Name one thing produced by non-Europeans in the entirety of human history that is as majestic as this

Name one thing produced by non-Europeans in the entirety of human history that is as majestic as this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Taj Mahal, Chinese Wall... Maya temples… angkor watt



Didn't see the KrautCuck's reply...nothing compares.

>coping replies incoming

bongs are inbred and ugly and pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

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In America, the landfills look like your picture. We have hundreds of them.

Yas Forums

Uh pretty much everything in the scheme of things. Europe was a backwater until 500 years ago.

What the fuck is wrong with that one? She looks almost gray.

No they aren't. Those are some 40 somethings from New Jersey. NJ fucking sucks.

>Taj Mahal,
one of the shittiest monuments in the world, its absolutely tiny and really poorly made, surrounded by literal shitting fields I am not kidding

>Chinese Wall...
it doesnt look that good but it wasnt made to look that good

>Maya temples…
pretty shit, the aztec ones are better

> angkor watt
sure if you like chtulu as your head architect

I would say a few japanese castles

Because a wall made of "human" landfill is majestic. You need to go back

i really wish i lived there.

Giza pyramids, moai statues, sphinx, hanging gardens of babylon

Would be nice if hanging garden of babylon still existed.

imagine being so tasteless to confuse "majestic" with "colossal". all the monuments you mentioned are nothing but hyuuuge. kys.


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>Taj Mahal
>Chinese Wall
>Maya temples
>angkor watt
Maybe but most likely no
None of these except the Taj Mahal are functional as anything but tourist attactions.

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All of these, The wall in China, The Temple in India and angkor watt are build by Indo european tribes. China is Indo european. The first People in Amerika where Africans but after that it was mostly european. Nazis did a great amound of research in India to find out about their european roots Just like in Iran.

Here we see how retarded the typical Yas Forums shill is about architecture just one of many subjects no one here seems to have the triple-digit IQ required to understand

>piles of stones stacked on top of each other with the most basic shapes for stability


>flying buttresses, vaulted ceilings, arched steeples, statuary, stained glass, actual brick work

Indo europeans. The nazi's said they where arian

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the meds
take them

>Taj Mahal
Kek, it's not even the best thing from India, never mind the world. I'd say this is one of the best things from there- a temple carved in a mountain. But OP's picture is better that this.

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Does it have a Starbuck's?

That thing was completed in 1523 and it's nowhere near the oldest church even in France.

The taj mahal was made by muslims

>tourist attactions
mont saint michel

it's shit, Middle East and Far East architectures have better aesthetics

>Dutch education

Angkor wat is in southeast asia

Europe was a backwater until it created the entire modern world and gave us hope of expanding unto the stars and potential immortality for our species? What a bunch of retards

Yeah except for the fact that the tan mahal was built in the 1600s and at that time there were no more aryans

First place in almost all categories in FBI crime statistic

>None of these except the Taj Mahal are functional as anything but tourist attactions.
Taj Mahal is literally a mausoleum. Unless you plan on being buried there I wouldn't consider it functional either.

>China is Indo european
>The first People in Amerika where Africans
Nice bait.

Majestic is the wrong word. It's just very European.

How does it compare with the Pyramids in scale, OP? You need to understand, most of the Wonders in are destroyed by time while that castle is recent and/or reconstructed

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>"human" landfill
it's really kino

I think it's just bait. He said Africans were the first into America and Chinese were Indo-European.

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>mont saint michel just a tourist attraction
Pretty much but fwiw the monastery is still active and the surrounding village keeps it watered and fed.

>Europe was a backwater until 500 years ago.
Not really.

That's very easy to be honest, there's a shit ton to name, especially in the Middle East, also if you don't consider Turkey European (which I don't) I'll say the Hagia Sophia but before the Venetians/French barbarians and the Turk barbarians destroyed it of course

You should have used Hadrian's Villa as example, it's literally impossible to make something even close to it nowadays, we simply don't have anyone that rich alive.

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>retarded unintellectual comment
>gee I wonder which flag this post will have

>. Europe was a backwater until 500 years ago.
t. historically illiterate retard

The Pentagon is really based despite having a bland looking exterior.

>Eiffel tower
big shitty iron tower

>hanging gardens of babylon

>Mosques of Sahel
>Mosque of Djenne
>Mausoleum of Agostinho Neto
>Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court

The Hagia Sofia was built by Eastern Romans. Not white also, of course, but not T*rks.

You don't like the look of old style ironwork? I think it looks cool.

The olmecs found the new world befor anyone els

this piece of ass

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Yas Forums btfo

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Brazilian Bundas

France, I beg of you. Please reinstate the House of Bourbon and destroy your government.

>Orthodox Byzantine

>not a retard

Also the reply everyone is ignoring because I'm right: Using slaves to pile stones on each other until they get a couple hundred feet high, or using Persian scholars to copy Roman dome and pillar techniques, is not on the same level as inventing new architectural techniques that took hundreds of years to even implement

And what race were they?

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the moon

The Olmecs were a bunch of fat-faced niggers. I've never met an Olmec that I liked, truly awful people. Disgusting!

it looks better at night
almost romantic

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Not Macedonian.

Potala Palace and Himeji Castle come to mind (although they are still not as intricate).

But tibetians and japanese are basically honorary whites so

Who cleanse there toilets and offices?

