/TKG/ - Ted Kaczynski General #18 - Vote for Biden Edition

>The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>Essential reading:
->Industrial Society and Its Future (ISAIF):
editions-hache.com/essais/pdf/kaczynski2.pdf (ONLY 30 PAGES)

>Further reading:
->Anti-Tech Revolution (ATRev):
->'The Technological Society' by Jacques Ellul
->Ultimo Reducto
->'Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes' by Jaques Ellul

>Who is Theodore „Ted“ John Kaczynski?
->Confirmed 167 IQ
->Man of Action
->PhD in Mathematics

>Visit our FAQ:

>Visit our /prep/ing list:

>Dumbest response yet:
"Notice how his manifesto contains multiple, seemingly contradictory viewpoints: I.e., an apparently environmentalist stance while denouncing all forms of Leftism."

>Last threads:
#4 (250+ replies)
#5 (100+ replies)
#6 (150+ replies)
#7 (300+ replies)
#8 (250+ replies)
#9 (100 replies)
#10 (100+ replies)
#11 (300+ replies)
#12 (100+ replies)
#13 (150+ replies)
#14 (150+ replies)
#15 (200+ replies)
#16 (300+ replies)
#17 (300+ replies)

Attached: Vote for Biden before it's too late.png (3348x1780, 642.63K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Evening, Argiebro.


Look at this graph

It's going down

Read Ted.

Attached: The Graph.png (705x654, 85.04K)

Based Biden

Source on graph? A schizo replied to me once with a similar one with way more meme lines.

Bros, /TKG/ has a minor problem to solve:

Anons have been mentioning in several threads that due to time-zone/daylight-savings-time issues, /TKG/ has been irregular as far as punctuality goes.

Anons from all over the homo-globe participate in /TKG/, from India to the Americas, and everywhere in between.

Any and all anons willing to help clear this shit up once and for all are welcome to do so.

>what are time zones and how do they affect /TKG/
>what is daylight savings time and how should /TKG/ deal with this high-tech BS once and for all

This way, anons all over the world will finally be able to count on a set-time for the first /TKG/ bread of the day.

DISCLAIMER: The set-time will be abolished once /TKG/ finally gets its way.

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I think it's The Limits to Growth by the Club of Rome.

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r/TheodoreKaczynski got banned from Reddit. What assholes.

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I just put 2PM EST into google and it gives me the local time.

Well good evening to you as well, trusty thread-bumping finnbro.

¿Ready to click away on those fire hydrants and crosswalks 'til Ted-Kingdom come....?

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Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!

Been making some improvements to the preplist. I've added extra info in chapters "Settlement", " Medicine", "Comabt and Self-Defense" and "Foraging".

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i hate nigger-tech and the internet but think spaceships are cool
how do i square this circle lads?

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>due to time-zone/daylight-savings-time issues, /TKG/ has been irregular
Just google 'Eeastern Standard Time'.
/TKG/ starts every day, 2pm EST

>#17 (300+ replies)
nice, seems like it is really lifting off. Maybe we should go ahead and do 2 /TKG/ per day?

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There are timezones that take into account daylight savings time. I think EDT is one

Ko im jebe mater, Uncle Ted is too based for them

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Agreed, no doubt, but several amerimutts complained about this, so....

Given the Ted-given fact that the collapse MUST begin in one of the main industrial poles, the least /TKG/ can do is address their mutty concerns....

>inb4 le mutt education


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>muh peak oil
We have enough proven reserves CURRENTLY, WITH NO MORE EXPLORATION, to last 200 years with increasing levels of consumption.
We aren't going anywhere. You can have Earth once we're done getting off of it, anprim.

No problem with that. At what time do we schedule the second /TKG/?

Good evening fellow less-than-huwhite brother!

Seriously now, good to see you here b&h. How is that /preplist/ coming along???

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You can't get off of your fat ass to do something useful in your life, let alone go into puter space. And besides, where do you think you can go? Moon cannot be terra-transformed and the second closest celestial object, Mars, is too far away.

I believe in technology and progress.

But not everything new is better. For isntance horseback riding is based on technology, bicycle riding to work is very advanced technology.

Problem with todays technolGOY is that isnt even inventive or creative but just gimmicky and in many cases and excuse for consoooomers. Some traits of nu-technology as opossed to good are (all interconnected):

1. low durability
2. high proprietarization
3. high centralization
4. low modification
5. fast process of becoming obsolete

PS- should we start a discord?

