HappeningChads, did we lose?

It seems like it was a nothingburger all along.

>Italy flattened its curve and is trending down
>China has no new cases
>Australia trending down
>New York City flattening
>IMHE predicting 80,000 deaths, no worse than a bad flu season
>stock market SURGING

Is the happening cancelled? We lost, just like that?

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Mfw you got btfo by a braaapppp.

Yeah looks like a potential nothingburger. The economic fallout will for sure be a somethingburger though.

Yea dont worry op america was the only one to eat its shit.

>Australia trending down
Do you know what the criteria for being tested in Australia are?
We have no test kits so it is near impossible to get tested here.

Attached: aus1.png (772x643, 191.91K)

Sounds like you need a reinfection of nanohappenings injected directly into your brainstem. Hold still while I insert the psychic needle.

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Now it becomes a blame game of who was at fault and who's gonna pay for all this shit

Don't worry m8, the happening will be with the economy

You happeningfags don't get to apologize. You belong to reddit now.


Attached: Old Pepe.jpg (400x386, 36.78K)

nah, i bet there will be another "outbreak" later this year and when that happens everything will get worse

This FEMA drill is coming to a close.
Sorry lads.

Seems to be really picking up in Latin America. The second they ease up on lockdowns, the infection picks up again. Look at Singapore

Coronavirus was always a nothingburger. The real happening is imminent. In fact, "happening" will be an understatement. It will be the single greatest event in human history. Nothing can stop what's coming.

>1 post by this ID
>no sauce
>controversial topic
We got ourselves a slide thread

When is it going to kill some niggers in Africa?

>USA continues to double its cases because we're fat retards that cant stop going to walmart and church
>travel bans drop, USA infects other countries like crazy
>wave two begins in july
>happy independence day

Screenshot me

Attached: 4CB6E97.jpg (1600x1200, 348.54K)

this will have weaves. this is just the beggining

Imagine being an happeningfag. Literal mental illness

There is a HUGE difference between what is happening in China and what the fucking gooks are reporting.

Stop believing what comes from the Chinese and the MSM.

We all died in the doomsday corona reality of a couple of weeks ago. We were shifted over to a timeline where the virus isn't as strong and civilisation will survive it

This is quantum immortality. When you know what to look for, you see shit like this happen all the time. Fate puts you in a protective invincible bubble.

It was a prep for the real thing in 2030, so it was succesful in that regard. All the elites now have the data they need to input into their simulations.

we still have yellowstone fren

I do wish Trump and Biden died to corona tho.

You think you could eloborate on the details?

Attached: 1584464296955m.jpg (1024x653, 68.88K)

do you think NPCs could be "afk" players in another timeline? 3D dictates you can only be in one place at a time

could you please elaborate on this

>The real happening is imminent
This. Just 2 more weeks.

Yellowstone blowing

US death rate is still going threw the roof though

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>what is happening in China and what the fucking gooks are reporting.
Why would Koreans be running cover for China?

I donno the government model is predicting 80k deaths. So... not worse than a bad flu season in the end. I guess the social distancing is helping?

Which is?

>China has no new cases
No one believes this.

They're called chinks, user.

How do you get a dry cough and phelgm , or is it just one or the other

It has just begun, they have to lift the measures to get the economy going and THAT will bring on wave 2 and 3
We will deal with this shit for 18 months AT LEAST

comet ATLAS

I continue to curate my file on COVID-19. I have freshly updated it, and this is the latest version:



>Bilateral viral pneumonia and ARDS.
>Lung fibrosis and permanent loss of lung function.
>Myocarditis and pericarditis and the breakdown of the heart muscle into the bloodstream, accompanied by elevated troponin levels.
>Excessive clotting leading to myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, or stroke. Platelets are used up by what appears to be DIC, or Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation.
>Mild viral hepatitis, indicated by abnormal AST/ALT and highly elevated ferritin.
>Myoglobinemia and possible renal tubular damage that leads to acute kidney injury.
>Cytokine release syndrome.
>Bacterial co-infections and viral sepsis leading to multiple organ failure and excess clotting.
>GI tract infections and abnormalities.
>Hypokalemia, low lymphocytes, low platelets, and low white blood cell counts.
>Male infertility and damage to the seminiferous ducts, indicated by abnormal testosterone and luteinizing hormone levels.
>Medullary damage that causes dysautonomia, loss of automatic breathing, and perhaps even collapses and seizures with abnormal posturing (decerebrate/decorticate posturing) and the fencing response. Behavioral abnormalities like strange aggression have also been noted.
>Possible pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary vasculitis, or hemolytic anemia.

Please, for the love of god, stop calling this thing a nothingburger or "just the flu". It's not the flu. It's much, much worse.

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>Is the happening cancelled

No. We are in a situation where we either all stay home and don't make any money we need to fucking survive, or we all go back to work and die of the coronavirus.

It's happening regardless of what we choose at this point.

this here says you do a lot of tests.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-06 Coronavirus Update (Live) 1,329,899 Cases and 73,842 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer.png (1194x408, 37.87K)

Its sounds like you just threw a bunch of fat boomer checkup portfolios together for the sake of putting on a show. Also you're a nigger loving kike

Several states have claimed they're out of test kits or won't test you if you're under 65. So all those test were done way too early into the outbreak.

Also we don't test after death or home deaths so our fatality numbers are lower than RL. All of this is public knowledge, but no one seems to care

No, economy will go up people will go outside then infection rate while flourish big time again.

The death numbers are going down but the infection rate is still climbing and as that number grows larger so will the rate.

We got just the flu numbers with the entire world essentially shut down. Just wait till America leads the charge like retards and opens things back up. Shit will spread like wildfire. Then again keeping things shutdown is pointless now. Hospitals will just have to be overrun and old people will be denied service and sent to die. Just import more browns.

Yeah, but what will happen when people go out again?

I'm not a retard i just don't know much about how viruses work

There is still hope Swedens Chineese Corona will soon explode

>Boris Johnson in ICU

This, next zero test kits in my state, all kits are in NSW and Vuc

>Stock market is surging

This is really what is confusing me. Why are we on a bull right now? I don't think anything actually changed, or that we pumped additional money into the system.

First of all, I spent hundreds of hours cross-referencing dozens of scientific papers on SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2
Secondly, I'm Spanish, you retard.

The entire world is on lockdown so all this happening is already priced in. Time to buy.

this is just a big nothingburger isn't it ?

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Vic here, we don't even test unless you're over 65 or a healthcare worker. We seem to just be hoarding them and lying about our numbers, we're probably up there with NSW numbers

Models are bullshit.

Who's calling the shots fag?

>China has no new cases
Source: CCP

They keep getting better. Dude this shit is over. Sorry?

>the largest quarantine in world history
>huge sections of the economy shut down in most developed countries
>billions of people under stay at home orders
>disease no spread as fast :-(

The happening happened you stupid faggot. Slowing this bitch down was the point.

Of course it was nothing. COVID-19 was a test made by the Jews to see how much people are willing to believe the media and government with no facts. They've gathered valuable info. They'll let some time pass so we forget about the entire situation but we'll have it etched into our subconscious that we can live with our rights removed and under martial law.

I give it around 5 years before they start with the next fake mass hysteria that will be for good. Introducing vaccines to be a part of society, the real deal. Move to the countryside before it's too late.

Deserves trips

hahahaha you poor thing
get an education, job, gym membership, and resume your schizo meds please

We multi test those that are positive.

the real happening is this globo homo nanny state we are all trapped in
>not verified? cant post online, cant go online, cant shop, cant sell, cant consoom nor coom
this is the next happening