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The free market is our strength, this is clearly worth it to ensure that we get cheap consumer goods by outsourcing all of our industry.
Last I checked anyone can manufacture it.
good thing it doesn't work and Trump is a dumb dumb, r-right?
n-no, we need stupid shitskins to do it for us because (((white people))) dont wanna do icky real work!
Good, now we can accelerate bringing precursors and the medications back here to America faster
Oh no, how are we ever going to get Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Chlorine?!
Read the fucking picture retard.
We cure ours first, as simple as that.
OP is a faggot
Good thing the drugs are fucking useless
Globalism eternally BTFO.
This is a business opportunity for some nation in the West to manufacture it and get rich.
>not already having a supply of this since January when the South Koreans began treating people with it and before Trump said it was promising, causing the entire loony left to simultaneously kvetch as hard as possible.
Oh boy
can't say i blame ya poo
funny how they're now starting to rally behind it once they realized it was their voter base dying out.
Almost like things didn't turn out as planned
So we fuck their shit up and take the chemicals
>free market.
So if (((they))) can’t stop its use, they’ll pull strings to constrict supply so they can still get their shekels...
We have. It’s a chemical we can also produce, not some magical plant that only grows in Poland. You think we have no experience with producing Chemicals? My neighbor growing up was a chemist.
it's effective when administered before the virus has already pwned your red blood cells faggot
>Trump touted
It was doctors who came up with it actually.
Just to let you anons know that the entirety of OP's post is a lie. Hydroxicloroquine is a generic medication which is extremely easy to make. Nothing of OP makes sense
Fuck this means we leafs are fucked. First the they come here and take our jobs and give us diarrhea inducing food and maniac cab drivers and now they keep the HCQ for themselves. These people are fucking evil. I'm going to go to surrey and start shitting in the streets.
poocrew taking the lead
It’s funny that the virus might kill enough democrats to give Trump a nice cushion in some swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan.
We don’t even need to do that. We can produce the chemicals used to make the drug ourselves
Opposition by Fauci
And just like that, the poos go back to being a fourth world shithole. Expected though, they act like the chinks when it comes to respecting IP.
Pretty sure Teva pledged 6M (seriously) to the US earlier this month, and some other manufacturer pledged 35M or so. We’re good.
Based Leaf
Lmao oh no a basic bitch drug, what are we ever gonna do with all these biopharma companies guys?
Almost 90% of the raw ingredients for our pharmaceuticals including antibiotics are manufactured in foreign countries. Thanks boomers.
Why are all Indian names pronounced like the sound of crumpling paper?
>My neighbor growing up was a chemist.
My soon to be girlfriend's son's trans boy scout troop leader is a chemist. This user is correct.
Looks someone needs some freedom.
Oh by the way, we're facing the shortages of paracetamol as well. In France, one pack per person if you don't have a prescription.
Literally just Quinine
Fuckin Pajeet always fuckin us like the Chinese.
>Reading tweets for information
>Doesn't read the published scientific papers for information
yeah they're only useful for people with lupus, who now are not able to get treatment, which makes this shit doubly ridiculous
TEVA is the manudacturer from the last time I took it in zpak form.
TEVA is Isralei. Theyre our greatest ally
Chemo doesn't help terminal patients. Not not prescribing chemo anymore.
hahaha Plumpf is going to have a hissy fit!!!
>muh hopeless basket cases aren't miraculously saved by too-late administration of chloroquine
kill yourself you retarded faggot
>gf’s son
Don’t do it, user
The way of the cuck is not for you.
seems like the virus requires humanity to create a world government, otherwise such cooperation problems end lead to less than optimal outcomes
golbergstein was right
Anyone that offshored industries necessary for our national security should be executed for treason.
Proof that colonialism is right, get this shit to people who matter.
the first world can afford to self isolate till we get more made
meanwhile India.........
they really fucking need it
Literally useless medication, never understood why it's so widespread. If your pain is mild enough to be alleviated by Tylenol, you're not really in pain.
Lol based India.
>no true free market.
Im with the mountain kike this time. Lets create a world gov, get our annual vaccinations and destroy all guns.
>it's effective when administered before the virus has already pwned your red blood cells faggot
>A medicine is effective only if you take it before you die
Thanks, user
>it's been debunked by SCIENCE!!
so how do you explain the hundreds of patients that recovered due to chloroquine? How do you "refute" doctors using it and having success?
>b-b-but there's no clinical trials
Seriously nigger? Clinical trials take a long time to complete, even during a pandemic. Youre just using opposition to chloroquine as a way to spite Trump. Youre that pathetic
Same. This 5G tower outside of my house has made me think realy differently about globalism overall, actually sounds like a good thing
Modi already back tracked. I don’t blame you poo’s for trying but when BAC wants some meds shrimpy poo’s have to obey.
>Trump: Modi, what the heck? I thought we were cool?
>Modi: We ARE cool, Trump! Don't worry! The ban doesn't apply to you!
>Trump: We should be helping each other out! Neither of us are on great terms with China! Remember that, Modi!
>Modi: Yes, I remember, Trump!
>Last I checked anyone can manufacture it.
good luck planting quinine
Haven't seen Tylenol or whatever is the generic name sold here. It's either paracetamol if you have flu and fever or ibuprofen if it's generic pain.
if it wasn't supposed to work, why is this important?
Thats a great text jpg.
Need a name for the left that does this.
Its not the same as libertarianism we call it cultural marxism or white genocide. But it needs a rebranding since those words have neen maligned.
What word rehabilitates it.
>It doesnt matter if the traditions of the west die out as long as we are multi racial
>it doesnt matter if europe becomes islamicized
>it doesnt matter if china colonizes the anglosphere in africa
>because no one can call me racist!
Libertarianism is such a dumb philosophy, but biazousim is litterally the most prevelent ideology in the west
We're fucked then unless we agree to let our daughters marry Jared Kushner
Do you think Trump traded them toilets for it so they won't need to shit in the streets anymore?
everyone already knew this would happen. don't worry though we'll just bring 'freedom to india' in short order
Best bros confirmed
>abuse your fucking poor liver with 43810 drinks a night while riding the cock carousel and getting impregnated by niggers while doing heroine
The brand is irrelevant. It's a useless and harmful drug that causes liver damage in exchange for almost imperceptibly mild analgesia. I've never seen anyone other than women with headaches take it. Ibuprofen is equally worthless, at least ASA has cardioprotective qualities