What happens to the UK government after he dies?
What happens to the UK government after he dies?
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94% of those who needed moved to ICU, died. thats an official stat.
sticky icky
brexit gets cancelled, and globalism wins.
queen takes over an declares war on china
They're killing him
It's just a (deadly) flu, bro! His death will make the UK stronger. #herdimmunity
Corona-chan separates the weak from the strong.
we shall see which he is. i would have thought strong, but..
PM killed by the corona, there's a plot twist i didn't see coming.
Probably some people getting revenge on him for leavng the EU.
This was a precautionary measure because he is the leader.
He recovers but suffers brain damage and becomes a bleeding heart lib
Globalist are assassinating him with plausable deniability
bet he wished he closed the borders sooner. haha herd immunity
Lol Americans don’t understand numbers, you pull any stat out your ass.
imagine being a Tory now putting your life in the hands of these people after shitting on nurses, doctor and pencil necked trust managers.
Brexit canceled
Remember - the survival rate for someone on a vent is 10%.
At this point it’s probably 1 in 10 he makes it.
Unless they give him some hydroxychloroquine
Always was a lib, clearly you don't under British politics.
And then get nuked kek
A literal Jew runs the UK
He's only in the hospital to take sone tests, relax
Torys replace him. We vote for the party rather than the leader.
Just In: Jeremy Corbyn takes over as acting prime minister
All according to plan
a half jewish (((anglican))) you mean!
Dominic Raab to take over...
>For most people, the virus causes mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough that clear up in two to three weeks.
The era of the chad begins.
Don't be absurd user, I'm in Whitehall now, there are no fucking patriots in positions of power, there hasn't been for decades.
THIS IS A COUP being launched by a faction inside the Home office and Civil service. He was deliberately infected with the lethal strain.
This is our new PM
Jeremy Corbyn isn't the leader of labour. thick cunt
>Globalist are assassinating him with plausable deniability
What happens to the deep state after Hillary dies?
cant wait for him to thump Xi in the chins
It's all another Russian hack job, first they steal the presidency from Hillary, now they pretend Boris is in ICU.
>thinks boris is in an NHS hospital
He might've been right without knowing it.
he is, dull cunt
what was the original post?
Guaranteed this is not from corona. Someone poisoned him while he was in hospital and they’ll use the news of his death to scare the masses even further.
The ruling party quickly appoints an interim PM, and then the ruling party holds an internal election for a permanent PM. Same thing that happened to get Boris into power in the first place, except the interim PM won't be the person stepping down this time.
if he dies, china will have assassinated the leader of a western contry, casus belli or what? if it was putin, russian nukes would have already landed in beijing 2 minutes agao
This would have to be the biggest cloak and dagger routine of all time if true.
NHS will kill him!
Deputy Prime Minister now becomes the PM
Fuck, I genuinely like Bojo. I hope he pulls through. If he dies, the blood is on Xi's hands
Why are all these threads getting deleted? I've seen three of them pruned in like the last 5 minutes
Bootyjudge fills in
>some people getting revenge on him
Proof? Gonna need pics or video.
I genuinely wouldn't put it past globalists intentionally killing Boris for Brexit.
Globalism is their plan and they're not gonna let anyone get in their way. Freedom of choice is just an illusion.
a picture of your mom with the milkman.
If we purge the weak we'd be stronger overall.
Boris Johnson was elected to deliver brexit, they have now taken him out of the picture and the tories have powers to push through what they want
Someone saying not to worry, that Patriots were now in control. I'm hearing that globalists inside the Home Office and Civil Service are already in charge.
>What happens to the UK government after he dies?
That put a puppet in place that will get them back into the EU and the NWO rolls on
boris is a globalist.
Because this is the sticky?
Sticky at the top of the catalog:
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>I genuinely wouldn't put it past globalists intentionally killing Boris for Brexit.
I'm with you on this, I personally believe they infected him to kill him.
Time will tell after he dies if we're right
Nah. He's a bottom.
The bongs have more nukes than chinks. Shocking i know, but look it up
Temporary the Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab fills in for him until the Conservative party elect a new leader of the party.
Is he a shitskin?
There are many factions involved, you have to remember that national governments are just middle management, bureaucrats who take orders from higher up, there is always a scramble to sieze the reigns, within parties and even within government departments. Boris is a Globalist in the sense he has assured those upstairs that he's fully on board with their project, but others around him would rather be in the driving seat and this is their chance to try their brand of globalism. No Boris no Brexit.