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It's going nice and smooth. A lot of info was added, but a lot more still needs adding.

The first three chapters are perfected. My main focus is on the other ones. I feel like "Settlement" is the weakest chapter in the preplist, and as the weakest link, I think it should be adressed.

Good point. What if some sort of collapse happens? In that case it's safe to assume that our best machines to extract oil will no longer be functional. So, now you have all this oil in some known place, but your tech is basically back at square one (non-organization-dependent machines and technique). Now it seems it would be a race to develop machines that are able to get to the same level of sophistication of pre-collapse tech in terms of extraction in that 200 year window. What do you think?

another thing, most of modern technolgoy is not sustainable - if it werent for china you could never afford as much of it and it would never be produced in such a fast becoming obsolete way. If stuff was to become more expesnive and priced properly a lot of problems would be fixed.

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No, the general is still relatively undeveloped for a Discord server. And besides, Reddit is very hostile toward Tedpilled content. I don't think Discord will be much different.

>Just google 'Eeastern Standard Time'.
>/TKG/ starts every day, 2pm EST

Is it really that simple....? The amerifrens were still complaining, although the googling-the-time thing never failed in argieland....

My goodness, they complained and complained, on other threads too, can the solution really be that simple....? In any case, this needs to be worked out, one way or another, for the sake of /TKG/.


If this is really a non-issue, all apologies anons, really honestly thought this was an issue....


>I don't think Discord will be much different.

call it "gamers united" what could they do

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If China were to collapse technologically, the rest of the world would quickly follow.

Btw, pic related is my literal wet dream. I refer to is as The Second Moment of Svarog.

I've a general suggestion for the preplist: make it less condescending and assume the reader is not a retard!

>Since the ammo is scarce, set all your guns to manual (non-automatic) fire.
Let's be honest, anyone who is dumb enough to waste ammo that he himself has bought and knows he can't get any more of, is too dumb to survive. We don't care about them. This is just one example. We have a lot of information to put down, so all non-vital information appears as noise over signal. We can easily write a 100 page book, but nobody is going to read a 100 page book.

Most of the information regarding tools of community defence and hunting can be narrowed down to something like: get the best ranged weapon you can legally acquire. This means either a rifle, bow or crossbow. There is almost never a reason to engage in hand-to-hand combat and even indoors, ranged weapons are superior to melee. Axes, knives and everything else are also potential throwing weapons.

I'd recommend adding to the foraging section some of the most important plants that are widely spread.
I'd add oaks (acorns) and how to make them edible by leaching, oaks can be found on every continent except Antarctica and Australia almanac.com/content/how-prepare-and-cook-acorns
And dandelions which everyone knows and grow everywhere and are very nutritionally dense, (pic related)

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they're browsing Reddit in the first panel

Is it that easy? Hah. Gues I have a lot to learn. But then again, I never used Discord.

>It's going nice and smooth. A lot of info was added, but a lot more still needs adding

Good to hear user. Other anons will no doubt be contributing their knowledge to help complete it.


Just to let ALL ANONS know:

After the habitual 2PM EST thread, another thread had to be baked, that's how wild it got, , it was fucking awsome.

Lots of new anons gravitated towards it, they had never come across /TKG/ because of time zones and what not. Some very good back and forth discussion was had, with barely any shills/fedposters.

Check it out if you like. Pic related made its first appearance in that thread apparently.

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It really is that simple. If people can't figure out when 2 PM EST is, they probably are of no use. Although, I didn't spot too many complaints.

We will get to Mars then once there we will just relax and read old books.

Where is this Low-Tech mag?

Kinda odd to think that Kacynski will likely go down as a thinker who also happened to be a bomber rather than a bomber who also happened to be an untreated schizophrenic. Way to go, Ted!

Didn't notice the funny OP pic. Lmao.


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>Where is this Low-Tech mag?

If I had to bet guy that runs it is leaning left, but there are many worthy leftists that are techpilled you can convert on our side

lowtechmagazine . com

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>If people can't figure out when 2 PM EST is, they probably are of no use.

Agreed, fuck them then.

>Although, I didn't spot too many complaints.

