How irrelevant can one ‘country’ be?

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Spanish people are not white thats for sure, too much moor genes

I'm going to have to see your loiscense for shitting on other countries with global empires long before yours m8.

See Portugal

relevant enough for your countrymen to move there in mass droves.

Spain is fairly relevant in industry and economy, just not as much as it should or could be, their stem sector needs beefing up

>Mexicans get offended when someone talks shit about Spain
lmao do you think you will be accepted as Spaniards when you do that?

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British women should be displayed as prostitutes in Spain.

Spain isn't irrelevant. Stock exchange in Madrid is important, they have Banco Santander, they're like 10 or 12 economy in the world.


Spain / Gross domestic product
1.311 trillion USD


You're like a little baby, watch this

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Literally who?

Save the princess!!!

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Imagine having your ass handed to you by a "literally who" country

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Do you think Portugal could survive in a war against spain?
And do you think mideval battle victories are relevant?

I wasn't talking to you

The dutch still took half your empire. cope

Talk about literally who countries

Most of them are piss easy to be honest, some of them even are decent looking.

THEY fucking conquerors dude

Accept Spanish annexation the easy or hard way you brown moortuguese, Portuguese nationalism and patriotism will be a thing of the past rediculed and punished in Portugal.

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They'd starve pretty quick.

Do Catalan feel Spanish?
Do Basques feel Spanish?

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Im from Girona (Cataluña) and yes i feel Spaniard.

35% catalans want independence, but they are all leftists, homosexuals, lgbt...

Based Spanish brother , how can Catalonia be made to feel more Spanish or Spain to be more Catalan so that these brothers are felt as being more included?

Real Botifler Hours

dayum boi

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theres a distinction between the southern Spaniards and the Castellanos, Basques and Asturianos in the north. Those people would be happy with independent states.

>Spanish annexation

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>And do you think mideval battle victories are relevant?
>Yet a bunch of seething brits fighting other brits over a fucking stamp is relevant
>Americans always seem to forget the time they were absolutely BTFO by >a >fucking >leaf
the absolute cope

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Truth is, independentism is going down as we speak. What they did in 2017 was their last hope.

Even with this globohomo government they won't get the independence.

Not racial, stop with this meme

>Implying I wouldn't rather be spanish than be allied to the eternal anglo

I always enjoy Portubros defending their blood brothers.

The pic's flag has the wrong colors, but it's cool nonehtless

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it's not your choice, daSilva

>how can Catalonia be made to feel more Spanish

Changing our politicians, 3/4 are freemasons

They hate our country because Franco expelled and killed all the freemasons. This is their
revenge against the Hispanity.
By expelling the traitors from our homeland we will once again unite Spain.

Spain needs it's "natural colonies" back. Argentina and Uruguay need to come back home.

Iberian folk can you help a mutt, why are you split between 2 kingdoms? Wouldn't it be easier to be a single Kingdom of Iberia instead of Port and Spain?

Shut up anglo. You can't even defend your daughers from pakis, and you only have Gibraltar because of corrupt andalusian politicians.

Go jerk off with your past somewhere else.

are you that venezuelan incel?

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a Blacked Thread died for this

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love you bro

Because the eternal anglo.

The anglo hate the spanish since the day 1.

Always together.

Fernão de Magalhães forever in my heart

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Based Portuguese

What is the Spanish homeland?
Is it gupuzkoa?
Is it Biscaiya?
Is it sevilla?
Is it Lisbon?
Is it Burgos?
Is it Barcelona?
Is it Granada?
No, no, no, no
It's all of it!

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Not only we won against them several times but we also prevented them from turning into a communist shithole in 1936.

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Your country is literally our holiday colony where we go to throw up and piss and shit all over it.

>let me tell you about your country,europoor

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Good for them. Being White is not a good thing anymore.

Because your country is a shithole and the ones throwing up, pissing and breaking shit in your streets are the sandniggers.

I rather be poorer and not being as cucked as you.

Kek assmad yuronigger

Shows how fucking uneducated and salvage you Anglos are

At least most of them are still Spanish with edible food and beautiful women. You are just a bunch of pricks with rotten teeth that suck Muslim dick. What a sad joke you are, Abdul.

your country is to where all the MED BVLLS go to make a quick buck and then fuck off to our heaven like homelands, while the brown shit stays there raping you.

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It took Spain 700 years to expel Jews and Muslims from their lands, I wonder how many years it will take you to be able to do it ...
Oh it's true you want them there!
You are the eternal cuck