Who will pay for it

Who will pay for it.

100% socialized medicine will come out of this pandemic.

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I’ve intubated countless patients as a paramedic and many recovered. What in the fuck is he going on about. This didn’t happen.

This is such a LARP. Nobody cares about the cost, when they’re dead. Not tell my wife... just who’s paying. Completely unbelievable.

I'm pretty sure he's talking specifically about people with the kung flu, not just anybody that needs to be hooked up.

>I freely choose to work for and profit from a system that is corrupt to the core.
>Who is going to fix this system as I continue to profit from it and support it?

the us are a mockery of european civilization and deserve everything they get and worse.

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We'll be fine. Say hi to Ahmed for me.

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>who will pay for it.
the upper class. and if they give us any lip we can always roll out the guillotines again.

I care

its a cool question
life’s question,
the question

who is going to pay for it? the taxpayer? when you are old and when you are young you worry constantly about your burden to society. Its why suicides happen.

just don’t miss and hit the few remaining middle class.

we are the only thing that prevents the upper class from raising prices

I'll take conversations that didn't happen for $200, Alex.

>being part of a system makes you unqualified to criticize it
This is the opposite of true. Having a first-hand view of how healthcare operates makes you the BEST equipped to discuss how it can be improved. Ask me how I know you were handfed your backwards, insane rhetoric by Jews who profit from the status quo.

White people

"yeah I'll pay for the military to do questionable things in other countries that's fine"

"Yeah I'll pay for the police even though they deliberately have revenue crimes that bring in extra money"

"Yeah I'll pay for the fire department because what if my house catches on fire?"

"Yeah I'll pay for schools even though I don't have or want kids"

"Yeah I'll pay for roads I won't ever drive on"

"Yo are you trying to get me to pay for somebody else's medicine? That's FUCKED UP YOU FUCKING SOCIALIST"

this is the conservative mindset.

Anyone who has ever been to the doctor can tell how fucked up this system is. Anyone with a brain cell can look at how the system was completely unprepared for this virus through pure greed.

I’ve heard similar

>guys gf put him as a emer contact
>gf is hurt in the parking lot, super minor
>upon calling, all the guy can talk about was if her/his car was ok and if we were going to leave it

Things that never happened. The post.

I was in the hospital two years ago, and I sure cared when they told me I might need meds that are 5 grand a month. The cost of keeping your ass alive will definitely matter to you if you end up in a similar position.

I had no idea HTR was that expensive.

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Cull the weak.

Let the bodies pile up in the streets.

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The federal reserve is currently dumping more money into the system than the 2008 recession

Imagine trying to compare the safety and protection if your community as well as the upkeep of general infrastructure to needing to pay for some fat fucks diabetes and high blood pressure medication because they cant be bothered to get off the couch and go for a walk or eat a salad once in a while.

>if you can afford potatoes chips and diet coke you can buy your own fucking medication.

>Paying for public services is the same as forcing everyone to pay for a private service.

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He is of genius

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That's a third party and a car is definitely more valuable than a roastie

In some states it's entirely legal for medical billing companies to take funds from the estate, life insurance etc

>Hospitals would have to agree not to bill patients or issue unexpected charges.
Guess that program's not going anywhere

Right. So you’ve been dying, and you’re married. Your last dying thought is a piece of green paper.
Not your wife. Not family. Not a priest. Not your spawn. Just a arbitrary number on paper.
Guess your life is pretty meaningless.
No. Suicide happens because people lose hope. People who had more money than you will ever see, commit suicide. Their last thought isn’t money either.
Ok. Cool. Has nothing to do with this. But ok.

Holy shit, btfo. KEK.

Healthcare is not a private service. Everyone needs it. Even people who seem healthy are potentially shortening their lifespans by passing on check-ups and preventative care because they can't afford it.

At this point Murican tax payer paya for so much useless and bad shit it might not be bad to have that single payer even in America.

Your arguments about HC stood 50 years ago but not today sry.

Your wife and your family can lose everything they'd inherit to your debt if you die, dumbass. It's not selfish or meaningless to think about the financial wellbeing of the people you're leaving behind.

I get that. I’ve already told my loved ones if I get cancer, I’m refusing treatment. A 9mm shell is cheaper.
I’ll never ask how much it costs. I won’t worry. I won’t go to the hospital. I have DNR tattooed on me. My dying thoughts will never be about money.

imagine trusting kikes so hard you let them bill you to murder you by shoving a tube down your throat instead of getting up and walking out on your own terms like a man

I pay $600 a month for insurance for my wife and I. We're about to have a kid and the deductible is eating me alive (insurance will go to $780/m to include our child). Going to have to finance the birth. Just got a pay reduction due to covid as well. Hard times soon friends, but at least there will be one more white child in the world (it's all worth it).

>public health isn't public
And that's why your country is sitting at the top of the covid list, your covid deaths are going to be 10x of what my country has now, and among them you will have a fuckton of young people.

Same here. My life insurance pay out will go to cremating me and then to support my family. Not some corporate hospital

this guy looks some ex con fag covered in tattoos.

No, dumbass. That’s not how reality works. My friends wife died in childbirth. He is self employed. He still has everything. House, rental property, two cars. Life isn’t one of your tv dramas.