The complaints were in related threads, maybe shills who knows; although it is a veritable fact that a couple of the core Europosters made comments to the effect of : 'Wow, that was an hour later/earlier than expected', etc in /TKG/ several threads ago, very clearly remember that; didn't think anything of it at the time.


In any case, all apologies again anons, this really was a non-issue apparently...... Sorry to have brought it up.

TL;DR: Let's disregard the whole time-zone/DST thing, sorry.

I'd suggest if the first one goes over 300 replies, a second one is made instantly.

and/or we could also go for
i) 10 am EST = 4 pm central european time (CET)
ii) 4 pm EST
at first. maybe we could make a questionnaire or something else to analyze the traffic, to get the most possible views

>most important plants that are widely spread.
i love your pic related btw

I think many of those problems are intrinsic to our system. For example on #3: Technology/Power always tries to monopolize. Companies and governments want to be the sole providers of specific technology. I don't see any way to change this and decentralization seems to be a thing that interests maybe less than 1% of people, who are far-sighted enough to see that it's not a good fucking idea that a few corporations dominate everything.

>PS- should we start a discord?
You're free to start one of course, but I don't use discord. The only platform I use is Twitter.

you can build a house with only handtools


here is a debate all should know by heart on why we shouldnt reject old wisdom


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You make a good point. I'll see what I can filter out.

No matter how much you hoard, you will run out of firearm ammo one day, and bow and arrow alone are insufficent for self-defense. That's why I included melee and hand-to-hand, as you will have to resort to them one day. If not you, then your descendants will.

>even indoors, ranged weapons are superior to melee
Unless you're Lars Andersen, I doubt that. And again, should you find yourself in a situation where you run out of ammo or arrow, you're a sitting duck.

I knew that dandelion was edible, but was never aware of it's actual nutritional value. Will be added to the preplist.

On the Tribe/Family of chapter 3
>The only field where the tribe should be diverse are the skills.
Maybe this is ''obvious'' information, but I'd add that for every essential skill there should be at least 3 people who master it. Cases of sudden death should not impair the passing on of knowledge. No tribe can rely on one single master blacksmith for example, because if that master dies there is no one who is able to do the necessary work of a blacksmith.

Is this obvious? Maybe so. I think people will come to think about these types of stuff post-SHTF, and they will intuitively just have enough people learn the essential stuff so that knowledge doesn't disappear.

E ti si mi trebo, jarane. "House" section of the "Settlement" chapter is by far the weakest part of the preplist. If you don't mind, read it and say what is the to be added and changed.

Acorns, dandelions, stinging nettles, plantain, cattail, clovers... not many know that these are edible yet they are very common in Sub-Arctic and Temperate regions of Europe.

We can not make a totally comprehensive list, but we can command people to grab a definitive guide for >for their local ecology

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Also, things like that are best prepared in advance. I have prepper friends, and we still aren't able to decide our roles in the tribe after SHTF.

>"House" section of the "Settlement" chapter is by far the weakest part of the preplist

mala nota
>Keep the construction as simple as possible. If unnecessary, don't use concrete and/or bricks. Base your house on the model of Ted's cabin, and if your tribe/family is numerous, build several of them.

reinforced concrete is excellent but Idk how to give advice about it since its complex to make, log cabins require a lot of diy effort. good advice is how to spot and buy a good used house or avoid a mcmansion, nothing complicated. How can you change the pastebin? Add infos from the housepill, they are a good starting point.

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Thank you very much for the link.

Very recently found an oak tree, a rare thing indeed in Argentina, at least in this part of argieland....

Serious question: do you happen to know of any sure-fire way to cook and eat the acorns without dying in the process if they have been pissed on by dogs...? Was thinking maybe bleach, but not sure....

The tree in question is on an avenue in a big city, thus people and their pets....

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>you will run out of firearm ammo one day,
Definitely and guns wear out with time. I feel the usefulness of guns is in the early phase collapse, when everyone else can be expected to have guns too. Learning to make bows and arrows from scratch will be an essential long-term skill, primarily for hunting but also for self-defence.

>Unless you're Lars Andersen, I doubt that.
I primarily meant that a gun is superior to melee. This is what was taught to my in army too, there's just no reason to use anything melee ever if you have a gun in your hand. Bows and crossbows are perfectly good indoors IF your target does not have a shield. One should obviously always have both ranged capabilities (throwing axe/knife, javelin) in addition to whatever melee capability one has.

