Jews are so powerful...

Jews are so powerful, because their women are the only ones who are loyal to their tribe and carry their identity even in miscegenation.

A german thot's kid from arab isn't going to be german, an american coalburner's son is going to be identifying more with niggers than with whites, a russian thot marrying a rich foreigner will forget about her country the moment she gets the residency permit.

Meanwhile, Jewish women will marry rich or influential goyim and will sway them to be more in favor of the Jewish agenda and she will make sure that their kids will be 100% Jewish in mind.

If you cannot make your women to be VOLUNTARILY loyal to your group (not the loyalty from under the fist, which will stay only for as long as the fist is in reach as it happens with arabic thots), like the Jewish women, your race has no chance of succeeding in the long term.

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They will go first into the gas chambers then.

God they are so pretty. I’m sending my son to die for Israel! Match me!

>"c'mon abby. Let's go secure the BBC."

That won't solve the problem of your decomposing nation being a bunch of feeble cucks though.

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Yeah I thought this. They mate with the strongest males outside of their tribe in order to improve it but always the children are Jewish. It's a good system we should emulate.

Outlaw porn and outlaw interest. See how everything magically changes. It has been done before.

A good kike is a

Attached: kikes exploding.webm (854x470, 2.9M)

If every citizen has military training that means you can carpet bomb Israel with no problem while kids are at school.

they are so powerful because they are leeching billions every year from the american tax payer. fucking parasites

European nations are strong, people saying the contrary are shills.

Spain was under muslim law for seven centuries and then knights from Spain and France conquered back every square meter of the Spanish Kingdom one by one.

Same with BVLLGARIA and Ottoman occupation.

"She opens her mouth with wisdom, the law of kindness is on her tongue." God bless women of tradition.

You all under estimate the ferocity of white males in war times, no one can defeat the white male.

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Both Kikeish and "muh Aryan" grills don't hold a candle to master race Finnish military breeding sows. All your sperm is belong to us. Resistance is futile.

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Too bad I'm not stationed in Israel. I'm not black btw

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Finns are surprisingly ugly people

All of the people in those countries have been turned into shitskins because their women have been raped for centuries by sandniggers.


>Dana Baum

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yea..alright. my FREE FINNISH COCK has been in every color sexy thot under the rainbow

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>carry their identity even in miscegenation.
Jews do this to try to cope with treason, it's not desirable.

Mongrels would be utilized as useful idiots who have no where else to turn to the the life of slavery their mother gave them to Jews.

>outlaw interest
Then no one makes loans you retard

>literally hauls giant dick weapon into the field
Jews know no boundaries

I'd still smash them all

The autism can be cut with a knife in the air

No schlomo just, no.

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Feminism will fuck the secular part of jews eventually, just as it did to the west and the orthodox while obnoxious will never amount to much on average.

Jewish secular culture is doing a little better than white European culture, but still living on borrowed time. They are not immune to the memes they produce. Communism already was close to eliminating jews, till Hitler gave them the holocaust as an alternative secular religion.

After a week-long blueballed forest camp these 2/10 bitches are easily 7/10 or 8/10. Garrison floors will be covered in virgin blood and popping of hymens accompanied by painful orgasmic moans can be heard all the way in town as virile conscripts ravish these military virgins like a wild pack of goblins.

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dead kike

Is this a joke? Jewesses are disloyal whores who fuck anyone and everyone

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How much would you guys pay for a kike slave girl in gold/silver?
Asking for future references


>sir we are under fire by the jews
>where are they private?
>just a moment sir, ill check their instagram

They all look like Slavic rape babies

Oh wait... that’s because they are

Into the chambers with them

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Middle far left and bottom far right are the only passable ones


what the FUCK. i thought fin sluts were hot?

ch-checked O.O

Why you whites don't admite you share the same skins as jews? I hate you both , and it's deserved . There is no ideological difference between you ,0 , Israel founding is the same shit as USA.

You're wrong but not so wrong, almost right indeed
Im married with a nice ass sweet tits Jew and can tell how near to something you are
BTW ,is true jewess are really accommodating at the bed
You name it

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Do these women actually do anything?

I’m genuinely curious cause all I see are these thots in uniform either in their underwear or doing stupid fucking duck faces into the camera while holding weapons.

cursed genes tay sachs

Women look pretty shit in uniform, no makeup, hair pulled back. I'm sure some of them look alright in casual clothes.

Lol I am thinking of a all-you-can-Shoah place with complimentary Khazar milk.

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Or it could also be the fact that Finns in general are really fucking hideous, forget the myths that we're beautiful mystical forest elves. We're truly a cursed people in every sense.


> We’re truly a cursed people in every sense

Shlomo you are posting pretending you are a Finn right now, so stop talk as a Jew.

>outlaw interest
Fucking retard lmao. As if anyone will be lending money for nothing in return.

they fell for the ol' exploding flagpole trick!

jew pussy tier 1 pussy

You sure do love Jews.

Can’t stop marveling over them.

Seems to me everyone bringing up Jews, literally WANTS to be a Jew. Eat and sleep Jew, means you are one.

What army boots are those?

> would rape if these whores would come into captivity during wartime.

moshe come out from behind that flag

too far dude

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No one is more racially loyal than white women. You're literally retarded if you believe the jew propaganda on Yas Forums

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I know they are mostly ugly hookednosed skanks. Would rape anyway. Just to humiliate them. Would treat them like dogs as well.

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your stats are fucked dude. sauce