Why do people continue to defend capitalism?

why do people continue to defend capitalism?

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Also an heir to the Hilton fortune

Fuck socialism

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pretty irrefutable.

Because a capitalist would have fixed that typo in the image you posted.

It's not true capitalism. Actually, the true best and intelligent people will never get to the top unless the want to compromise with elites and their satanic agendas

Because they're drunk on right-wing kool-aid.

And on cheap appeals to racism.

Only one of them sucks a mean dick

Second one meant for

In which case, if they do compromise with the (((elites))) then they are not the best

>Socialism is when gubbamint funds nigs
Brainlet tier take

Also show flag kike

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>Posts a meme to change an entire form of government

Well, you got us there
Post a meme how to start, one on how to fix everything and one on how to make sure it goes right

>still believing paris hilton is dumb meme

You leaflet are truly retarded aren't you

now compare edison to paris hilton
tesla was a sperg who couldn't sell his inventions, simple as

Tesla was a hack who loved a pidgeon. He made tons of money with his initial investments, blew it all and lived out the rest of his life making up bullshit that didn't work and living in poverty.

She is a celeb and a pioneer of sex tape fame-seeking. And as stated above, hilton heiress.
Let's he frank here, tesla is like 80% a meme in these times. Sure he invented a bunch of shit, with some shit that we still use today. But he often gets attributed to him some wizard tier status for triumphs or near triumphs that just are not the truth. Wardenclyf tower? Buh buh but JP morgan! There is nothing preventing other people from taking his parents and sketches and demonstrating proof of concept that you can have free, wireless electricity using the earth as a transmitter. It just didn't work. He could possibly have figured it out but unlikely given that he didn't and no one else has since either. It probably just isnt possible the way he described.

edison indeed invented nothing and was dumb as a rock. he grew rich by selling other's inventions. capitalism in a nutshell.

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This is a lie, socialism WHICH ie Germany had corporatism, in your retarded skit it statesd the workers control the means of Production, FALSE.............. Thats Marxian socilism IE COMMUNISM......... Socialism before it was perverted by a KIKE JEW and implemented by Germany has CORPORATIONS INTO CORPORATISM............. PRIVATE OWNED, YOU ARE A DUMB RETARD AND NO NOTHING.

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>Socialism - working population is as large as possible
>Capitalism - technology is applied as substitute for workforce, drive for accumulation requires more workforce
There's shit tons of logical inconsistencies in just about every part of this, but that one stands out. Funny how socialism and communism paints the few workers as "educated" and the working times as short.
Concepts like wealth creation, price floors, and monopolies on labor are all a little hard to understand.

fucking memeflag
was shitting on China in another thread

Iz a good meme

For this y*nk, one bullet through his thick skull.


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Thats called specialization

>privately owned MoP
okay retard
google the terms at least

'Ol Nikky made a mint off his commercial contracts and lived high off the hog. But he spent all that dough on autistic grandiose experiments and often didn't even publicly report the results.
If he had wanted to monetize his findings, he could have died richer than he lived.
No government rewards "being smart" The free market rewards how you serve others' needs, no matter how banal. Communism rewards how you serve the party.

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>hating socialism is being a kike
Boy, I wonder, when you hand control over your economy to some government bureaucracy, who gets to write the rules for your economy?

fuck socialism AND capitalism.

In all fairness, Hilton’s daddy made the buckeroos.

OP is just going to ignore this again.

you are that faggot who said something along the lines
>if it doesnt work like written by the text, then its not communism!! its something else!!!

Degeneracy is the cause not capitalism


Because it is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.

That analogy does not work well if you know the people who actually drank that poison were racemixing Communists.

The only good thing Tesla ever did was arrange a pigeon infirmary.
Hilton gave us many cooms

>a government is no longer necessary and production is managed by a self-organizing network of autonomous communities of co-operating workers
So what happens when a community, or group of them, no longer wants to co-operate with the rest and keeps its products to itself? Said products being guns and vehicle fuel.

You know, if your worldview is actually that fucking narrow, then I really wouldn't anticipate that you would know you were drinking the kool-aid in the first place. "The tragedy of our predicament when we are within ideology, is that when we think that we escape it into our dreams - at that point we are truly within ideology."

Socialism in a multiethnic society is cancer.
Socialism combined with internationalism is cancer.
Socialism which demands dictatorial power given to a single unaccountable bureaucratic elite is cancer.

There's only one type of socialism that worked user and it originated in YOUR nation. The kind of socialism that can only happen in a monoethnic, nationally conscious country and is democratically elected and legitimized to power.

