redpill me on Q. larp or truth?
Redpill me on Q. larp or truth?
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board destroyer
memeflaggot go pls
Even if Q was "real" then it would be a bad thing (tricking boomers into supporting the status quo as they are being replaced), but it isn't.
Psyop to keep boomers and Trump supporters docile while business as usual and the great replacement continues.
>>Even if Q was "real" then it would be a bad thing (tricking boomers into supporting the status quo as they are being replaced), but it isn't.
>Psyop to keep boomers and Trump supporters docile while business as usual and the great replacement continues.
Probably; this makes the most sense: it also shows how Trump's reversal on H1Bs and refusal to secure the border ought to be looked at... also, are we sure that the quarantine/lockdown isn't being used to bring in more foreigners to complete the process?
take your meds schizo
>Q is why no one is rioting
No on is doing is anything because you were all pussies to begin with
Take meds schizo
Q stands for Qassem
Checked! Meds need to be taken
Q is a larp for boomers
>>Q is why no one is rioting
>No on is doing is anything because you were all pussies to begin with
You don't understand what I'm saying.
But take, for instance, the difference in reaction to the prospect of martial law under Trump/Q and under Obama.
What the fuck is Q and why are people here so obsessed with it
was 90% sure it was real for a long time, but corona has blown up any plan, so much uncertainty that if was true, it would be on freeze until Durham releases his report in the summer. Either they bring criminal charges or this was bullshit.
Nothing important. It's just not happening. Don't be a qtard
I dont think you understand, the Trumpenriech wasnt a meme sweetie. The bioweapons have already been released, lock downs are in effect and the economy is tanking. This is literally verbatim how Pinochet took power, read the white book of regime change. The purge isnt coming, its here and none of you will do shit to stop it. You'll all just argue over the false abstractions presented to you that you believe represent your moral & ethical views. Just sit back & enjoy the show, there is nothing you can do about it anyhow
Well, considering nothing public has even happened AT ALL to verify Q (or anyone actually arrested OTHER than Trumps friends/acquaintances) up to this point....I'm going to say LARP because really there is no other option at this point - since the economy around the world is destroyed.
Hamster wheel for boomers to keep them complacent and docile. Most likely operated by Jared Kushner and a few other kikes.
>prince Andrew
its hilarious how hard faggots shill trying to say nothing at all has happened
And what if anything was accomplished in any of those...go ahead, we'll wait...please enlighten us with the world changing events that happened WITH ANY OF THOSE.
found the Qtard
>Trust sessions! 2018 will be glorious!
Why do you think Qushner is behind it? Are there any clues, circumstantial evidence that makes you think this?
It's even funnier who q believers are still trying to convince us all that something is happening of any value at all.
Go ahead. We're all waiting...
>endorsed going to war with Iran
>quotes bible verse but never says the name of Jesus Christ, implying this is a Jewish person trying to manipulate the evangelical boomers without endorsing Christ.
>Only mention Jared Kushner twice. One time to defend his peace plan, one time to defend his dealings with foreign leaders
Also Jared Kushner hired one of the producers of the controversial film "The Purge" to work for him in the White House. This person specifically helped with marketing the film and nobody knows exactly what he does for Kushner but my theory is it was largely his idea to create Q user.
there are people on this board, right now, that believe Trump is sending the army into caves to fight lizard people who steal children and eat them to get high and that he's using this virus as a cover story for it
War with Iran is bad. But it's only a larp so it doesn't matter
fippy flippen bippy
Earlier he did it for money, now I don't know.
On one hand , but on the other, Q annoys shills
Adrenochrome is the first time I take Q seriously. Before that it seemed like a movie trailer, which made me suspicious of it.
Both the democrats and republicans brushed Epstein under the rug. I think both are involved in pedophilia.
To me Q user seems like there's a battle going on between two factions of hardcore kikes. There are no good guys in this battle.
Take a look at Trump's administration. All kikes and hardcore Zionists, many of them known pedos
I'm starting to think Trump is 'soft NWO', whereas Hillary would've been 'ram it in there' NWO. Either way, we're all fucked now. Even though anyone with a brain knows this virus is not pandemic worth, it's fucking done what it is supposed to do. Tank evrything, and make the sheep bleep.
>quotes bible verse but never says the name of Jesus Christ, implying this is a Jewish person trying to manipulate the evangelical boomers without endorsing Christ.
