Anons, I know it's late and before you say it, I already have N95's but I want to try and get a p100 or just some more masks does anyone have any websites that aren't out of stock yet?
Anons, I know it's late and before you say it...
Other urls found in this thread:
You can find the masks on eBay and Amazon. The filters are another story
Figured as much for the filters, I've seen a few p100 masks on amazon but they don't say if they come with the filters, leadds me to beleive some chink is selling em to fuck us over a lil more
P100 isn't going to help you any more than N95. That shit is for noxious oil based aerosols and fumes and shit. If they're your only choice, I'd take them, but they're more expensive for no added protection.
Any still in stock are probably knockoffs, user.
Normally they will come with a pair of the oil vapor filters witch work for Corona-chan. I've also seen people saying the empty filter boxes are still available and you can just cut up a furnace filter and stick it inside but I don't know about any of that personally.
>but they're more expensive
Lol not at this point, single N95s are going for around 50 bucks right now
Absolutely not true. P100 filters 100% n95 filters 95%. P just means it filters oil and N means it doesn't filter oil. They sell N100 as well but P100 is easier to come by and who the fuck cares if it filters oil or not.
N95 is garbage and that's why hospital staff is fucking dying on vents because fuckers like you think "there is no difference but price"
Fucking checked
5% is not much but 100% particle capture is better than letting 5% through come on
Hmm, I thought that the p100 had better filtration than the N95 but if that's the case than Ill keep looking for more 95's
Not true. You could still potentially inhale coronachan with an N95. Impossible with a properly working P100.
yeah this is what I've read, my only problem right now is trying to find a legit p100 thats not from the zipperhead zoo in gook land china
Our hospital offered ER staff PAPR's with 40mm filters back in January. The nurses refused because they were "spooky" and now they're crying that we don't have enough N95's.
Filter masks like PAPRs, CBRN rated masks and even P100 half masks offer a significantly better seal than an N95 ever could and therefore are infinitely better masks.
Nurses here are whining about the Fire Department EMS crews coming in wearing their SCBA face pieces and how it's scary like the end times... but then they're crying about how a few of them have tested positive for COVID-19.
N95's should be viewed as the MINIMUM acceptable amount of protection for anyone dealing with positive or suspected patients. CBRN rated masks, PAPRs or P100 half masks are far better.
It's not the filtration factor that makes the difference, it's the SEAL. N95's rely on a shitty bent aluminium clip to make a "seal". P100 masks are almost exclusively rubber, butyl or silcone and seal as a matter of construction.
I might be retarded user but I don't see anywhere to purchase from 3m unless youre doinga large volume order
Use em for work. Flat sold out everywhere. I need new ones at the wrong time.
I looked into it a few days ago, and there were no suppliers outside of Asia.
yeah I just found one on ebay but fucking coming from china idk how much i can trust a gook right now
Well shit, then go for it if you can find them. Make sure they come in a sealed package, and when you're not using them, put them in an air-tight as possible plastic bag to prolong their life if you can still breath freely in them.
>t. uses P100 filters for lacquer paint fumes
You're all misinterpreting the efficiency rating of these filters. Smaller particles will slip through the 95, but you're protecting yourself from saliva mists and other shit in the air that may contain the virus. They both will catch it as shit like that are relatively large aerosols. Plus, it's not "impossible" to get it with P100 even under your misunderstanding, because P100 is 99.7~8 efficiency. There is no such thing as 100%. Listen to , seal is way more important. Half masks are the way to go. And shave your beards also otherwise you cannot seal properly and all the prep is worthless.
>idk how much i can trust a gook right now
Not only that. Are they even shipping now? Are ports even fucking open? I honestly don't know.
yeah you're right about that too what a shit situation this is
Masks from China are not rated for shit.
Stick with Scott, 3M, Draeger, Honeywell, North, Mira, Avon, MSA. All reputable brands. Milwaukee Tool also sells a line of half face masks and N95's i believe.
So, say with my n95's, would it benefit me more to increase the seal like wearing a bandana over the mask tightly around my face? might sound dumb but would that help the seal?
The thing is; I don't even want a N95 or P100, or whatever the fuck. Just looking for plain old masks. I think I found masks for cyclists on Amazon, but that was it.
