You're a hero now go-I mean essential worker. Get back out there and sell more product!

>You're a hero now go-I mean essential worker. Get back out there and sell more product!

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What the hell is your problem with a functioning economy?

Something wrong with working and a pay bump too?

You're not a communist piece of shit right user?

$5/hr would be more of a gift, $2 isn't even going to keep up with inflation considering how much the fed is dumping

meanwhile everyone that is unemployed due to the corona virus shutdowns will not only get their unemployment but an additional $600 a week

i'm one of those that are going to make double what they normally made by being laid off

Every grocery store is doing that, you sperg. People are walking off the job throughout the grocery industry, and stores are trying to offer them incentive to stay.

Anyone else think the kids with Down’s syndrome shouldn’t be working right now?

Being a "hero" is worth only an extra $2 per hour?

$2 is like a 30% raise nigga what are you complaining about?


>REEE bosses are jews
>reeee bosses are giving workers extra money!
fuck off already

Kikes and chinks want millennials and zoomers to take out loans and buy stonks. Boomers are going apeshit.

I'm enjoying my vacation from the Jewish economy. Hope I'm off until June.

Literally everything is doing this. I have a feeling it's mandated by the stimulus bill.

nothing would keep up with inflation

>work in a food ingredient warehouse
>if I don't work, there is no food for the supermarket cashier heroes to sell
>no hazard pay
I'm getting this shit for sure
I hope you all die
fuck you stop buying stuff

>over 90% devaluation prior to happening
Hurrrrrr inflations

You understand that grocery stores are where mommy gets your tendies, right?

They are my heroes OP

I need my crispy seaweed and they have memorised how many items? It's like savantism.

They're only doing it because workers are dropping out like flies as HEB is literally the only grocery store that took this seriously from the start and added the $2 bonus since weeks ago. They did it because they had to, not to help the workers.

>thank me for muh service

you can thank me by not buying protein powder or pre-shreded cheese

HEB did this weeks ago

you cant even make that argument. most of the time the jew ceo wont feel a thing by giving a $2 raise to employees, he'll just pass it along to the customer in the form of higher prices. in this case tho the ceo is a based, empathetic white dude, that still wont feel a thing by giving a $2 raise to employees by just passing it along to t he customer in the form of higher prices.

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Let’s make this viral so the place I work does it. I’ve been torn on all of this, on the one hand I am relieved I still have a job while lots of other people don’t, including people that work around me at other stores. But then also how dangerous is the virus really? If it’s as dangerous as some people say then shouldn’t we all be forced to stay home? Everyone except for hospitals and pharmacies, instead it’s a free for all basically because you can just say you’re going to the grocery store. So basically workers are extremely at risk right now or putting others at risk or it’s a huge panic over nothing so I don’t know how to feel. I imagine there’s going to be some pissed off workers over the next coming weeks if people start getting the virus, but that hasn’t happened, shouldn’t that have happened already with all the stores still left open? Everything is so unclear to me that it’s frustrating I just want to plan my life and get on with it, where’s my fuckin hero pay

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>$40 - $80 to definitely get a virus that will likely not do shit to me but is being advertised as being sooper deadly

Wow thanks! I can't even afford a therapist I'm going to need for killing my parents with the illness I'm bringing them.

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Yes. Because they're too fucking stupid to understand how social distancing, quarantines, etc. work. At my store, one of our retard baggers came in hacking. She was immediately sent home, whereupon we discovered her building was supposed to be on lockdown anyway, and she had somehow waltzed out past her carer to go to work. While sick.

Fuck retards, they should be drowned at birth.

Do you have a union, user?

$16 - (25%) = enjoy your 12 bucks a day hazard pay.
Real heroes get paid like real slaves

it's better to be laid off

no union.
unions are a meme, my last job was making auto parts and had a mandatory union and it fucking sucked. shit pay and the union took out money from my paycheck on top of that. I'm getting paid double now non-union.
maybe unions had their place in decades past but now they are fucking worthless. they're just as power-hungry as corporate.

