Thought this deserved it's own thread. Just how fucked are we?
Incoming shitshow
Other urls found in this thread:
Practically speaking, a pandemic is a terrific way to distract the publuc from an ELE.
I guess you have something to live for?
Mate if this thing was 5x the size of Jupiter I’m pretty sure we’d be experiencing some major gravitational effects.
This is just the usual pol/happening (never happens)
Nigger shit level headlines, apparently this thing pushes out a fucking massive coma.
There was a series of catastrophes of cosmological origin, mainly changes of planetary orbits and their effects just few centuries ago. Massive earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tsunamis, oceans water level rose, debris from comets was falling and they themselves scorched the Earth, creating the Sahara, and Earth was a victim of tremendous electrical discharge (Grand Canyon was created by one of these discharges as well as the The Richat Structure etc), most likely of celestial origin. Before that disaster, Sahara was green and full of cities. After that disaster, world-wide civilizations descended into chaos, and reset took at least 4-5 generations, during which newly created Catholic Church emerged as the leader of new power-structures and they artificially injected into official historical chronology around 1000 phantom years (that's why there is supposed 1000 years of the Dark Ages - claim that Europe was stuck in the same place), to cover up catastrophes. The word "Bishop" itself means "the one who knows the stars/sky/heavens". The "Renaissance" was in reality just re-building of pre-disaster (disaster means "falling star" [comet]) Roman civilization, which ended in around 5th century AD, when disaster happened world-wide destroying existing power-structures of the world reducing people to savagery and leading to most of them becoming illiterate after few generations, and then when situation stabilized, the rebuilding started. Look at work of Piranesi, study old maps and books, it's all there. We went from around 5th century AD straight to 15th AD with 1000 years that never existed. Pompeii was still existing just five centuries ago, as well Pliny the Elder that was killed when he went so see himself the Vesuvius eruption, that destroyed Pompeii. Even the culture and clothes during the end of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance were very similar and right before the Renaissance pagan Roman "gods" and their icons were still dominating.
There is a lot of evidence of changes on planetary scale in around 14th/15th century (and later, but much less), including descriptions of what happened where and when such as etchings, images in books, oral history of indigenous peoples, mythology, symbology (a lot of symbols are astronomy / planets related) and even official western documents they overlooked when they were re-writing and censoring history. They even made a lot of contradictions. Study Piranesi etchings and old maps/books. World-wide there are stone buildings to this day partially buried, often covering the whole first story. Laymen call that "mudfood", but reality is much more complicated. Pompeii was on maps until 1631 AD (Gregorian Calendar) and right after that maps showed Pompeii in ruins and Vesuvius after eruption and then no more Pompeii on newer maps. Medical instruments found in ruins of Pompeii were very similar to ones used in 16th and 17th century, so surgical progress was stuck for 1500 years? Right.
After global disasters to stabilize socio-political situation and to regain control over society, ruling class was burning books and killing people branded heretics or witches in order to censor and re-write history, creating new version with chronology deliberately stretched out in which they made up 1000 phantom years which they had to fill in with something, so they made up and copied events and personas to fill in these made up 1000 years, that's why they say, that "history repeats itself" and claim European Dark Ages lasted 1000 years and many other historical anomalies lasting 1000 or around 1000 years, such as Polynesian "Long Pause" in exploring that official version of history claims lasted 1000 years. Jesuits starting with Joseph Scaliger were responsible for most of censorship and re-writing of history. The amount of events that supposedly happened during these phantom 1000 years (between 5th to 15th centuries on Gregorian calendar) is suspiciously extremely low for a 1000 years period, and they are mostly either the same or very similar to events that happened before that period. The 1000 years between 5th and 15th century (Gregorian calendar) simply never happened and were invented partially as a cover up for disasters.
Few examples:
1. Charlemagne was not a real person, but one of the phantom individuals Catholic Church made up to fill in their phantom 1000 years and "Charlemagne" is based on a real-life man known as Odoacer.
2. Plato and Gemistus Plethon were one and the same.
3. Genghis Khan and Attila The Hun were the same person.
4. Black Plague / Great Plague / Black Death / Bubonic Plague (it's a copy to fill in the phantom 1000 years of supposed "Dark Ages") is exactly the same event as the Justinian Plague (which really happened) and it was triggered by electrically charged comets, back then called "wandering stars".
