US Balkanization Maps

What are y'alls thoughts on mine?

Attached: BalkanizedUS.png (725x491, 61.12K)

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I think Texas will kick out the Mexicans again and probably absorb the southern part of the free tribes.

At least eastern and central Idaho should also be in the HME.

utterly retarded

>give niggers the south
Kill yourself. Well give them your house.

New Africa is Liberia. Niggers belong in Africa.

Stay salty, cracker.

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Oogabooga bix nood, muhfuggah

Nvm, I have a better idea

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The three North/Northwest states would most likely merge eventually

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Me as the Holy Mormon Empire

Tennessee isn't black, just Memphis is.

>Holy Mormon Empire


>new aztlan

They basically have already in the East

Looks decent, but the federation of Cali and Mesilla is too small and weak, Mexico is right below after all. Cascadia looks irrelevant too.

Most of NY could not be held by the USA

Also I'd probably put Kentucky and West Virginia in the Confederacy

If you're dividing things on a county by county basis North Florida would almost certainly join the other Southern states.

>people giving niggers anything
>niggers not collapsing day one.


A bat flu over my house

>no hoosierreich
Never gonna make it


Any attempt to draw the borders of a "balkanized" America is retarded, and is made worse when you assign cringy names to the new states. But it's stupid to begin with because I in southern CA have much more in common with people in Oklahoma than I do with the liberal queers or illegals living near me. If America broke apart it would not happen along nice clean borders, and the new states wouldn't abandon their American identity and adopt cringy names like "union of free tribes"

Here's what'll really happen

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Rate pls

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Everyone always lumps in southern Oregon/northern Cali together with “cascadia” when that region couldn’t be more at odds with the rest.

You gotta cut out that area as “state of Jefferson” to have this bear any semblance to reality.

That's enough outta you, lib

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>the new states wouldn't abandon their American identity
True, you'd probably have a lot of gay shit like New American Republic or Federation of United States.

What's with this free state faggotry? If you think prairie niggers are gonna somehow form a massive state of there own, you are batshit. there's only like six million "indians" left, and most are more mutt than the 56% meme. vs. the white population they would face a 10:1 disadvantage, they would be fucked.
>"But muh indian survival skills"
Have you been too a res? They are more dependent on gibs than the blacks are, the most "survival training" any of them have is a weekend camping trip as kids to larp as ancestors.
They are done.

Anything west of the Hudson does not belong with the rest of New York. It should go with the Midwest

Of the Midwest, Michigan is 2nd least liked state, after Chicago. There's no way any of those other states would want that shit tier name.

based and buckeyepilled

Attached: Ohio.png (599x373, 191.65K)

In sha' Allah

The midwest respectfully declines, and is prepared to shoot all New Yorkers on site.

Chill bro just a meme

Its stupid and you're a fucking idiot.

as a missourian we would demand complete control over the mississippi river basin and its tributaries. The union of free tribes need ocean access for global commerce

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ohio is unironically the worst christ-conservicuck state

>cucks on immigration
>cucks on faggotry
>feral nogs everywhere acting with impunity
>pot is still a felony

Ah yes, the Empire of Zion.

why do you guys think USA will break into functioning parts?
won't it be more like in mad max movie?

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>declaring red states african
nice try retard. eat some more crayons.

Fuck the Mormans

based and texaspilled

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don't you dare lump me in with those fucking faggots

They're only red states because of all the gerrymandering fuckery.

Idaho does not belong with oregon and washington

Cascadia should go down to the bay area and maybe include Vegas but yeah pretty good for a nigger

To be serious though, if the United States of America were to balkanize, it's going to be the result of a "civil war". That is, the Hispanics in the Southwest taking control of the State governments there, from California to Texas and everything in between and declaring their independence from the American Federal Government. Whether it becomes its own country or rejoins Mexico, who knows. But I feel that's the most likely scenario. This would, in and of itself awaken a race consciousness in Americans everywhere else, and you'd possibly see a more nationalist populous. True nationalism, not the watered down civic nationalism bullshit. It would be the catalyst for any type of balkanization.

Personally though, I don't really foresee any further breakup other the potential of a white majority, leftist state forming in the Pacific Northwest. Perhaps aligning itself with the new Hispanic country of the Southwest but wishing to remain independent from them and the American Federal Government.

But as for things I absolutely believe won't happen:
>A new Texas Republic
Namely due to the fact that Texas is mongrelized to the point of no return. At best, it would be an autonomous region in the new Hispanic country.
>A new Confederacy
The South has been flooded with Northerners for decades now, and the migration continues. It's transforming the South, and the longer it continues the less and less likely a new CSA would be.

But I'm just some user spouting bullshit on 4chinz. So what do I know

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why not, rural oregon and washington are pretty much the same as idaho

This is hilarious, the only thing stopping whites from killing all their old livestock in the South is the Federal Police and National Guard, the only thin stopping the Niggers in Maryland, New York, Philadelphia etc from killing all the whites is the local police forces, as soon as Balkanization happens New Afrika and the United States on your map will literally be the opposite overnight.

pic is my map
Big dick Texian comin through

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this is the closest seen to someone actually making a realistic map (buffalo, for example, would so much more likey go to the midwest then east coast). good job. i would say i think Hudson and New England would just be one place though. Like I like the idea of them being different place because they are, but I just can't see New England being its own country with any relevance if it didn't have NYC second home money

That’s how the states will be divided

based Cowboys enclaves

why niggers would have land and why that much?
Liberia is calling them

There's no way blacks dont keep Atlanta my dude.

Whataburger sadly needs to be removed

Your god has returned

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Southern Nevada is almost nothing but Raiders fans.

Michigan will be its own country

cucking out to corporations automatically disqualifies one from texas status
they are going downhill fast btw. food is not the same at all.

A little bit this but more.

Every map that assumes that, since there's no supreme state power in the the midwest, all of them will just generally agree to set up nice is WRONG. The midwest is a classic power Vaccum, and we would easily see a complete fracturing of classic political lines.

Superior would be the weakest state in the union if it had been allowed to form, but you can't tell me it wouldn't be a flashpoint in the midwest.

How exactly do they plan on keeping it without daddy govt there to protect and provide for them?

Screw you, UP is rightful Wisconsin clay

>Texas & California get to absorb the gang-war hardened military of Mexico


You gave my state to the africans, fuck off.

Aztlan? Was this made by a spic? Texas, union of tribes is white mans land.

packers enclaves in ND will be exterminated on the day of the Gjallarhorn

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