We are fucking doomed

Sweden, Gothenburg today
I can’t be more frustrated over the indifference of these idiots, but we can’t do anything about it.

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I thought Sweden was a Black Country?

Fake and gay i see no Niggers or muslims.

Almost like the deranged narratives you believe about Sweden have no truth to them.

20% of Sweden’s population are immigrants.

Sweden is a diverse and multicultural country not some nazi white person cesspool filled with nazi white culture

its literally just a flu bro

I wish gook moot would ban your whole fucking country.

And the rest are jewraped lefturds

If only you knew how much worse it's going to get.

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They are based you wimp

Looks like everyone there is a having a good time and not worried about the flu. Hope the USA is back to this very soon.

Ovenmagnet, thanks for making nazis cool Again.

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99% of amerimutts are immigrants bro

Like niggers and muslims would sit at a outdoor seating and pay overprice for alcohol. They're most likely in 'the hood' outside their local Pressbyrån smoking joints with their fellow shitskins

No one knows for sure but I suspect Sweden might be the only country doing the right thing.
Not on the 20% immigration of course I mean on the herd mentality (yes I know its herd immunity but Trump called it herd mentality and I prefer that).
Even if Sweden isnt doing the right thing, at least they will be a control experiment so we can model the effects of the measures other countries have taken versus not doing it.

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Muslims and niggers don’t usually drink alcohol in outdoor cafes

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It's a nothingburger, Sven.


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I watched a BBC documentary on some afghan migrants. They turned up in Sweden in a full blizzard on their way to Finland and the leader of the migrants said he hoped Finland was warmer cos hed told them Finland was warm like Afghanistan lol.

And yet you have less deaths than us or Italy, countries where police has forced us to stay home at gunpoint. You better have 100k+ deaths by the end of this or there's no justice in the world.


.03% mortality rate in people under 50

>Record unemployment numbers despite dropping like flies compared to their neighbors
>Overloaded hospitals
>No PPE left
>No medication left
>Last week, treatment consisted of a bottle of oxygen and some morphine and they cart you into a room where you can expire
If they're keeping up the same immigration numbers they had in March, they're set to import 100k in 2020.
So "the right thing to do" is to let the whole thing fucking burn while importing new niggers to replace the people who built the country. Just lie down and die.

Find some rope, man.

sure, if you believe Chinas data instead of Italy and Spains

They want Sweden dead
That's all there is to it

Sweden is already dead. You're just watching some Kalergi Colony getting new blood in.

it's a nothingburger, so nothing to worry about.

I did mention in my post that I was talking about their response to the virus.

Their suicidal immigration setup has been going on for much longer and will do far more damage than any microscopic virus.

China data is more believable as hey at least test those outside oth hospitals.

Please tell us about the flu season of 2017-2018 and the ensuing public hysteria.

Their response to the virus is pretty much "do fucking nothing". The retards have fucking nothing in stock. Not that we had either, but we're getting shit at least and have slowed shit down so hospitals have been able to get stockpiles. They're not even getting that, so it's all gone to shit.

But yeah, despite keeping everything running, record unemployment numbers. They're circling the fucking drain. Don't for a second think they had a choice in doing things differently. The only reason they did it this way was because they couldn't afford anything else.

my god, Amerimutts are dumber than shit

shut the fuck up idiot. Muslim brownshit are 8% of the Swedish population

first based thing sweden has done in years. not pay attention to this overhype hoax panic

Wait Sweden’s not a white country Iceland bro?

not your life
not your freedom
not your choice

project more you little whore. just because your country is a shithole doesn't mean Sweden is

Fucking hell, what a horrible sight.

>first based thing sweden has done in years
What, lie down and die and let itself be replaced by niggers?
Guessing you're a Christian.

Thats Norway you tard.Pick up a geography book.

>implying Africans are only Muslim
“ As of 2017, Statistics Sweden reported that around 2,439,007 or 24.1% of the inhabitants of Sweden were from a foreign background”

i pity the white kids having to grow up with all those subhumans

>shut the fuck up idiot. Muslim brownshit are 8% of the Swedish population

>so what if this mud is only 8% dirt, its still pure water

Kys boring amerimutt

>i have no idea what metaphorical "to project" means

Of course that fat Shit does. No difference between the population of Xi and Trump, both greedy, money hungry drones who lap up dear leaders words like the dogs they are

Dude, you better hope that the Chinese super-spreader operatives don't show up with L-strain Covid-19. Keep an eye out for the older Chinese ladies - they're going to start coughing and spitting and licking everything soon, if they haven't started already.