I work at whole foods. I got a 2 dollar raise so I make 17 an hr but it's still not worth it. They should be giving us all two weeks of PTO for when we all get sick. A $2 raise for a full time Comes like 60-65 bucks after tax. $5 is really what we should be getting paid. We also aren't provided masks only gloves. I saw a retard pushing carts without gloves on at publix. Terrifying.

>in break room at work
>retarded assholes I work with bitching that Wal-Mart is enforcing social distancing now
>I told them that if they didn't enforce 6 feet, people would stand 1 foot away from each other
>retards refuse to understand that not everyone can go to the hospital with pneumonia at once

fuck everyone
I hope you all die
American normies cannot handle what is about to happen

>maybe unions had their place in decades past but now they are fucking worthless.
your apathy makes them worthless, nigger

lel, ok bud
let me know when those fucks are getting us more than $10 an hour to make auto parts

You should get a bonus user. Your work is ssential, and you're a hero for doing it.

fuck unions
fuck corporate
fuck normies
fuck China
fuck jannys, both on Yas Forums and in real life, these jannys at my job are dirty as fuck

at least the jannys at my job get paid though ;^)

dumbass. what do you think all this crashing is doing? certainly the opposite of inflation.

One worker can't fix US unions being shit.

I don't want to be a hero
people are always telling me I'm lucky to have a job right now but I'd rather stay home and wait out the infection
I'm not some retard living paycheck to paycheck and beyond my means, I have savings. but no, I have to work and expose myself to these fucking vermin at work that are gonna get me sick

lmao I work in a warehouse and we dont get this shit
Then again I make almost $25 an hour driving around on a forklift

ironically the coffee shop i work at (not a barista i do deliveries and dishes and trash) are in the culinary union cause they're in an airport and the baristas all make like 15 an hour vs all the same coffee shops outside the airport are like 8-9 an hour

Boa wagecuck banker here

I got a fucking $5 per hour raise and joined the middle class. Now I get $22/ hour more then my boss. I also have healthcare, a 401k, and 10k saved. Time to get a white woman pregnant?




Do you have vulnerable relatives at home you might infect?
Are you not allowed to quit?
Also, if you don't get a mask at work, there's instructions on how to sew pretty good masks online.

What the fuck nigger i make 12$/h as a forky boy

This is what it looks like when basic human labor becomes valuable again

"essential" means nothing.
as soon as the state tells non-essential businesses to close, the white collar pencil pushers in the office find some excuse to be considered "essential" and stay open. and those faggots get to work from home while the blue collar workers have to come into the place and get exposed.

Swissbro, if I quit, I have no health insurance. that's the only thing stopping me from quitting right fucking now.

Would have been better to not call it a "hero bonus." It's like they don't understand what patronizing is.

>Health insurance bound to job
I'm sorry, user. I wish it wasn't the way it is. I hope you stay healthy.

This is why we need a global workers strike until unions once more are there for the workers.

The PTO is the the key. A $2 raise is a joke.

Where the fuck is my raise? I work for part of the supply chain and am exposed to customers all the time too. But I don't get any $2/hr hazard raise.

Grocery workers might be making more than me and my job is harder and needs more qualifications.

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coronavirus is gonna absolutely rape America for this very reason. I have no choice but to continue working and hope that when (not if, WHEN) I get it, I don't get it bad.
all the problems in American society are being amplified x1000 due to this pandemic. this thin facade of America being a rich, successful, first world country is falling to pieces. our society is built on debt and lies. and everyone hates each other. and our money is fake. BRRR

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Rolling it out just in time for the "pandemic" to end so they can take it away.

>Here's your 2 bucks wagie, now get back in the cagie and don't get sick or you'll be fired

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I've been working here almost 3 years.
Start like 15 something
1 years 16 something
2 years 18 something
3 years 23 something

user every first world country is in the same boat. FIAT currency has always been fake wealth.

we were all fucked before we were born

Based and chosen pilled

Maybe actually just pay people what they deserve according to actual rates of labor and inflation and people will be more willing to risk death via coof

>when those fucks are getting us more
you realize you have to actually participate, yes?