When catastrophes happened civilizations collapsed and in ensuing chaos rapidly regressed to primitive state in which over generations most knowledge has been lost among average people (like in Bronze Age Collapse) and people become illiterate. At the same time, soon after Roman Empire collapsed (both Western and Eastern) new power structures formed and eventually a leader, Catholic Church emerges and immediately starts their campaign of censorship through mass book-burnings and killing-off people who still possessed and spread detrimental to Catholic Church knowledge of real history, (especially catastrophes that happened recently) by branding them as "heretics" and "witches", while at the same time using brainwashing techniques (like today's media does) to spread Catholic propaganda. Their invention of "confessions" was an intelligence-gathering operation disguised as important part of religion that every catholic must do if they don't want to go to hell for eternity. Catholic Church is heavily inter-winded with Jesuits, and they are a military order and in their hierarchy the head of Jesuits is literally titled "Superior General". When Church sent their men after catastrophes to check the situation in North America, what did they decided to do? Burn natives' books, destroy their cultures and impose on them Catholicism by force. Word "catholic" itself is from greek word katholikos, which means universal, and indeed Catholic Church is a mix of different religious cults, because they had to unite people with polytheistic beliefs, which were a majority in pre-disaster Roman Empire. Even when you look at statues, icons etc. right before Renaissance you will see, that people still worshiped pagan Roman "gods", not Jesus or Mary, because 1000 years between 5th and 15th century AD (Gregorian Calendar) never existed.
Atlas isn't 5 times the size of Jupiter, Christ do you know how huge Jupiter is? You can fit 1300 earths sized planets in Jupiter. From what I read Atlas is around 10 kilometers, certainly ele asteroid but it's not going to hit earth, the danger is when it goes around the sun it could break into pieces and create an asteroid stream that crosses earth's orbit of rotation
These disasters are inevitable and will happen no matter what (that's why there is a push to create outposts on other planets, especially Mars), and when they will happen, collapse of civilization will be imminent. When that happens, people will turn into savages, most will die, some will survive and will fight between each other in small, little gangs with no plan for anything, because they will be busy with basic survival and humanity would be probably stuck in that phase for a very long time and would take huge amount of time to recover and get to the level we are now. That's very simplified summary of what would most likely happen. Do you understand now why we need as much centralized power? United One World Government would prevent what I just described above. Since we can't take everybody to safe places during disasters, and we want the most intelligent and capable people to survive to be able to rebuild and re-start civilization, intellectual elite will prepare themselves for that and go to their bunkers without telling peasants what will happen and when, so that when it will happen and will be over, the elite will emerge from the bunkers with all their technology and knowledge to reestablish civilization and impose the order on the savages. That happened repeatedly and that's why there are so many legends all over the world telling about white skinned, blue eyed, blonde-haired "gods" who gave knowledge and civilization to natives.
World-wide civilization-decimating events happen over and over again and are mostly of cosmological origin. There is a reason for why ancient civilizations, no matter how primitive, usually had astronomical observatories and knowledge, even little tribes invested heavily into studying of the sky, especially heavens, because ancient sky was much more active and a source of many disasters, hence astrology (prediction of future based on positions of celestial objects) was very important and legitimate scientific field, because celestial objects affect Earth in many ways, often being responsible for volcano eruptions, tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes, sudden extreme climate changes leading to collapsing of civilizations, mass famine and many others. This is often covered-up and not many books talk about it, because of how extremely devastating it is, and ruling elite cannot do anything when next event like that will happen and there will be many signs before it happens, for example birds falling en-masse off the sky and fish beaching themselves en-masse due to changes in Earth's electromagnetic field - birds and fish use electromagnetic forces as a kind of natural GPS and celestial objects with large enough mass can affect it. There is nothing more dangerous to human civilization than celestial objects and cosmos itself. Just few centuries ago we had a world-wide collapse of civilization and the most centralized powers of that time did such a great job at rebuilding and uniting different groups, that most people today have absolutely no idea that it even happened. Next event like that is always on the horizon and for the greater good humanity needs a highly centralized United One World Government.
We are living in a binary star system (there is another sun like ours and they orbit around each other) and that's responsible for the almost 26 thousand-years-long "Great Year" or precession of the equinoxes and great disasters happen when our current sun (Sol) gets closer to the other sun due to gravitational and electro-magnetic anomalies. Suddenly fish start to beach themselves en masse, suddenly birds start to fall off the sky en masse (because both fish and birds use electro-magnetic forces as kind of natural GPS - that's how they know where to migrate), suddenly volcanoes erupt en masse, suddenly earthquakes and tsunamis show up all over the world etc., and this kind of disaster happens over and over again and our intellectual elite has been preparing themselves for the next global disaster by diverting money from mostly Pentagon - over 21 trillion is currently missing:
Here is a little info about our binary-star system:
The comet will end coronachan by smashing into the caldera.
