why is america such a shithole?
Why is america such a shithole?
It's a frontier society with guns.
Remove nigger population and remake the graph
niggers and spics
Niggers,spics,kikes and liberals
Nigs... how's this even a question
>If I remove a demographic from the data for the purpose of making the statistics look better, the statistics will look better!
Are other countries allowed to do this too then? Can Australia remove a demographic of its choosing for the same purpose? Like, I dunno, all males?
Niggers and spics
Sorry you don’t have niggers in Canada. Would you like some?
I want real answers, not le niggurs.
>Research suggests that police practices, such as racial profiling, over-policing in areas populated by minorities and in-group bias may result in disproportionately high numbers of racial minorities among crime suspects.
>A 2018 study in the American Journal of Public Health found that black and Hispanic men were far more likely to be killed by police than white men.
>A 2016 study focused on police violence quantified the number years of life lost due to police violence by race in the US from 2015 to 2016. This study found disproportionate years of lives lost for minorities. Minorities were 38.5% of the population, but compromised 51.5% of the years of life lost.
So.. it's niggers then?
No thanks. They have blacks in Toronto that you can have.
Another reason your crime rate is high is because of your “whites” who are really eastern europeans/slavs.
It’s always so noticeable when I travel through the States the high percentage of Slavs. Where I am from everyone is UK/French/German descendant.
>Whats two plus two?
>And dont give me answers like "four", I want REAL answers!
Niggers and spics.
Take away black homicides and run the numbers again syrup nigger
niggers is the real answer nigger. now kys nigger.
It is niggers though. Race is a biological construct. It determined on a broad scale the average intelligence and violent criminality of a given group of people. Welcome to the real world. Also
They also think the Holocaust happened and that race realism is pseudoscience. You are just wrong.
Suck my ice cold nordic cock you absolute piece of human garbage, it’s niggers arabs and the brown sludge inbetween, the US only has more of them than everyone else. Fuck C*nada fuck c*nadians. A nation so shit they have to overcompensate in a fucking sport larping as hard men.
Based. The answer is race realism. This entire thread is an underlying race realism thread. Might as well just cut the bullshit and get to it. There are still retards who aren’t race realist I guess because their entire worldview is doomed if it’s true. Even my lefty gf is now. Hell, fucking /sci/ is race realist now and they are usually a board of straight up academia humpers. It’s just over. My city is like 10% black and I personally saw a man get shot today, 4 times. Black suspect, black culprit. They are just genetically violent and low IQ people.
Niggers and jews
White America has homicide numbers on par with Norway
white supremacist terrorist attacks
Oh jew
Only if they country they are being compared against has very few or no men.
When you get into the actual statistics race realism is just a no brainer. Control for white test scores in the US, the supposedly worst education system in the first world? Like norway and denmark. Control for East Asians in the US? Like Japan, Hong Kong and South Korea. Control for mexicans? Like Mexico. If you aren’t race realist in 2020 you are brown and coping super hard or a complete retard. I bet the East just fucking laughs their asses off at how we believe niggers to be equal.
Because it's full of niggers.
Do you know what comparative statistics are you complete dipshit?
Lawful homicides, because they aren't fags about guns
it helps isolate the problem. like rape statistics in certain countries or cities.
I would love to see a fag like destiny blame this on socioeconomic factors. There’s just no reasoning with any religious zealot of modern leftism.
What is 13%/50%?
All these fucks giving the wrong answer. There is one reason and one only.
Niggers. There is no social policy that reconstructs their entire genepool to construct their brain differently. It wasn’t le ebil Democrats either. They are just not fully human.
2015, use 2019 numbers now and see how that mass immigration is working out.
Can you post the percent of browns and blacks in those same countries?
IQ doesn't correlate with crime
>black and Hispanic men were far more likely to be killed by police than white men
Cops killing someone in the line of duty, justly, are not counted as a murder.
>Minorities were 38.5% of the population, but compromised 51.5% of the years of life lost
Maybe minorities can stop being shitty people.
Blacks are responsible for 90%+ of blacks deaths. The answer is niggers.
Guns + individualism. Plus the average person can’t read above a third grade level
Yes it does.
95% of crime that ends up in life or death situations is physical. Get fucked little nigger and get out of that white country. Wow, some literally pseuds making a case against the bell curve? Based dude! Niggers commit more violent crime than anyone on the planet at a rate 10x higher than any other race! Awww wanna get into white collar crime to shift the goalposts? That’s jews niglet.
its because of black gangs
the vast majority of america is very safe
it is THE real answer... there have been years in NYC where NINETY NINE PERCENT(99%) of shootings were commited by blacks
Somebody post the study where police in Chicago used ai for predicting crime and it came back with the black areas. And the follow up race neutral study that said to target areas where Newports are sold
Without blacks/hispanics America is on par with Scandinavian crime rates pre refugee crisis.
13 do 50.
If you break down homicides by race, US white fits right in with other European countries. US black fits right in with other African countries
Because reality is racist. Reality is race realist.
Why are they like this? They trying to show off their underwear as another layer?
In other words - a lot of left wing bullshit by left wing morons claims that the real reason niggers are niggers is because muh waycism.
Where do you retards spawn, is shareblue still raiding pol after ao long
It's from a scholarly encyclopedia.
It’s over dude. Even normies are race realist now.
IQ only correlates with crime because niggers are stupid... race(white vs black) is the strongest statistical correlation with crime that exists
Wow an appeal to authority and comparing it to white collar crime? Blacks commit disproportionately the amount of actual crimes on the ground in every country on earth. Do you accept or deny this?
Race is the greatest statistical correlation for anything in a multiracial society. This little leaf tried to conflate white collar (jew) banking schemes with niggers walking around murdering and raping people right here in this very thread.
Look up table 43 of FBI crime stats look at homicide. Notice 13/50 meme is factual. Be even more surprised when you see the FBI counts Hispanic murder rates as white to inflate our numbers. Be not surprised they do this under handed faggotry with people like James Comey in charge. Be thankful you're a leaf. Then realize America could change but you'll always be a leaf. Then commit unlife.
>Do you accept or deny this?
Deny, because institutional racism exists, and blacks are overwhelmingly discriminated against by white cops.
Says nothing about crime and IQ. Try again.
>Race is the greatest statistical correlation for anything in a multiracial society.
Yeah because racist white people fabricate data, misreport, have biases, and discriminate.
Forgive him, he is a brainwashed retard.
BTW OP Being black is a stronger statistical indicator of future criminality than being an already convicted criminal, think on that for a few moments.
>Notice 13/50 meme is factual.
None of these numbers are even close to 13% of the population.
Hey so I thought you should know these stats are flawed because they're based on crimes that a person has been charged with. If 10 people get caught stealing candy and 3 of them are black and the rest are white, but 5 white people get the charges dropped (due to access to better lawyers, white privilege, etc) then the remaining 2 white people and 3 black people get charged and are now part of that statistic, making it look like over 50% of the crimes are committed by black people.
Thanks for playing though, it's much appreciated.