Use CPAP gel that's what's it's made for
too late filters are hard as fuck to get right now, we are having a hard time getting them for coronavirus cleanups
good looks user ill see if i can get some
does anybody actually walk around with this or the full face masks?
>also fuck 3m which sells everything separately so i only got mask + filters, but no filter holders
>does anyone have any websites that aren't out of stock yet?
oh sweet summer child
literally EVERY single online store is out everything related to masks
even specialized filters no single normie would find without insider knowledge of the number of that product are all gone and no single company know when they will get their restock (never)
the last time to prep was mid february
I'm not sure I'd want to wear a gel soaked bandana, but I guess desperate times call for desperate measures. lol
>Our hospital offered ER staff PAPR's with 40mm filters back in January. The nurses refused because they were "spooky" and now they're crying that we don't have enough N95's
stupid fucking whores, all of them, are like this.
>Nooo, I don't like facing the reality that the world is dangerous, I'd rather stick my head in the sand
Women cannot into future.
This is why suffrage nations are doomed to fail, women will vamp as much as they can, then be shocked when the host collapses.
But they'll just offer their crusty cunts for food if it gets bad. They always have.
It wouldn't. Your mask itself needs to be tight. The best thing about half masks is you can put your hands over the filter or the filterless side vent and breath in to check your seal. If you can't breath like that, you have a good seal. The best you can do with surgical masks is make sure they're tight and above all shave your beard. The bandanna isn't really going to help much.
Oh no, user don't get me wrong, I'm a happeningfag, I prepped, Im just curious about the p100 masks and more crazy looking ones but yeah its not ideal to look right now
these mask don't mean shit if your eyes aren't covered. You don't need much a complicated filter to protect you from droplets. Theres isn't a cloud of corona flying around.
yeah, im in new york and ppl here are wearing full gas masks and n95s and pretty much anything they can get
Well i mean, wear the 95 then tie a bandanna tightly around it tuck it into clothing, wouldn't that create a seal? or are we talking sealing on a microscopic level?
Look out everyone caring for patients infected with a deadly illness, this guy NEEDS the respirators to sand sheetrock!
makes me fucking seethe how everyone is shopping for the same shit i am
especially when i see a review from "facebookmom39201" that's only a week or two old
>also fuck 3m which sells everything separately so i only got mask + filters, but no filter holders
>being this much of a bitch
even if you buy all those separately its still cheaper than a single disposable n95 mask thats made in china
btw 3m filters are made in canada and the masks in poland so youre supporting white people if you buy em.
Interesting video for anyone wondering why I think the N95 is a poor choice of PPE for healthcare providers... Full Face Masks should be the standard.
The government is buying literally all the masks from 3M in Canada.
Full masks can be a PITA if you need prescription glasses.
Not everyone can get contact lenses.
in that case, there are insert frames.
Emergency Rooms should have facepieces that accept P100 filters for every staff member.
>not getting a 7800S that has connections for 40mm canisters as well as 3M Filters
you're not gonna make it.
Anons, thank you all for the info, this thread has been great so far and not retarded a lot of slides been going on pol lately, thankful for anons giving good info, hope all of u and families are safe thru this bullshit
kek imagine this nigger thinking you can still find masks. i hope you are ready to pay $100+ for a single n95
no you can't they made all of them institution or business only on amazon and Ebay has banned all sales. some stay up for a little while but then get shut down by mass reporters
yeah, that's why I asked here figured there may be some hidden gem on the internet somewhere for some gear still
Still a PITA. Especially if your prescription changes over time.
My odds aren't great, to be perfectly frank.
Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Not much better than me bro, Im outside NYC.. things aint looking great over here
I don't care for this mask, i find it front heavy and bulky. If you can't get your hands on the top tier Avon stuff (C/M-50) or Scott M series, I think the Honeywell North 5400 series with pancake filters is a pretty comfy mask at the price point they sell for (around $100ish) They use a rubber seal instead of the butyl a true CBRN mask requires, but for viral protection only and not chemical, they are perfectly apt and affordable for the average layuser. Good field of view also.
3m filters in general are too fucking bulky desu.
I prefer the honeywell round pancake ones or traditional 40mm cans.