There were many catastrophes of cosmological origins that could transform Earth in very short period of time. For example celestial objects were responsible for tremendous electric discharges on Earth, creating for example Grand Canyon and Richat Structure / The Eye Of Sahara and others.
Look at Grand Canyon from space and you will see electric patterns:
Look at Richat Structure / The Eye Of Sahara from above and you will see electric patterns often mistaken for riverbeds:
There are entire ancient cities all over the world with capabilities to house thousands of people (Derinkuyu in Turkey could house 20-thousand), because each time catastrophes like ones I described before happen, intellectual elite goes there during that time and later re-emerge on surface as "gods" with all their knowledge and then they re-establish themselves and go all over the world to kick-start civilizations.
When the next catastrophe happens, due to changes of electromagnetic field, most people (who won't be hiding in shielded bunkers for elite) will probably turn into psychopathic cannibals (read attached image to understand why and how) and our elite knows that, that's probably why "zombies" are part of popular culture and Pentagon even created a plan for "zombie apocalypse".
Unusual cosmological activity caused extreme disasters on a global scale, destroying and resetting civilization and that's why things like I have presented are possible. World was as much connected before catastrophes as our is now. Examples below:
The famous "Chinese Terracotta Army" was created by Greek artisans:
Roman coins found outside of it's Empire:
"Ancient" Egyptian mummies were found to have traces of cocaine and tobacco:
Here are few books for a start you might want to acquaintance yourself with, if you want to know the truth about history and cataclysms:
1. "The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended", a historical chronology analysis work of Sir Isaac Newton:
2. Oera Linda, a text from Frisian people who migrated from their island of FriesLand (it existed just few hundred years ago and was still on maps right next to IceLand before it was submerged when oceans water levels rose due to climate change brought on by catastrophes) to where today north-western Germany is. Take a look at attached image and compare it to modern alphabet and numerals, that official narrative calls "arabic". Oera Linda talks about history and world-wide catastrophes. This text when it emerged in public was hated and fiercely fought against by elites, because it survived their censorship attempts over centuries when they burned non-approved books, especially historical:
3. The Kolbrin, a group of texts telling a very different account of history compared to modern official narrative, and it supports my claims of world-wide catastrophes from my previous posts here:
Link to The Kolbrin:
4. A book censored, sanitized and then declassified by CIA - The Adam And Eve Story by Chan Thomas:
Wouldn't it be more akin to a rogue planet at that alleged size?
Fomenko's new chronology?
>5 times the size of jupiter
my ASS
maybe the coma will appear that size when it gets closer to the sun but the actual comet is smaller than a city
Ok boomer
This, they're refering to the tail of gas and dust which are commonly this big for long-period comets. The earth has passed right through comets' tails before and literally nothing happens.
No. It's my work. Fomenko while having done an impeccable mathematical work regarding astronomical events, unfortunately is heavily affected by his RussoPhile mind and everything has either TartArian or Russian angle in his attempts at reconstructing the real, true chronology. Also, he is not up-to-date with information. In his work, Russia and it's ancestors were the best, most powerful and essentially the cradle of civilization. Truth is much more complicated and balanced. He seems to not be able to put his Russian ego aside.
Your conclusion is wrong, your information is correct. You are not telling the whole story. Only pieces. I see many truths but a false truth hidden in the information. Your one world government is not an ideal solution. This planet has different races even still, for a reason. With different people and a different gene sequence unified with that conciousness. I explain this to normalfags and they lack understanding of such. You cannot use technology to subvert gene unique consciousness. Your conclusion lacks foresight. Your knowledge of past events is not incorrect however. We have eyes in many places, you know who you are. The anons in this thread are blind to your point and will skim over. Not we.
Jupiter is 460 million miles around. Hale-Bopp, one of the larger ones, is 60 miles in diameter.
They show up during plagues
No. Mars is exerting as much gravity in you as your living room light bulb
They include the gas ejection into the size. Dumb.