If your public option was so great then why were
you at the top of the list to begin with?

I couldn't care less if it winds up being 20x your numbers. It sounds like most of the deaths occurring here are niggers and other minorities anyway. I say keep the virus spreading. Now go back to coofing you spaghetti nigger.

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He's objectively correct about estates paying down debt first, you fucking lemming. All your anecdote means is that your friend's wife's assets were greater than or equal to her debt.

Are you retarded? He can't lose what he already owns, but if he had been the one to die, she'd go homeless as the debt vultures take their pick from his estate. You're embarrassing yourself.

You mean HRT, tard? You know that's dirt cheap and your paranoid fantasies about trannys being a plot to rake in big pharma cash is for brainlets, right?

I was talking about biologics, but I'm betting you have no idea what those are or why they'd be so expensive.

Why they take a picture of themselves? Women and fags should all be gassed.

There is something seriously off about this face. It looks like a woman that used one of those male facemorph apps.

Sad, but I understand. I’ve got another option if it ever happens. abcnews.go.com/Health/Wellness/james-verone-medical-motive-bank-robbery/story?id=13895584
Do this and write a book from prison. You can’t get proceeds from a crime, legally. So it would have to be a fiction book.

This may not have actually been said, or it's an editorialized version, but think about how many patients that rolled their cars or have ekg changes are like "but muh money" & you need to spend the next 20 minutes convincing them to go.

The fear of financial ruin runs deep when people get medical care in this country.

Also, sup medic bro

>Who will pay for it.

Because we performed post-mortem tests and counted the dead properly, unlike Germany which is lying about the dead. Also, because we are two weeks ahead in the epidemic curve compared to other countries which count the dead properly, like Spain and France. Your deaths are increasing at a pace that is almost 2 times ours.

>your paranoid fantasies about trannys being a plot to rake in big pharma cash is for brainlets,
Holy projection, batman.

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you literally


have to pay back anything from the hospital.
i never have. ive been there 3 times and just didnt pay a dime back.

who is going to stop you? they CANT reject you from life saving.

Yes, but I like to own a house and car.

How life in the trailer park Jim Bob?

Oh ok. You’re an idiot. You stated that the hospital would take everything. Then you moved the goal posts and said they can’t. You’re so dumb you contradicted yourself in four sentences.
Most people at least try to backpedal, but you’re just full bore stupid.

do you think this is how it works as in do you think the upper class is going to share the grimy state hospital with you?

>caring more about his house and car than health
peak boomer

patient doesn't have money
>the situation is by far worst thing I witnessed

Sounds like murrica to me

Your post is a prime example of American Retardation. Niggers and other minorities will coof on their white coalburning friends, who wil coof on other white people, who will coof on someone you know, who will coof on you.

This virus is a russian roulette. If you are lucky you will be among the 80% who get the mild form. If you are not you'll end up in a hospital and possibly in ICU with severe bilateral pneumonia. Even if you survive you will have to live with chronic pulmonary damage, reduced lung capacity and increased risk of developing ilnesess for the rest of your life. Not because of the virus per se, but because all severe cases of pneumonia lead to those complications.

We were the first nation hit not to lie about it

You're right, all those things would run better if they were privatized.

What the fuck is that thing in the pic?

I'm not entirely convinced that this conversation actually occurred. When you're at the stage where intubation is necessary, you're basically drowning in your own fluids and you will say ANYTHING to make it stop. Look up videos of waterboarding. That's essentially what it feels like.

They will if private insurance is outlawed. Greedy kike middlemen who profit off our suffering and jump through every hoop in the book to avoid paying for treatment they said we were covered for have no place in a white society.

Theyll sue his estate.
Aka seize his assets.

So his kids and wife wont get any inheretance.

that is not a human being. that is an AI generated image. you can tell from the uncanny valley effect.

>Say hi to Ahmed for me.

You know those stats that say 60% of Americans are non-Hispanic white? Ahmed is part of that 60%..

How hard is this for you to understand, you cuck? They recover their debts from the estate. If you live in a house your spouse owns and he dies with medical debt, they WILL take the house.
>inb4 I was jist pretending to be retarded to own the libs

Who cares, say IOU and then change ur name

Who pays for the over eight hundred American military bases around the globe?

If we are going to bankrupt the nation we may as well do something for our own citizens allow the way.

Why, so we can fail as hard as europe next time??

Youre a retard.

why doesnt he work for free?

or better, why doesnt he take a large portion of his paycheck, 30 or 40%, and donate it to his patients medical costs?

none of the faggots that promote these ideas would actually do this

that sounds more like a democrat mindset since they don't do anything other than complain.

Ive seen this meme.

>i hit my alarmclock which runs off regulated electrical lines
>then i eat my breakfast made from subsidized corn
>then i get on the roads funded by the tax payer
>then go to my job as a fireman

>what do you mean socialism! Im a libertarian!!!! I dont get anything for free!

My post said nothing about whether or not I will catch it. If I catch it, that's unfortunate, if I die, even more so. However, if I catch it at the expense of knowing a significantly higher number of niggers died in the process, then slap my ass and call me Martyr. A cause worth dying for IMO.

>PMC blocks your path

If they have to ask who is paying, it usually means that I basically will be.