How do i tell my parents i hate niggers?

How do i tell my parents i hate niggers?

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Other urls found in this thread:

"I hate you both"

Attached: Brazillian cops vs grafitti.webm (436x704, 2.33M)

At dinner like normal people, eggplant

Thats a man

Where's the bulge?

just fucking get it out, say it nice and loud.

"I hate my skin color"


Dress up in a tux and bowtie and make a toast.

start collecting and displaying photographs

Attached: swinging sambo.jpg (886x625, 84.86K)

with your actions

imagine a muscular black man lift him up and rest him on his bbc while the whiteboi holds on to his big back muscles and moans as he gets stretched out

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>parents don’t also hate niggers


Built for KFC

Jump off a balcony, racist fuckwad

Just do it. I greet my parents with "Sieg Heil, meine Kameraden" when I come to visit.

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Built for silver surfer cock

you say: "mom, dad, moms boyfriend, I hate black people because they are better than me"


What the fuck is happening there?
Just say you hate Neapolitans.

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Is that Natalie Mars?

But you like this stupid dress up shit. what the fuck?


Mamma, pappa, i hate niggers

Tell.them you hate niggers and don't tolerate them, nothing much else.

oh are you already identifying as a anti-semite? Soon you'll be coming out of the closet to everyone around you, and your racism will define your personality and lifestyle. Your parents will accept you as your are, but feel a little disappointment deep down inside. Stay strong friend, there's a lot of help and support for you.

>Its ok baby, we hate niggers too

Even better

Almost all white people hate niggers

I said it at the at the xmas dinner 2 years ago, everyone agreed.

eww wtf. I was expecting a rape of a female and got a silver butthole instead

Read the filename, aleksi.

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Just sit them down and say 'hey I don't like nogs' I think you'll find you have a loti n common. Unless they are hippie faggots in which case, smack their shit up a bit.. Bring home a nog who will eventually do some nog shit in their house and voila

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They probably also hate niggers but social conditioning made them keep quiet. I always enjoy bringing up the n word in random conversations with people, and what I have noticed is that they looked shocked, but then relieved. Shocked that someone broke the taboo and then a sense of relief that they weren’t the only one with those thoughts. Society makes it seem that only you have those thoughts. Within a week, they are also talking about the nigger problem openly.

Tell them you don't think white people are that bad

*Ting ting ting*
Ahem, excuse me mother and father....

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Have a coming out party

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I’m black so I get to tell them that all the time.

Is that a little dude? He needs mental help, STAT.

A hole is a hole


Something like this might work.
Jannies will likely be the next step for you too.

Attached: Jannies.webm (700x300, 2.89M)

Typical trad German wife?

Is that a girl or a faggot?

Jesus Christ. That is just showing off. She can only be satisfied by a fucking eel or octopus. Is she part Japanese?

It's a faggot.

brazil is quick to bully petty crime but never bullies the cartels

I didn't knew our cops were THAT based.

First start a discussion at the dinner table about how it's not gay to jerk off to pictures of men dressed in women's clothes.

Maybe we should invest more in poor Italian families than importing unskilled africans who will inevitably be a net drain on the economy.




Yeah could you imagine

Are you a man who doesn't depend on his parents?

if say "Mom/pops...I fucking hate niggers and the niggerdly things they do". Most likely pops will be like "thank god our son isn't a faggot." and your mom will be like "that's not nice faggot".

Why would they bully their paymasters?

Who is that? Asking for a coomer friend.

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never thought I'd agree with a commie

surprised he wasn't sodomised with the can. that's typical brazil-tier.

"Mum, you know I have been Italian my whole life. Its going to be hard to hear this. I am a homosexual. Also, even though Italians are not white, a Japanese pervert website filled with unemployed middle aged outcasts convinced me that hate niggers using internet memes"

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Monkey Mad

I think you are insecure. Get a nig gf and be happy.

do you even have a dad D''Aquarius?

Sauce for pity's sake

2 proud dads right there.

If sisters, might be just one proud dad, you never know.