>5 times the size of Jupiter
The actual fuck has no one mentioned this shit before? If it's in Mars' orbit, and it's 5 times bigger than jupiter, how the fuck are we just hearing about it? It's a fucking meme object
I presented the best solution to the problem based on the possesed information at this time, there might be things I don't know, or don't take into consideration due to limited intellectual capacity, however United One World Government does seem to me (again, based on the posses information at this time) as the best attempt at preventing another civilizational reset when catastrophes happen again.
All I want is the best for everybody. Balance. Unity.
>what is angular size?
we've been preparing for decades
Five times the size of Jupiter is... ridiculous.
To put it this way: that red-spot on Jupiter is twice the size of Earth.
>"Chinese Terracotta Army" was created by Greek artisans
Ok, Greeks from Bactria, can be explained by the traditional historiography
>we live in a binary star system
ok nutjob.
>no guys really its an INVISIBLE neutron star
yeah ok pal
Has any expert established the likelihood of this thing hitting earth?
Yes, but the retarded assumption in the headline would put the object at 15 000 Mars masses. I assume the poster didn't mean effects on your body specifically.
Ask the authors.
>oh wait, that's my fist at arms length
Had me until you mentioned DUMBs. Was a great larp, user.
Don't use the stupid and recently made up terms. If you had said there were just underground cities, I could believe, but DUMBs are stupid. Especially since you say they are for restarting civilization, but other schizos say it's to rape and torture children to eat them with adrenaline flavor.
Good larp, anyway. Was fun.
The orbit is not even Earth-crossing.
thats fucking crazy because i came to a similar conclusion. You think the next event is relativity soon? i thought it would be thousand+ years off given it happened recently?
DUMBs arent a recently made up term its older than you are.
We electric universe nao
They are fake.
this sounds like the kind of analogy a physicist would make, so I'll trust it
No they are real. You only ever heard about them because of the "schizos" told you about the children they claim are in there so you think its fake. That was a low effort bait thread by the way, not a real conspiracy theory. The dude linked some video related to nerve gas in syria that you would know if you lurked more.
Disinformation is a funny thing to see. Your push is low effort. Have a (You) for attempting humor. You give a good laugh regardless.
It will pass the earth with a distance of 117 million kilometers.
That's about the distance of all Americans stacked side to side.
In advanced western countries this will be an object of some curiosity.
In the 3rd world, however...such as Africa during a horrendous global pandemic...well, comets have always been seen as harbingers of death.
I'll tell you plebs something you may not have realised yet.
If you thought the 2015 nigger invasion of Europe was bad, just wait till this motherfucker turns the skies of Africa green as millions of people die.
Then you're gonna see some human migration shit you won't fucking believe!!
Not all will skim over. Abandon all faith. You can never deny your nature with your false gods and fallen ones.
>Then you're gonna see some human migration shit you won't fucking believe!!
uhh nationalism is shutting down all borders permanently though
The true angle of this thread is demoralizing your faith. No matter how much you push panic upon the people we will find you when the time is right, then it shall be you who panics
There will be more hungry niggers than you have bullets.
The closer it gets to the sun the more it heats up and the bigger the cloud of gas will be that it gives off. There was another comet that was "x- times the size of Jupiter" a few years ago. I had just found my childhood little crappy telescope and drove out to the wilderness and was able to see it. Looked like a bright green round cloud.
Let's see here.
Roughly 46 million niggers in the US.
5 billion + rounds of ammo sold in the US yearly.
I think we're gonna be okay there sparky.
5 times the size of Jupiter? LMAO WTF
Yeah that's ridiculous. Obviously not the case. It would be a brown dwarf not a fucking comet lol.
Thanks user, interesting stuff but very much out there and a lot to digest. What do you figure is coming and when? Is it too late to join the bunkers?
>actual shizo thread
>no one shows up to say "take your meds"
this is how you spot actual psy ops
You do understand that faith for faiths sake is really dangerous, right?
No loving God will ask you for blind faith, there's no respect for you in that
A loving God would be hoping you questioned the scenario and came to your own intelligent conclusions, not that you dismissed your own mind and believed what you were told like a halfwit jungle snack
Yours shoot back though.
uhhhh nigs cant swim or make boats without NGO traitors
the meds
take them
>niggers in the US
Fucking moron derps and their burger guns obsession.
We're talking about Africa and Europe here, chump4change. Go watch Mr Rogers.
too late faggots you've been caught. next put on an american proxy and start saying totally un-american things like "guys what about the STATE of the WEST?"
Fomenko was just a front for Russian Intelligence propaganda. Like any disinfo it's built around a kernel of truth.
They will walk round the med.