Yeah the 7800S is pretty bulky, but it's made of silicone and should last a lot longer than the other masks. What about the 6900DIN series? It's the same form factor as the 6800, but also includes a 40mm DIN connection port.
its fucking emberassing how there are still retards here that didnt stock up on respirators and gasmasks despite all the boogalo muh civil war 2,0 threads we have every single day since 2011
not even alex jones and matt cariker stocked up on gasmasks, really makes you think if all those preppers were LARPers all along.
The only way to be absolutley certain you can be safe from anything making it's way past your respirator is with a positive pressure respirator using a p100 filter. You could stand in a room full of powdered asbestos and be fine in one of these. A step above this would be an SCBA, but who tf has the resources for those in a SHTF situation.
I use a simple disposable blue mask under the UVEX face shield.
I have 3 sets.
IMHO SCBA and positive pressure is overkill in this case. Those are more for Chemical agents and/or oxygen deficient environments. PAPR and Filter masks are fine.
SCBA require alot of maintenance and training that makes them impractical for not only the layuser but also 90% of hospital staff. Our nurses can't even figure out how to use PAPR's and/or think they are too scary for patients... Getting them to use SCBA would be an impossible task.
indeed back in January had they listened to the /cvg/ or precursor doom threads they could have picked up tons of 10 packs N95's for $10-$12 each. Even after the chinks started buying them all up in America you could still find some in early to mid Feb if you looked hard enough
also, with SCBA you now have to either 1) have an extensive decon area/operation to decon the packs or 2) use an encapsulating suit that covers the pack.
With a filter mask decon is as simple as wiping down the outside with wescodyne or alcohol in the warm area, then doffing it and wiping it down inside and out again in the cold area.
The 100 in P100 means they are objectively better than N95's, retard.
Any user here that could give good advice, I was late and didn’t buy masks. I have a ventilator mask. Have filters for wood working and working with fiber glass. If I take the helps filter from the vacuum bags my wife has and cut them to fit over my pre filters or in between my pre filters and filter would that work? I know vacuum bags have fiber glass that you’re not supposed to breathe through. But I figure the two filters would work well together?
I took an old pair of glasses, cut up the frames, and suspended them inside my mask. They work just fine.
Dräger masterrace reporting in.
Scarerd looks of boomers will never be the same
Yeah SCBA has lots of drawbacks but it depends how much protection you want. You gotta balance how much protection you want and how much you can maintain. Positive pressure is pretty much the way to go for maximum ease of use and protection, because there's no chance of it failing because of a bad seal.
If she's using HEPA vacuum bags, then Yes. There's a youtube vid on how to make them.
where to get those? are they made in germany?
>where to get those?
I bought mine in january, I maybe you still get one. They accept 40mm filters which normies didnt buy but also got rarer in the last mont
> are they made in germany?
This is a very solid mask.
Agreed, again though, not practical for most nursing staff or anons.
don't listen to many retards that hepa vacuum bags are dangerous this may of course be different in other countries howerver. but in the U.S. most of them are not fiberglass like commercial filters and you can use them as a filter fine
Lies. They're made in China, like everything else:
I ain't clicking that shit, nigga
I have filters, but somehow my 3 masks got lost when I moved.
Where the fuck can I buy a mask?
The letter designation refers to the quality of seal against the face.
I've ordered a pair for under £9 off of Ebay but looks like they are coming from Belgium. I'll be surprised if they make it here however.
>SCBA require alot of maintenance and training that makes them impractical for not only the layuser
I'm so fucking tired of people saying you shouldn't buy something because the general public doesn't know how to use it. It's a fucking mask. Physical barrier. You put it on and take it off. A toddler could do it.
Fucking elitist scum. You're the reason no one has a mask in the first place, fucking CDC "guidelines" my ass. Straight up LIES.
Air tight seal dude.
It's not complicated just try to smell something pungent, if you can you didn't seal it. If you can't you did.
Im starting to think all the people botching snot the pub pic wearing ppe without knowing how were right.
How fucking hard is it to put a mask on your face?
> Over 0% are made in Canada
Ok??? US didn't stop Canada from shipping out masks to Germany. They stopped China.