What did he mean by this?

Came across this quote in a Yas Forums thread. I thought the National socialists were Pagan. Is this real?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Is there a source for it?

something he wrote in the 1920s durin ghis studies (maybe as part of an assignement? dont remember)

basically in his youth he was christian, then became a neet, then started hanging out with nazis, became redpilled, met people like rosenberg, and by the end he was a fully redpilled RABID anti christian pagan
and I mean it he was fucking hardcore, quite a 180

So Dr. Goebbles gradually learn the truth too...

It's normal. Judeochristianity works very well as a gatekeeper at the Jews disposal. Only very few are capable to see beyond it.

I cant even comprehend how people can say nazis were christians, they were the most anti christian movement of the last century, its insane to me

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>believing the propagandaminister actually believed this and not saying it to get the christians approval


>how to spot reddit tourists who haven't read a single page of a single work of the NSDAP movement

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As a job of a gatekeeper, they want to capture those who strayed way by mongrelizing the Nazi image to sell judeochristianity as a solution to the JQ. They want to stop and revert the progress done so far.

>The official Nazi ideologist Alfred Rosenberg played an important role in the development of "positive Christianity"

you realize that positive christianity was literally created by alfred rosenberg? the second in the nazi party who was a pagan and wanted to exterminate christianity? this guy?

he created positive christianity
put 1 and 1 together user

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I hope this is bait
if its not its really funny

Those satanists destroyed germany.
My grandpa almost died in Russia.

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They were freemasons with some renamed jewish bullshit to appeal to german rednecks.

they had the same problem with fake Christian pastors preaching the same lies that we're up against today

People write a lot of shit in their lives and you see them as this static monolith of history. Imagine taking a Facebook message of some middle schooler and applying it to a 50 year old man. That’s usually how weird quotes happen. People used to write lots of shit down in their lives.

>I thought the national socialists were pagan

3/10 guaranteed responses


Hello zoomer newfags, get redpilled.

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My fat fucking nuts

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National Socialists were secular. They tolerated both Christianity and paganism, and simply made the churches work for the state, just like in all countries.

Attached: Religious demographics of NS Germany.jpg (249x778, 49.22K)

>despite making up 1% of germany s population, pagans made up 8°% of the nazi leadership, its almost as if....

I'm sure their use of Runes were purely coincidental...

Attached: gmiFk.jpg (346x513, 26.86K)

I often go on bitter nights
To Wotan’s oak in the quiet glade
With dark powers to weave a union—
The runic letters the moon makes with its magic spell
And all who are full of impudence during the day
Are made small by the magic formula!
They draw shining steel—but instead of going into combat
They solidify into stalagmites.
So the false ones part from the real ones—
I reach into a nest of words
And then give to the good and just
With my formula blessings and prosperity.
- Adolf Hitler


It's creepy how everything he said here is 100% true

>They tolerated both Christianity and paganism
They did not. Here is a passage from Mein Kampf:
"The characteristic thing about these people [modern day followers of the early Germanic religion] is that they rave about the old Germanic heroism, about dim prehistory, stone axes, spear and shield, but in reality are the greatest cowards that can be imagined. For the same people who brandish scholarly imitations of German tin swords, and wear a dressed bearskin over their heads, preach for the present nothing but struggle with spiritual weapons, and rrun away as fast as they can from every Communist blackjacks."

Hitler said something similar in his table talks from WW2:
"It seems to be that nothing would be more foolish than to re-establish the worship of Wotan. Our old mythology ceased to be viable when Christianity implanted itself. Nothing dies unless it is moribund."

And before anyone quotes the Pagan spergs of the NSDAP, Hitler BTFO'D them all.

Hitler called Rosenberg's book "Der Mythos des 20. Jahrhunderts" "derivative, pastiche, illogical rubbish!".

He also told Martin Bormann to stop his attacks on the church.

And in his book "Erinnerungen" Speer quoted Hitler saying the following about Himmler's attempt to mythologize the SS: "What nonsense! Here we have at last reached an age that has left all mysticism behind it, and now [Himmler] wants to start that all over again. We might just as well have stayed with the church. At least it had tradition. To think that I may, some day, be turned into an SS saint! Can you imagine it? I would turn over in my grave..."

And remember, the Pagan turbospergs were also Nordicists, i.e. "Slavs are subhuman and Mediterraneans second-class, hurr durr", while official racial experts knew European = Aryan.

Also, last words of those executed at the Nuremberg trial "God protect holy Germany".

The Chad military organizers- Hitler, Speer and Keitel vs the virgin civilian organizers - Himmler, Borman and Rosenberg.

>making up 1% of germany s population
>pagans made up 8°% of the nazi leadership

Attached: source_not_found.jpg (1207x324, 14.57K)

>[modern day followers of the early Germanic religion]
you cant just add stuff that isnt there and use it as an argument

>you cant just add stuff that isnt there and use it as an argument
>He does not know how it [quoting] works

Attached: ss_kek_hearty.jpg (642x928, 301.57K)

" quote "
[something that wasnt there]
[ . . . ] when you skip something

>He still doesn't know how it works

Attached: SS kek.gif (245x230, 871.4K)

whatever schizo

>that pic
Fucking based, never seen that before. Looks like from Der Stürmer but I doubt it.

Conceding the argument and showing your nose, well, the memes do write themselves afterall.

Attached: Schizo, take your meds.gif (477x464, 2.69M)

I have never seen or heard this quote before.

What I do know is that Goebells despised the church in the end.
Hence his speech "is it heathen".