I have noticed this too. It's a bit weird since he constantly talks about God and quotes the Bible (even NT) but he has never mentioned Jesus Christ by name. Not once. The only positive thing I can find is this post of his:
>nothing should ever replace 'christ' in 'christmas'. Merry christmas, Anons/Patriots. God is on our side. Q
Which is encouraging, still it's a bit weird how little trust he puts directly upon Jesus Christ
considering the religiosity of his posts.
has anyone else noticed a huge overlap between Qtards and christcucks? i have several relatives into this shit and the way they talk about it is like the bible. then again i don't know anybody younger than 55 into Q so it could just be boomers
>This would've happened with Clinton as president
Sessions was a placeholder and did things behind the scenes while the MSM was going batshit putting its foot in its mouth, you people are hilarious. Believe as you are told!
Queen of Denmark stepped down today
Look up Austin Steinbart
Yeah yeah, the whole 'behind the scenes' shit lol.
Behind the scenes doesn't convince anybody. Behind the scenes I'm touching myself with your gf's tits.
>>found the Qtard
>>Trust sessions! 2018 will be glorious!
Don't forget: 2019 will be glorious, too!
(See: )
It's really difficult to pin it down. On one hand it is absolutely clear that the elite are into weird satanic pedo shit. How many of them and how common this is ie do you have to eat babies to rise to the top of social hierarchy is in question. Obviously not every top engineer or someone with a hard skill probably has to eat babies, but I am inclined to go with the more hardcore version here based on various factors, there is simply too much evidence coming from too many sources to dismiss it. Something is deeply and utterly wrong with our elite and how our world functions. Obviously shady shit goes down all the time in history, but this might be hitting new levels and perhaps this is the first time we have the technology to expose it to light.
On the other hand, while these sick people being exposed would be beneficial for the world, there is a distinct possibility that even a bigger conspiracy behind this deep state exists. Meaning that the people implicated in Q as the top of the cabal are actually just the top operatives for the true cabal behind them. Through being engaged in all kind of shady shit, the true cabal has them by the balls, since they have put them at the top of the hierarchy for a price, and if they expose them, they are finished. If you want to create a massive shift in a short time, like people signing up to some feel-good NWO, there is no better way to do it than use the old trick of playing the both sides of the game. Expose the people you hold by the balls and all the degeneracy and how all the population was manipulated and offer them this feelgood alternative, that actually gives you even more control over population and they even cheer you for it.
lemme guess "all those sealed federal actions mean absolutely nothing" too, right? dumb syrup nigger.
img forgot one thing: a lot of fagots on the sidelines
>thinks regime change in Iran = war with Iran
My conclusion is that yes, there is obviously something wrong with our elite.
The possible scenarios are three:
- The normie politics option: there is no conspiracy at all, and the elite are just degenerate fucks who "naturally" rose the ranks and simply found themselves in a circle of other degenerates
- The Q conspiracy option: there is a conspiracy and this top level of elite implicated in Q not only are degenerate fucks but all conspired and constantly conspire to do more shady shit and Q is truly the solution to this problem
- The Q conspiracy but shit is actually deeper option: there is a conspiracy, but the elite implicated in Q are only operatives for the true cabal behind them and Q is unaware of this
- The Goldberg option: there is a conspiracy, but the elite implicated in Q are only operatives for the true cabal behind them and Q is aware of this/part of the plan and things are about to turn even worse
ee probably forgot about Obama ignoring the lone grassroots Color Revolution in 2009, then handing out pallets of cash to the butchers
four actually.
You mean the ones no one is doing anything about? lol
Right now they mean jack fucking shit. But you go ahead and suck on that cock some more.
No one even knows what they're for or who they involve. So, nothing burger.
Nice try though.
come on give us some more hope porn.
See? This is why this Q shit is so weak. There is nothing that shows anything of value happening.
Government psyop threatening to overthrow the republic, enact martial law REX-84 and send Main Core database individuals (aka dissenters) to death camps all under the disguise of “arresting the deep state and satanic pedo rings”, which is total bullshit. Boomers will eat it up and will be remembered as subhuman traitors to the republic and human spirit.
Don't take my negativity the wrong way. I would love for something like Q to be true but all evidence, in the public domain, shows nothing.
Until that time, that something is unquestionably happening to clean up this shit show, it's meaninless larpy bs.
>a 150x increase in sealed federal actions means nothing! NOTHING!
I think you need to try a little harder in order to convince yourself a little moar
>all evidence, in the public domain, shows nothing.
Like what?
Even though the Qtard prophecies have been wrong and never come to fruition dozens of times, it still makes a handy cope for those who can't accept that Trump took them on a ruse cruise. That there is no political solution. They cannot accept that they must actually sacrifice in order to change the course. They would rather believe that there are secret squirrel good guys that will take care of everything for them so they can stay fat and watch Jamal run a ball.
>That there is no political solution
Are you sure?