrants", they never intended to "integrate." They are here to spy and send information back home to the Motherland. They are colonists. They know that they will be taking over eventually, this is why they segregate. Whites are extinct and Chinese are going to take back North and South America because, according to them, their descendants already live there and it is their destiny to take over.
Us conservative Asians are the least likely to discuss our politics openly out of any demographic for various reasons. You've probably only met zoomers but zoomers are pozzed in general
Chink-changs are absolute shit-tier but I have known a fuckload of Vietnamese and Koreans who were based. They identified as American first, held to conservative, family-based ideals, and assimilated/contributed to the community.
im a korean neet
This, Asians are a fifth column that are sabotaging the west from within
At least blacks integrate
>dis nigga never heard of roof Koreans
we get it, you have never met a nigger in your life
What the fuck, do they mark your dick with a pheromone or something?
I hate them all , they’ve ruined my country
I'd integrate with you guys
BLACK MALES integrate into Asian Bois mostly these days.
That's only the CCP chinks and their sort though.
Niggers and spics also sabotage the West by draining revenue through gibs, crime, getting locked up in prison off taxpayers, etc.
It's no surprise, White males are Middle Eastern women's clay.
>ignore university and higher education
>shitty trade jobs
>never invest in stocks and real estate
>marry retarded white women who fuck niggers
mutts law
my experience is quite opposite asian chicks love me
They are into BLACK FEMALES now. Sorry.
i went to high school with this guy he's not an incel lmao he had a white gf. She was pretty ugly and weird but he's not an incel
The BLACK FEMALE is more masculine than the Asian boi. The Asian boi is less masculine than the BLACK FEMALE.
It all makes sense.
As an NYCfag it's worse than most people realize. Does it matter if they're studying in STEM programs when they stand in large groups at the top of escalators? Block entryways to virtually every room/building? Bump into eachother nonstop and literally scream at eachother in public places? Spitting/pissing on the ground? Having no understanding of please/thank you? These aren't particularly scummy people either, these are 20-somethings wearing $5000 outfits and living in $2mil apartments. Ironically the most polite and well-behaved Chinese I interact with are the more working class ones from areas like Flushing. But behavior/materialism like this can be seen everywhere from SoHo to community colleges. They may seem desirable on a statistical level but can make daily actions like WALKING anywhere absolute hell.
The truthpill.
shooter is based.
>we work our asses off in higher education
all he needs to do to drown in pussy is join a kpop community
If you base your opinions off twitter and Reddit you're an NPC
true dat
Which is formed by BLACK MALES. You can run, but you can't outrun the BBC.
That must be a korean
When these people are looking at a neighborhood with the thought of renting an apartment or buying a house and moving into the area, they don’t judge their prospective neighbors on the basis of whether their names are Chung Lung Fu and Abraham Goldberg or Bill Smith and Earl Turner; they judge instead on how much their neighbors paid for their homes and how well they keep them up. They’d rather live next to an Abe Goldberg or a Rastus Brown with a nicely waxed, new BMW in the driveway than next to a Bill Smith with a 10 year-old Ford.
They do not embrace a race. They embrace only themselves. When they choose neighbors or co-workers or business partners — or marital partners — they do so solely on the basis of what pleases them at the moment. A Chinese neighbor is just as good as a White neighbor of the same socioeconomic status. A Jewish co-worker or colleague is just as good as an Aryan co-worker.
And they really think they’re smart. Not only do they avoid the stigma of “racism,” but by shedding all responsibility to anyone but themselves they believe they gain an advantage over suckers like me who are burdened with responsibility to my people, to my forefathers, to my descendants, and so on.
Let me tell you: this rootless individualism is not a “smart” way of relating to the world. It is an infantile way. The rootless individualist doesn’t realize it, but he really is all alone out there. The other people that he is competing with — the Jews, the non-Whites, the feminists, the homosexuals — think of themselves as members of groups. They think collectively. They collaborate. Their aim is to disarm and destroy us — collectively. And they’re doing it.
Globohomo does that more than anyone else. Most Asians are not anti-white and lots of us are actually pro-white.
Chinese NEET on welfare here
das racis, you racis
pretty true. most who live here only speak their own language 2 gens later. they all live together in places like k-town so they get away with never learning english when they move here.
still, they don't cause crime so by default they're better than spics muzzies and nigs.
That IS a model minority dude. You literally cannot expect anything better. It's still cancer because multiracial society is an oxymoron and multicultural society isn't much better.
Arabs and Turks are better tho.
chinese are the scum of the earth, but that' sjust chinese, not other asians. everyone universally hates chinks. chinese are filthy animals.