Furthermore. I have to point out that, in the (still ongoing, by the way) efforts of "denazification", it made the most sense for the allies to spin the NSDAP as Christian, the most philosemitic cult to have ever existed in this world, and the Germanic heathenry as a footnote.

This alone ensures that less nazis will emerge.

Speeches and actions >>>>>>>>>>>> written, translated (by 'former' enemies of Germany) quotes.

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A true nationalist (socialist or otherwise) would probably embrace whatever the majority religion of their nation is. If your country is historically Buddhist then I would expect nationalism for that country to include Buddhism.

Nazis were actually all over the board on this. I'm not sure where the idea that they were atheist came from. Most were religious, either Christian or Pagan. Heinrich Himmler was a pagan but he was mostly anti-atheist and felt that Christians were better than atheists in that they at least recognized that there was a higher power.

thats why they lost, they lost their faith in Christ and the jews consumed them

Hitler was not the Pope of nationalism. What you're describing are his personal views. The Nazi party and its leadership were not lock step with Hitler on this aspect.

I didn’t say Hitler liked those guys, but he still tolerated paganism and allowed it to be practiced. He just wanted peace between the two religions in his country, paganism and Christianity. He said he didn’t want to get his party in matters of religion anyways.


you re the mentally ill christian spammer with the german flag I recognize your filename

fucking lol

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"Der Stürmer" was Christian. Julius Streicher was ordered to take part in the "Institute for the Study and Elimination of Jewish Influence on German Church Life" but couldn't because of a surgical operation. The Institute itself was very interesting.

Attached: Der_Stürmer.jpg (1080x1920, 782.68K)


Hitler was a pantheist, change my mind.

Attached: Future Fuhrur2.jpg (3476x2996, 2.8M)

>Speeches and actions >>>>>>>>>>>> written, translated (by 'former' enemies of Germany) quotes.
any good ressources of untainted stuff?


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Hitler may not have been a fan of of others trying to rekindle the old mythology but he was even less of a fan of judeo-xtianity. And I for one side with the so called "turbo spergs" on this one.

>you re the mentally ill christian spammer with the german flag
I like that guy, he made some good threads and triggers you easily. Though I am actually a different poster and you are too much of a newfag to recognize me anyway.

Attached: Sorben_NS_Plakat.jpg (273x400, 17.87K)

>I like the schizo who uses the same files and filenames as me but I swear he totally isnt me
>he s cool though

right right

Pretty much. He believed religion was useful for most people, as a means of securing belief in a higher power and purpose beyond death. Whether that is found in Christ or in Wotan makes no difference. Hitler himself simply believed in “God”, a higher power who was the master of the universe. No real dogma, except for that of his ideology.

the art (in black and white, and the oversaturated scanning) looks very similar

>"Der Stürmer" was Christian.
do you define as christian anything that is some degree of anti christian what is your deal precisely?

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Berlin, January, 1941
''Through thick and thin with the Fuhrer''

Its a real quote.

You havent read Revelation
He comin and he mad

Anti-clerical =/= anti-Christian

>Hitler himself simply believed in “God”, a higher power who was the master of the universe
that's not pantheism user, pantheism is the conception that the universe is god itself, he did not seriously believe in an anthropomorphic deity, he believed in the universe and nature.

I'm already here. And I am pretty PISSED OFF

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Im not even going to bother with all the other nonsense on 4ch. This board is here to keep you uninformed, so please, listen to the speech entirely when you do.
Ignore all ridiculous commie faggots.

>Hitler may not have been a fan of of others trying to rekindle the old mythology but he was even less of a fan of judeo-xtianity.
From all accounts I have read I take a very different stance. Though I think we can both agree that Hitler was a smart, pragmatic politician and leader and took into account all factions when making decisions, including religious ones.
>And I for one side with the so called "turbo spergs" on this one.
Alright then. You always need some spergs to counterbalance the neurotypical, I guess. The only thing that matters is that we, politically, stay loyal to Germany and NS above all, as united right. Luke 9:50, Mark 12:7, Mark 9:38-41, Romans 13:1-7, they all tell me that is the right way. How you come to NS is secondary. The Volk must stand together against the eternal Jew and the masonic cabal.

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>Takes the power while Christian
>Becomes powerful. Lose faith in Christ
>Lose power and die
Pure coincidence

Sort of, yes. He sometimes referred to god as a being. It was metaphorical. Essentially, the universe itself was conscious and had its own will. And this will manifest itself in natural and physical laws.

>>I like the schizo who uses the same files and filenames as me
You wouldn't recognize MY filenames if they bit you in the ass, Shlomo.

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he was already anti christian by 33


So anti Christian he got married in a Church. Amazing

>I thought the National socialists were Pagan.
Please don't tell me you fell for the stupid divide and conquer pagan bullshit.

Protip: there are no European pagans anymore.

Hitler was somewhat anti Christian in that he believed the established Christian clergy was essentially corrupt. They stole money, abused children, and were overall weak and feeble. He believed that if Christianity was to survive, a new priesthood (more like that of the knights Templar), should be created, with stronger priests who could have children, and didn’t preach weakness or mercy. Hitler also believed Jesus’s teachings were corrupted by Paul of tarsus, who used the new corrupted bible to cause the fall of the Roman Empire.

What is this, old man?

Alright Shlomo, yiddle me this: For all of our existance and our history, the Christian German kings fought to remove the pornocracy in the Vatican whenever it appeared, chasing the snakes and thieves out of the temple and thus behaving in the correct way. But when Hitler revives the 1000-year old Kirchenkampf it's """Pagan""" all of a sudden?

That really shows how little you appreciate Germany as a nation.

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