Literal faggot is shown potentially choking a woman on the streets

>literal faggot is shown potentially choking a woman on the streets
>Twitter/liberal media fags are rushing to say its a hoax or the woman was asking for it
>they're more upset at the people who 'misgender' Ezra

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heres the truth bud: women will defend everything you do if you're what the media tells them they want

>oh no its another literal who lefty did something stupid, hypocritical, and bad so let's whine about it to make ourselves feel better
Go to breitbart comment section boomer


Faggots hate women.

wtf I love AIDS niggers now

Ezra Miller is a mentally ill freak.

Women love being choked for some reason. I don't get it, but whatever.

I read it all, she tried to get into his pants and he told her flat out no and she started seething.

I don't like faggots or Jews but he's in the right, she should have fucked off right then before he had to take action.

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>>literal faggot is shown potentially choking a woman on the streets
>>Twitter/liberal media fags are rushing to say its a hoax or the woman was asking for it
>>they're more upset at the people who 'misgender' Ezra
No they’re already moving to call him white

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For the record I also support his actions fuck women and kikes

>Miller self-identifies as Jewish and "spiritual"
>Miller came out as queer in 2012.
This faggot looks half-asian. Might come from a soviet rape-baby.

Punch women in the face they are cunts.

>that chick's moan about a second into being choked
Makes me diamonds

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based faggot
all women should be executed

Link pls


The homosexuals of Yas Forums love this faggot

Yet he represents all you mentally I’ll degenerate faggots, this is the reason tv loves him

imagine creating a thread without a link

And children.

i saw a lot of angry tweets about him

i hate women and children but im not gay

Jew chokes out beautiful Aryan women.

What's new.

you wanna fight? is that what you want to do

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all women must die because they are all jews and faggots

they love children too much for my taste

Show profile.

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fuck you golem

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how did this literal sissy faggot take down anyone at all let alone smash their head into the ground?

why is he brown

Yas Forums is basically Yas Forums, they hate Ezra Miller

nah they think they are women. now lesbians, lesbians HATE men

Link, bitch?

I don't know. He's from your tribe, ask him.

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who the fuck is ezra miller? i havent watched a tv show or movie in years

Wait what ? He's a trans ?

he's romanian too? romania is white

What the fuck is his problem?

Yas Forums and Yas Forums share the same group of Discord tranny sycophants that shill their group of chosen faggots/queers that Hollywood tells them to worship and they post their tranny propaganda on Yas Forums.
Ezra Miller is on their list for the ones they spam on Yas Forums.

He's the Flash

Link niggers

He is the human skin rash who plays Flash in the DC superhero movies

havent watched any DC movie
last movie i watched was guardians of the galaxy

He is a kike

she cute

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are we supposed to know this teenage?

i think im going to join the arabs in burning american flags

Hahahah little faggot kike.

Based Miller murdering the roasties and getting away with it.

>no link
Op a fag as always

can someone unironically tell me who this guy is?

JIDF on the case for damage control!

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>white icon
That faggot is a kike

>Looks up the origin of that name

funny how there are more non jew named david than jews named david

fuck off normies

why'd you need to look it up? lurk moar