>Mr. user, we have a recent list of your Yas Forums postings here
>I'm afraid we cannot treat you, you racist!
cant be, hes too thicc
Funny how Boris gets fucked so easily by corona chan yet the CHAD Prince Charles recovered with ease. God save the royal family.
I would love to see the UK retaliate against china for this but truth be told I think the globalists exposed him to kill him over brexit.
>after he dies
Now now he's not certain to die...welp he's gonna die isnt he, muh Brexit!
The UK will get another useless unelected PM, instead of a woman like last time they will get a paki
Fuck I hate this word
The Queen dissolves Parliament and rules by decree, setting the foundation of a new Brittannic Empire that will last for the next thousand years,
>implying he isn't a globalist
>implying he isn't the Rothschilds favourite toy
>implying he will even use Brexit to limit immigration and not just import even more from Africa and Asia
He's gonna die, recovery from ICU for this is virtually non existent and he's fat so that's working against him
When the UK is ashes you have my permission to die
Lel no one gets taken to ICU just for precaution.
Globalism is dead anyways. If anything it buys the EU time
>The second post calling him a globalist
LMFAO the absolute state of shills right now, trying to throw the normies off the trail.
>BoJo catches lung aids
>moved to ICU
>takes hydroxychloroquine
>makes miraculous recovery
>lefties BTFO
Let’s make it happen, Yas Forums
>Globalism is dead anyways.
Oh sweet summer child, you are so fucking stupid.
Catch the fuck up kid, there are two strains, one lethal, the other is much less dangerous but close enough to ensure immunity from the second.
Charles would have deliberately been infected with the weaker strain by request, Boris however has been deliberately infected with the lethal strain, the strain that kills 85%
>what happens
probably more fucking news about that princess megan shit coming back UK and 6 months of paparazzi crowding the streets again obsessing over what she is wearing. Corona cancelled folks, we have Megan headlines again. Someone call ABC News.
If it were 2010, and David Cameron died, would Nick Clegg have become PM?
Charles will be emperor-apparent, under the regency of Prince Phillip, until he comes of age.
Scary, please stay in doors anons.
Anyone that thinks Boris death is gonna be by chance is literally fooling themselves and blue pilled as fuck
Absolutely HOWLING at all in this thread who unironically believe Boris is le one of us xD
He's as globalist as they come ffs. He did not champion Brexit because he wants to curb immigration, he rode it as an electoral wave to achieve election. The Tories hijacked Brexit because they realised all the other parties were ignoring this huge electoral bloc. The globalism will not slow down due to Brexit. They will simply import in huge numbers from Commonwealth nations. I was and still am a Leave supporter by the way, but Boris is a deep state pawn.
Who says he is even very sick?
They "move him to the ICU" why? Because he did two coofs an hour instead of one?
Probably a publicity ploy so he can appear before cameras in a few days, seemingly Resurrected from Near Death, and walking with a halo like Ronald Reagan.
Bumping for Boris. That old bugger still has work to do.
is there any conspiracy theory you qboomers won't readily accept with zero evidence?
You're a fucking idiot and it depresses me I share a flag with you
I wonder if there are now more layers to the Queen’s televised broadcast yesterday. I havent caught up on Queen conspiracies in awhile.
China covided Boris. I wonder what he thought about his herd immunity ideas from a couple of weeks back right before he went on the ventilator and was likely put in a medically induced coma.
Your mum's a minger, but I'd still slam her after a few beers, lad.
Thing is the law boris put in placed was that we are to leave on that date regardless of circumstance. Taking out boris wouldn't do anything, unless the law was revoked by others but even we don't have the timescale to do that by normal proceedure
Brexit over
Well he didnt control borders even when it meant a virus could come in and kill him personally.
>believes corporate media and world governments
>thinks they are honest and for the first time in world history wants to help you
The herd will get a new sheep.
it's just a flu bro
>boris johnson catches the me so hoarsey me lung flu long time
>faggot leftist nhs worker gives him an overdose or pulls plug on ventilator
Jewish Nirvana. The complete freedom to drink and inbreed without the EU looking over their shoulder.
lend Boris your energy bros
You have a point. From the denial point of view it could be a ruse after which the NHS will be elevated to literal angel status.
Bro, this is a globalist move. It's so telegraphed you'd have to be completely asleep to miss it.
I am telling you this is on purpose and it's to get you back into the EU.
You can believe what you want but nothing is out of those people's power.
They are mad about brexit and they are mad about Trump.
People who claim that globalist movement is dead are paid shills by the NWO.
Don't drink the Koolaid
Incisive analysis how many fingers did you use to type it?