First man to try-out for WNBA.

Attached: man-basketball.jpg (778x632, 97.16K)

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Awesome! She'll also be the first mentally-ill person to try out as well!

what's her name?
she's beautiful


Title should be first openly trans person to qualify for the WNBA

He's built like a fridge

Attached: k_ward.jpg (683x1024, 117.14K)

Built for BBC

The (Eternal) Mediocre White Male has literally shapeshifted to infiltrate and takeover female and minority spaces. We can't allow this to happen.

Wait, your telling me thats a man

10/10 would smash this mentally-ill person

Hahaha, you know that isn't true.


Is this another try-out in the same fashion as the woman who tried out to be an NFL kicker and kicked the ball ~12 yards?

You mean built for BBC right?


Imagine just easing your tight puckered asshole onto her thick cock while the other basketball women watch.

at least try out for the entertaining league

Can't hide that five o'clock shadow, can you Kyle?

couldn't cut it with the boys so cuts off penis

can he dunk?

Yeah there's plenty of bulldykes already

They're just ripping off movies now.

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Hope that faggot kills himself like most of those other fucking freaks

So a Tranny THOT is trying to get into "professional sports"?

This is how these men think of women. And women accept it because it's part of our culture.

I'm beginning to agree with most of pol that giving women rights was a fucking mistake towards society.

Also, wasn't this the plot of Jawanaman?

Faggots. You both are so pathetic I bet that in person you can just smell the desperation that comes off you

YIKES. Almost passable in OP's pics.

I hope the men take over all women's sports and dominate. Then we'll see what all the progressive women say.

Still looks like a mentally ill man. This madness has to stop, for fuck's sake.

Best of luck to him, I look forward to the end of Title IX and women's sports in general

>Imagine just easing your tight puckered asshole onto her thick cock while the other basketball women watch.

you mean a man wants to play against real women?
Just like the caught rapist that declared himself a woman and got put in woman prison, only to go to a raping spree?

Built for BBC --

Imagine this is all a scheme to fuck female basketball players.

>First man to try-out for WNBA.


Mentally ill faggots.

nobody's watching WNBA as it is, if they start in with trannies its going to be unironic (meat) curtains for the league

When LeBron James starts to decline, he should pull a Kris Jenner and start dominating WNBA. People might actually watch the games as he scores 50+ every game


Why are you posting 5 year old bait?
That didn't come out right.

>actually looks better than 99.9% of WNBA players

Interesting. Unfortunately that means probably wwwwwwaaaaaaaaay less testosterone.

literally built for bbc


>goes to hospital to fix his wound infection
>gets coof'ed
>dead 1 week later
lol from 41 to 100%

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If he pulls it off I'm all for it.

Good at hod carrying I reckon. Big shoulders.

Zhe cute.

Feminine benis?

He's built like a man

>life saving tranny surgery
>life saving
>tranny surgery

Attached: deathlaugh.gif (360x270, 1.63M)

White men can't jump
White women though...

Beat me to the obligatory juwana mann reference.

Someone post that australian mutant tranny DUNKIN ON WOMEN in a handball game

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

>gender is a construct
>unintentionally admit that's a lie through language by having trans woman in your vocabulary


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A reversal of gender in this case, meaning he's very likely to make it into the WNBA(if allowed), and probably thrive against the female athletes.

I had no idea this existed. Thanks for the lol. I'm gonna add this to the list of movies they won't remake.

I’d let her pound my sand
Hole my donut
Water my backdoor
Tickle my tripe
Devour my pizza
If you get my drift


Holy Shit That look on its face is creeepy as fuck
Also man hands

OP made me think "he's hot" which is a strange thought. Then I saw this. Never mind, no longer confused bonnet, just soft and scared PP

Looks more feminine than real WNBA players

man of culture

is that reality winnner?

this person has clearly never met a lesbian in their entire life

dykes are nuts

Bro WHAT is that FACE

Why don't these trannies ever try to dominate men's sports

As a tranny, I don't understand trans women who want to compete in women's sports. It just emphasises that you're different and the cis women probably hate you. I'd find that uncomfortable

I never liked sports much anyway, even at school. The only thing I enjoyed about gym class was being bullied in the changing room lmao

Isn't a world where women are born as men a bit strange to you?

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wow, are they finally going to have real dunks?

It's almost like there's some algorithm that triggers this shit.


Post mantits or GTFO

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It puts the lotion ON ITS SKIN


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The proof of gender inequality is that the opposite of this situation cannot and will not ever happen.
A female to male trans would never make it in the actual NBA. Although I must admit that such a spectable would be quite amusing.

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based mentally ill trannies dabbing on female athletes

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>nobody's watching WNBA as it is
Which is why the WNBA will let her in. The freak show might draw a crowd.

Cracker ass cracker

good. maybe he can actually dunk

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You're seeing the difference in introverted behavior and extroverted. Introverts consider everything they have ever learned or done, when doing anything. Extroverts only consider their physical senses. The thought you correctly came to is something that the extrovert doesn't even consider a possibility.


God bless America

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I need a video of this. You tube is showing a list of all of these "phenomenal" "women" kickers, which are obviously fake.


Also who says white men cant jump?

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