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Are you by the way the OG housebuilder Croat? I was greatly inspired by your original threads years back.

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Whats up vros always happy to be in another ted thread

I'm a hobbyist gunsmith. If we want to do anything weapons (or machining related for that matter) I could offer input

seriously by this time i am already tired and half sleepy

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I definitely wouldn't want to use bleach on food. I don't think dog piss is too much of a problem especially if it's just on the shell, which you don't eat anyway. Raw acorns have tannins which when eaten in large amounts stop your body from absorbing minerals. You get rid of them by leaching with water. The cold method is to grind acorns into a flour and out in a basket, or pillowcase and put in water until it's sweet. Running water like a stream is best but you can put them in a jar and change the water daily. This method takes a few days. You can then use the flour to cook with. The hit method is boiling pieces (not flour) of acorns for ~30 mins at a time and keep changing the water. Usually 3-4 changes is enough, you'll know when you taste a piece and it's actually edible and sweet. I've harvested acorns from urban areas before with no problems so you should be fine.

sorry poobro :(

Im glad it inspired you, I post on diy. I think it would be a good idea to make more infopic like this , but about other diy stuff which is why discord might help or some platform where information is more "stable"

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ist ne gute meme

Blessed be Ted.

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>Learning to make bows and arrows from scratch will be an essential long-term skill, primarily for hunting but also for self-defence.

Look into 'The Traditional Bowyer's Bible' for more on this. It is an excellent comprehensive work.

If you have no woodworking skills whatsoever but would like to learn, no worries, this is a very viable option to learn those skills.

It will teach you about grain orientation (crucial knowledge for ANY woodworker), wood selection/drying techniques, and basic tool use.

Also contains very interesting general info on primitive-peoples' hunting techniques and shooting techniques, and other interesting stuff as well.

It is a four-volume work, but all the info you will ever need on bow-making is in there.

What are the essential tasks of a truly 100% self-sufficient low tech community by the way?

At least:
>leather tanning
>knitting, weaving
>glassblower (maybe?)
What's missing?

I see. Thanks.

I know some things from the housepill like the harmfulness of the 'wall foam' (however it's really called) and regular paint, but I'm interested more in construction, as in building the foundation, the walls, what the height of the house should be etc.

Thank you very much user, will do exactly as you say, and will follow the link you shared for recipes and such.

In fact, there are so many acorns just lying on the sidewalk so as to try different variants and learn even more thru practice/experimentation.

the link was very clear on what acorns to use, and which to discard.

Thanks again.

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barrel maker, doctor, farmers probably more i can't think of off the top of my head

the thing is, after SHTF, there will still be an abundance of today's technology, just without electricity. So computers and the like would be useless, but if you want new shoes, just go and loot some stuff. would be a really interesting world

My mind is blown thinking about 4 volumes of books on... bow making. Not trying to denigrate the skill, but surely there are more concise guides on that! Mostly bothered by the thought of shelling out $40 on something I can theoretically get for free. Prepping is a very expensive hobby!

I ordered The technological society and it just arrived in the mail.

Yes, guns are superior to melee. That goes without saying. But you got the point: in the long run, melee skills will be needed.

>Bows and crossbows are perfectly good indoors IF your target does not have a shield.
Fuck, I totally forgot about shields. Gues I'll add them to the preplist as well. I remember some good info on them by Varg while he was still on YT.

>as in building the foundation, the walls, what the height of the house should be etc.

eehhh, foundations especially diy Dick Proenneke style need an infographic of its own, regarding shape and height of the house, our area usually does it right, stocky, low, stable, as similar to sqare shape as you can get for better thermal properties

>It will teach you about grain orientation (crucial knowledge for ANY woodworker), wood selection/drying techniques, and basic tool use.

we need short concise information and systematized. remember KISS principle

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Your countribution is welcome and needed. My knowledge on firearms is very lacking. Please read the "Firearms" section of the "Combat and Self-Defense" chapter of the preplist, and see what can be added.

There is an easy solution to that, sleepy indianon:

If you like, start your own /TKG/ threads at a more convenient time for you.

Maybe other indianons will find your threads more accesible simply because of your local time, and you get to spread the word that way.

Also, be sure to consider linking the /preplist/ and the /TKG/ FAQ if you like them and feel they can be of use to other anons out there.

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Glownigger fuck chink nigger jannie kike