>So "the right thing to do" is to let the whole thing fucking burn while importing new niggers to replace the people who built the country. Just lie down and die.
They're not dropping like flies. The lethality of the virus doesn't change. It got into nursing homes and they are now dying. One reason why they have been worse then Denmark and Norway to protect their elderly is probably because the elderly themselves imported a ton of sandniggers to work in elderly care. Actually being killed off by a problem they themselves created.
Here are Italy's numbers
Look at them. That is with 132.000 confirmed cases, but Italy is in a state of emergency and have way more infected then they can test.

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most Africans in Sweden ARE Muslim. Zoomali Muslims are the biggest black ethnicity by far, next ethnicity is Eritreans which is 50% Muslim

lmao niggers and muslims dont go to terraces

Who cares, teddy bears.

I agree with the medkit.

chinese wouldnt do that
such a person would need to be psychotic paranoid schizo etc

most go through the motions till they are old enough to do whatever else anyways
i had a few black and spic friends but i never went to their homes or hung out with them after school

It is though

Now post classroom pics in rural parts of Canada.

Wait so you’re telling me Norway is in Russia? Fucking based Liberian bro

no one gives a shit about your kind. Imagine being such a bunch of faggots you have to blow your own horn all the time.

Natural selection. Weeds out the retards.

We don't know long term effects. It could shorten life expectancy by years. The specialty of Covid19 is to ravage lungs undetectedly.

Dallas Texas today. Every open business was full.

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God, i wish Europe would fucking crash and burn. I'd pay to see that shit happen.

Oh, and you DO know how much worse it's going to get? People get sick. People die. Since the beginning of time. You can't stop that. So get off your cowardly ass, stop sucking government and media cock, and get back to work you fucking pussy!!

I don't see anyone from the groups really at risk. They'll be fine user, and so will you.

>I thought Sweden was a Black Country?

You have to keep in mind that what the average European considers 'a significant amount of blacks', is quite a bit less than what the average Americans understand when he sees that same phrase.. Not even to mention what Americans understand about what constitutes 'white'.

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Yes, that includes any europeans, with that said, they are on a fasttrack to ethnic suicide. America however, has already done it. Whites are already a minority in the younger demographic. Sweden can and will turn things around, America won't. That's the difference between being a colony of Europe and being Europe itself.

Sweden's society is superior to the U.S

They have basically no covid infection which is a testament to how medically efficient their socialized healthcare system is. America could learn a thing or two from them

Why dont you stay home gay boy

>sweden isnt a shithole

for starters the fact that it is now second in rapes on entire earth only to south africa, having fallen from top of the list in 10 years, doesnt mean anythng

(protip: its a shithole)

yea but this is a case of mutt projection, just because he is used to seeing diversity literally everywhere doesn't mean it's the case in Sweden

Amen, fren! I hope we stop being cowards and get the fuck back to work and life soon, too!!

Sweden needs to be a glass fucking crator asap

3 white girls 1 white boy un whole pic.

It's faroe islands you stupid yanks. I saw that shit on vinland saga.

If you think that's interesting, this is what a local Catholic school looks like here. They have to, by law, allow and teach Muslims and Islam. Which is great and has my full support, so that I do not go to prison for having my own opinion.

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nice photo from morroco

Looks like I took that pic in Australia

ET phone home

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> In 2009, the U.S. Department of State estimated that there were 450,000 to 500,000 Muslims in Sweden, around 5% of the total population.
Are you citing that?
and foreigners tend to have more kids than actual Sweden.
Stop caping for Sweden. In 40 years it will be a Muslim majority country.

People are dying in Spain and Italy because they're old, and your hospitals are full..

>muh justice in the world

Blame your the politicians that didn't invest enough in the care sector, and the people that voted them into power.

What does mixed breed dogs have to do with using projectors Finland bro? Lmao stay losing

> They have to, by law, allow and teach Muslims and Islam.

wait what

dont you mean "have to also teach arabs".......

RELAX OP, you will be just fine !

See you in couple of months with that new nanochip in your body and healthy as a horse.