The drone on the left kills thousands of people, and terrorizes countries that in turn commit terrorist attacks against us.

The girl on the right got out of an abusive household, became educated, and became a healthcare worker thanks to social programs.

But you don't like her because she's a woman and she's black.

Tesla lived in a communist shithole also.

thanks for admitting that you unknowingly drink poison.

At least I fucking can.

because I wouldn't fuck Tesla and I'd trade whatever he invented to mercilessly fuck her daily. Because I am a man.

Disclaimer: An answer to this post, unless positive, means you're a complete faggot and deserve the shit life you live and your mum will die.

What the fuck is going on here.

Lets be honest here, he's literally crazy.

Because every alternative leaded to millions death and terrible consequences for nations, who's tried implement it?

WTF are you Talking about?

This is a positive response to inform you that your post means you're a complete faggot and deserve the shit life you live and your mum will die but you'll be fine if you ignore everything and focus your energies towards the good in life that you may never have seen. Thank you for reading this extremely positive post and remember that the future will be better because you're already at the bottom and there is only the abyss of shit below you.

Kek what an incel simp Level answer
>I...if you disagree you die
Goddamn faglet

dont know what you meant by that but ok.
oh and if you wear that memeflag unironically, then you must have the worst intentions for any human being.

I'm pretty sure I do. "I am already eating from the trashcan all the time. The name of this trashcan is ideology. The material force of ideology makes me not see what I am effectively eating."

>implying Tesla lived under capitalism
ok retard

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Tesla was an impractical and a pigheaded faggot. He believed that his brain ,creativity and his scientific work alone would suffice for him to become wealthy and respected and change the world. What didn't occur to him is that you also need a business/ enterprenuial mindset or approach in life if you want your scientific work to be effective in changing the world. He was too idealistic and naive. He even tried to distribute free electricity to people without caring about how he was going to sustain this service if he wasn't making any revenue by doing this.

Unlike him,Edison was more a practical/business minded person ,so he died a wealthy man while Tesla consumed by his arrogance/rigid mindedness died a pleb.

And Paris Hilton may be a useless,talentless whore but she did show some intelligence in exploitating her fame and sexuality to gain wealth from thirsty simp incels.So you have to have enough intelligence and practicality to make the market work in your favour if want to be rich in a capitalist society. Tesla was lacking in this department.

>unwilling to bring his products to market
>Still a household name
He was exactly as successful as he wanted to be

What was it then?

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It's not that it rewards the best and brightest. It rewards those that satisfy the most people's wants and needs.

no you dont, your whole point is to bring uncontrolled, uncivilized society forth, how is that in any kind of a way good intention? how, in any kind of a way, you would want that kind of thing to reign without having some secondary intentions, like, i dunno, perhaps something along the lines of murder? just speculating, because i really dont see how a person would want that kind of thing to exist in a country. not to mention many other things why its evil and not good holds no good intentions for anyone. oh and nice shitty quotes, let me make one. "So i came forth and witnessed shit, but not any shit, shit full of blood from hemorrhoids, of course it was no one other than anarchist country."

dont read the "not good holds"

i mean "not good"

tesla lived under capitalism but he was not capitalist. edison just stole all his shit capitalism/parasite style.
this is why the world does not deserve good people

>why do leafs waste their time posting when NO ONE cares what they say about anything?

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Tesla died poor because of his hubris. You are clearly retarded

Paris Hilton is a freaking genius.
It's absurd but she actually matches telsa for being weird and intelligent.

under communism:
Paris Hilton will be given everything she wants by a member of the Inner Party
Tesla will be placed in a re-education camp for going against the Party Line, and then killed

>The girl on the right got out of an abusive household, became educated, and became a healthcare worker thanks to social programs.
But she's fictional :^)

as far as I am aware this is because people like attractive people and will cheat autistic folks

This is the reason I am here and the reason I support capitalism,

because of capitalism
Tesla is a hero
and that bitch lives a shallow life as her money erodes away

Because it benefits me personally more so that socialism would, and I frankly dont give a fuck about you or how it effects you.

So instead of having ambition and profiting off of his designs to try and make the world a better place through philanthropy he decided to "silently protest" by not doing jack shit but waste all the money he made.
Tesla was a nigger. Gotcha.

Because it's still the best system.

Its hard to hate a deadman user

Paris Hilton was born into poverty, has worked since she was a child.
You just do not understand her - because you believe fake news.
Paris is not a bad person.