How did China go from a feudal agriculture state to a Rich Superpower ?
How did China go from a feudal agriculture state to a Rich Superpower ?
Same way Jews went from getting Pogrom'd to leading the West
Stupid Goyim handing over the keys to power
In this case it's Stupid Gwailos
To the Jews went British Banking, to the Chinese went American manufacturing
China has always been an intelligent civilization, tbqh. Just look up the Tang Dynasty.
>inb4 chink
American Industry
The same way Russia did: Marxism.
*has a civil war where 1/4 your population dies and your people resort to cannibalism every 50 years*
Jews have always held power in Europe. During the Black Plague, the polish king loved Jews because they supplied mistresses and ran the banks/hospitals. Jews have also been part of Spanish and Italian nobility.
>what is the donner party
> be China
> Have no value for human life, have all these workers that accept low paychecks, and all the resources to make America consumer goods
> After being main manufacturing plant in the world, gain enough money to make companies to buy American company stock
We caused it. We looked for a way to lower costs of manufacturing big scale and we sought the wrong country. Now they own our entertainment, production, and possibly our government.
>90% of country still lives in poverty
>living in poverty means you’re dumb
I grew up in the projects and now I’m a med student.
To be fair, Nixon opening up China set the stage for defusing hostities. He can't be blamed for all the policies after which allowed US companies to outsource so heavily, or for the consumers who supported the outsourcing.
By taking in enormous profits from using serf labor to manufacture consumer goods for the entire civilized world
>1 post by this id
Can you go back to Yas Forums and fap to your Felipe?
We'll you're still retarded because you don't understand English. You came from poverty (your family is dumb), but you elevated yourself out of it and presumably no longer live in poverty or won't for much longer.
Yes chang, poor people are dumb. You are obviously better off then Chinese poverty.
You got to leech off of taxpayers and eat shitty free lunch.
>a settler party compromised of dozens of people is equal to your entire "country" exploding into a civil war that decimates your population periodically
Still not true.
Are you suggesting that niggers who get paid millions to throw a ball around are higher IQ than a white person who makes
First, let me fix your question
>How is China going from a feudal agriculture state to a Rich Superpower ?
The answer: by exploiting the greed and corruption of our political and business class, so that they make deals to the benefit of China and to the detriment of the United States, in order to personally enrich themselves.
In simple terms, the Chinese are very skilled at bribery and subversion. They are very aware of our leaders' lack of love for our nation or our people, and they exploit it.
Even so, China is a paper tiger. Its economy is parasitically dependent on exports to the US, and the vast majority of its billion+ population are still illiterate rice farmers.
China is not a super power.
The question is how long will it take for them to go back after nobody will trade with them and they have no place to steal technology from.
In case I wouldn't be surprised if it would flourish into something interesting (although not by western standards)..
They didn't have jews and niggers flinging shit, so they we're able to organize and build things.
cheat, lie, steal
post eyes
Same way Japan did
By becoming a feudal industrial state.
after the 2008 crisis they upgraded all their infrastructure that allowed them to be a manufacturing powerhouse
high iq, empathy for other people, family oriented, racially homogenous, secular
R8 my eyeball
boomer middlemen got rich selling out America to the commies, traitors desu
China's per capita production is still lower than anywhere else.e
You paid for it.
Sure he can't be held "accountable" the same way that cutting off some heads in France can't be held "accountable" for the situation we are in now...but these are the moments that created such situations. Nixon may not have known the extent of his gesture but Kissinger sure as fuck did.
it's almost like they have millions of muslims in internment camps or something, china is a big country with some regions that are shitholes, it's like lumping the usa, mexico and venezuela all together and talking about "muh per capita"
industrial capitalism. The same way that america became successful. In America and EU the finance sector became too powerful and oligarchs were able to rise above the level of government and get out of control.
In China the oligarchs are less powerful than the government and the government wants an economy based on real goods and services rather than letting the finance industry become a central part of the economy.
Michael Hudson writes good books about the difference between finance capitalism and industrial capitalism and the ways in which america went from industrial capitalism (production of real goods and services) to finance capitalism (land speculation and rent extraction)
Also Russia should have nuked the chinks and in a natural order society they would have. War is important for equilibrium. The machinations of the U.S. and their empire of "freedom" have only blown a much larger war bubble that will be ignited sooner or later.
super imperialism is a good book. It talks about how america took oligarchic finance capitalism and then attempts to export it to the world. When people talk about "wars for israel" in iraq and afghanistan they are really talking about wars for big finance so they can set up monopolies under weak, corrupt governments just like the ones they have set up in the west.
Intelligence and ambition. I genuinely enjoy the hate and fear we Chinese receive because we are competent to take over and disrupt the balance of power.
Americans desire the current weak Japan of today. If they were aggressive, they would be antagonist to the west like they were in the past.
Kek, china isn't subhuman not are Chinese but you must admit that the west is infinitively and unsurmountably ahead by centuries
they didn't
unlikely. historically japan has been somewhat of a hermit kingdom. The oligarchs that control america just want an enfeebled japan that is submissive towards US military bases because they want to keep chinese influence out of the region and eventually colonize china.
But through Chinese copying the west they might get ahead and might begin to develop new innovation when they catch up on science and math.
it still is?
We're talking about people who boil dogs alive, eat live rats, eat bat soup and every animal or insect you can imagine. people who are so moralless that they have no problem selling used car oil as cooking oil for restaurants or making fake baby formula .
You really want to know? You have to understand that the Faction that put MAO in power are the same people that are loosing the present silent war.
The Banker wanted to shape the World into a autocracy where all human activity from birth to death would have been under strict authoritarian control. China was a success! over 1 billion people in this modern Slavery. And the Banker made sure trough the CFR control media that China under the CCP only got raving review and praise.
This is why Communist China was allowed to steal from everybody and cheat all the rule without consequence.
Not anymore.
It was handed to them by billionaires who discovered they could save yet more billions
China has always been powerful, they've just been too unstable historically to be a threat. hard to say if modern China is any different
>people getting trapped in the wilderness is the same as your whole society collapsing
Seethe more, small wang chang.
High IQ slave like minimum to live wages and big scale industrial spying
They signed on with the globohomo pozztocracy as a provider of human items of consumption
>Mao's Great leap forwad plan 1953
>18-45 million deaths
Math, math, math. No other way.
all a country has to do to be successful is produce goods and services and prevent their country from being plundered by jewish finance oligarchs. That's all. Few countries achieve it because if you go against the plan you get he dresden treatment, or iraq'd, or... there are lots of other examples.
>unsurmountably ahead
It's China vs USA for global hegemony. People here don't tolerate the Chinese because we can disrupt the world order and are a threat. Europeans would stab a dagger in either both USA or China if one them becomes weaker. USA is not a representative of the west because it represents multiculturalism btw. Of course I would be pro-Chinese since I'm Chinese.
>People here don't tolerate the Chinese
You don't feel included or accepted by whites?
The tang dynasty was a LONG fucking time ago and china has done little but fall apart and get raped by invaders in the time since, only now building itself back up to significance, and still just a shadow of its former supposed superiority.