I've been here it's super sick


>Mosque of Djenne
>A fucking sandcastle


Why are people impressed by the pyramids? They are heaps of stones. I think people that think the pyramids are something special are people that have never done anything practical in their lives.
They would be impressive if the pointy end was at the bottom but they are the most simple thing that it is possible to build.


lel you posted more examples of FRENCH buildings and architecture without probably even knowing

And again, these mud and stick towers that barely scrape 100 feet have nothing on vaulted ceilings and flying buttresses in buildings nearly 4-500 feet high

>taj mahal
>wall of china
no way
>maya temples
not a chance
>ankor watt


I didn't say that. You're saying they weren't white, so i'm just asking...



Imagine the smell


Fuck off retard. Take your pseudoscience back to


>Roman Empire

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feast your eyes on this great architecture

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agreed desu.
Maybe it's just too many movies, but I can't help but imagine how many people's stories are going on there, all grouped together. Surely, like all life, many are probably very mundane, but it would surely be different in a way.

Just saw this on a travel show recently, cool thing is before they built the road you had to run there on sand before the tides came and swept you away.

what about this one?

Attached: africa2.jpg (800x532, 76.8K)

That’s pretty but doesn’t compare to the arresting majesty of picrelated

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Yas Forums

See the little guy?

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Roman and Greek, mostly.

Nice sandcastle nigger.

>Mosques of Sahel
>Mosque of Djenne
>Mausoleum of Agostinho Neto

kek wtf


Indispensable for religious victory

>it's not stone or metal so it's not architecture!!!

cringe-tier take

None of what I posted was built by the French, but do keep coping

Large =/= majestic

Lol africa
>Lets build these walls and incase ourselves.
What were they thinking???

Honestly makes me sad it's so shit.
India has a ton of really cool architecture.

looks like a cheap carnival

>imagine being proud of this trash

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None of those are even aesthetic or impressive
The mosques are literally mud huts.

And it's debateable if the hanging gardens were even real.

Where is that?

>built by the French
That sandcastle was RESTORED by the French. Before it was ruins because nogs can't keep anything in good shape. Also you can't compare it to stone/metal work. They are much more complicated.

Leaf bitch faggot

>a temple carved in a mountain
Makes me wonder from what heights India fell from to go from an ancient spiritual capital to street shitting phone scammers.

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So are Italians white or not? Make up your mind.

Wrong! Everyone was Macedonian;
King Tut
Buddy Holly

Yes, everyone is Glorious Macedonian Master Race, not stinky gayreek turk rapebaby scum! Macedonians proud glorious master race!

Not very aesthetically pleasing to me. I could just be biased, but that is really ugly.


you will like this one

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That unironically takes way more skill and craftsmanship to make than shitting in your hand and rubbing it onto the dirt wall to build some African shit hut.

The view from the monastery at the top is even better.

Matsumoto Castle is the only one that comes to mind.
The Leshan Giant Buddha is pretty spectacular too. But yes, Europeans created Mont St. Michel, Neuschwanstein, St. Basil's Cathedral, and dozens of other shining, majestic examples of human grace and architecture that have not been repeated at the same scale or with the same grandness by others.
It's hard to judge, as well, but if the legends of the Hanging Gardens are true, that would possibly also be a competitor.

>In 1906, the French administration in the town arranged for the original mosque to be rebuilt and at the same time for a school to be constructed on the site of Seku Amadu's mosque. The rebuilding was completed in 1907 using forced labour under the direction of Ismaila Traoré, head of Djenné's guild of masons....There has been debate as to what extent the design of the rebuilt mosque was subject to French influence.

You ign'ant, nigguh


some human built this while mamoth were still roaming the earth.

if you are not familiar read the interior part

imagine being that retarded

Hmm I don't think anyone is impressed by the pyramids looks, it's more of a combination of the Orion's belt theory, the mysteries behind it and how old they are, the building process and the durability are probably the main reasons, for normies I'll believe it's "whao how did they move the bricks without a truck bro"

There is also a shit ton of scientific theories about the Sphinx itself being aligned just like the Nile representing constellations, well, you can have fun if you want.

You can hate the races but I think you should respect all architecture from ancient Civilizations ( as long as they aren't Sub Saharan or Scandinavian of course).


Oh, forgot pic

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pfff, they copied that from ffix..

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not even close

just remember everytime you shitpost,drive,fly or listen to modern music that we fucked your shit up in 1776 and saved your shit from the blitz. sucks to suck eurofag

>compares peasant hut to a king's castle
>still loses

whaddya mean? its huge & GOLD

No its true, the west got way ahead with architecture. Here are a few samples;

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ugly as fuck

Id bang each one

WE where building superior huts before you whites

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>It's hard to judge, as well, but if the legends of the Hanging Gardens are true, that would possibly also be a competitor.
Honestly, that style depicted in the drawings is aesthetic as fuck. Hope they were real, but seriously doubt it.

the nips make some comfy stuff

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Race-mixing. Although down South of India there seems to be decent architecture as well. May possibly due to lower castes out-breeding the higher ones. It's an odd country really, but guess it highlights the dangers of race-mixing. I unironically believe if they had some eugenics program there which culled most of their lower caste street shitters, their country would benefit tenfold.

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Himeji Castle. Not even the prettiest of Japanese structures. Just the largest Japanese castle still standing.

The really neat thing about traditional Japanese architecture is that they don't use nails or bolts or anything like that to put it together. It's all done using interlocking wooden joints. Many of these structures have withstood earthquakes and hurricanes for centuries.

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they put them in kino locations too

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