What country/religion/cult has the most trad WHITE women?

Slavic and Balkan women are generally very attractive much more so than western women, which usually lack feminine attributes. But and at that very big BUT, not many are virgins until marriage. I know that some people aren't bothered by it, but to me a women loses her purity if she doesn't meet that requirement, like I can more or less easily date an 8-9/10 girl, but most will have had at least one partner if not many more. That to me just spoils it, I would be willing to accept a girl that has had one partner only if I would have to settle for her, after all hope is lost. Anyway I consider myself a Chad type of guy, I'm tall, well built, Aryan, rich and educated in the West ( had to come back during the Corona pandemic, parents were scared...).
My ideal pick would be a Balkan/Slavic girl who is Orthodox, preferably a Zilot, but where can one find those? Zilots are rare.
Second to ideal would be a Muslim girl, they are often blonde and trad, but how will I make her convert and still make her wear the veil?
Third pick would be some wacko cult like a Mormon girl, but how would I make her convert?
Like I want to stay Orthodox, not join some fake fate because of a girl, how willing are trad women to convert? How willing are their families to accept it? It seems to me that most would frown upon the idea, I know that I would never allow my children to leave our faith, as that would be dishonorable.
My last resort is to marry a girl fresh out of high school guess... But I can't afford to marry someone who's IQ is below 110.

Attached: trad.png (680x383, 466.48K)

Other urls found in this thread:


American Mormon girls. I shit you not.

Okay but are they willing to become Orthodox and come live in the Balkans? I would never want to live in the US.
Once a Mormon girl came to my apartment and knocked on the door she wanted me to convert and she would've thought me English and given me a scholarship in Utah in return. I had to refuse, she was cute and seemed innocent, but she was chubby, I dislike women that aren't thin. Also how willing are they to have many kids, I want as many as I can afford.

unironically just date a blonde bosniak girl. it's the best to stay at your own kind. sure not all of them are virgins, but if you look for good values you will definitely find one. always go for the 6/10 without makeup. don't approach girls who go to bars and drink alot.

Mormon in Utah.
But feminists are trying to wedge their way in so LSD as a whole will prob be subverted later on down the road.

I don't write very comprehensively, sorry for that. I meant to say that I had to refuse her offer because I didn't want to change my religion nor did I need anyone teaching me English. Anyway, me checking her out was an after thought.

No it is not Mormons by a long shot
American fundamental Baptists

As sweet and lovely as she may be, I don't think GoodnightmoonASMR qualifies as trad.

I am Serbian.
Also from what I know girls below 8/10 are usually insecure and in need of attention, thus much more likely to cheat or become needy. For me the ideal girl would be:
> 172-177cm tall
> Blue/Green/Grey eyes
> Pale skin
> Light brown hair
> Virgin
> 110IQ+
> 18~20

My goal is to have as many Aryan kids as I can afford, because our enemies are multiplying too fast, we need to fight back. But I have to choose a quality mate, to try and come ever closer to the creation of an Ubermensch it is our duty.

I don't know who the woman in that picture is, I just picked something which would garner enough attention.

Coffee is bad for you.

I only drink water, but could you clarify?

All trad white women love BBC

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She is very cute though.

How sad of an existence must it be, to be born a mutt (hapa)? Hitler was right, whenever we breed with lower races, the result is a mutt who suffers from hyper-individualism and is also very insecure. Imagine torturing yourself and spending time on an image board where everyone points out your inferiority just so you could post and maybe just maybe anger one or two newfags. You still stay a 2/10 hapa, with a nerd neck, acne and no personality to speak of. Instead of wasting your life away like this, why not for a change start working on yourself, fix your life, work out, eat well, don't fap and maybe just maybe your miserable existence can get some meaning, but I'm afraid it could be mighty too late for you.

Atheists or pagan larpers of course.

Punca je lezbijka, ima punco.

We are just going to become a hated minority in our own country bro, its over and your shitty thread is just for some sort of data mining

Make a dating app that has an option to state level of chastity. Tinder also has a web browser version so you could also maybe make it as a browser extension.

We must kill those feminists

in france its celtic pagan groups

I'm chatting to a girl at the moment who is an absolute stunner, but is an /x/-tier lunatic. What do?

Attached: pepe32.png (1024x937, 834.31K)

fuck and block

>is an /x/-tier lunatic

Depending on the time of day or prevailing winds you'll get serious answers or a bunch of B/S user. You're not going to easily find someone to convert their religion. Even if they do, culturally it will probably be a mess. Are there no decent women in your religion? What about missionaries in nearby countries? What about talking to the church about your situation? There must be other men and women looking for each other with similar requirements.

Why don't you practice both religions? No bullshit, you get a lot of power and social clout from your church, although mormons really want your $$ I think the expense would pay for itself.

That's all women bro.

>most TRAD white women

Japan. Then Korea and Vietnam.

try and match her level of woke-ness obviously

I dont know what you talk about the only women I found to be good looking in my country where Russian or Polish, the rest look like garbage, are tattooed and fuck around with gypsies and other non Europeans.

Picture her as a man. Would you be mates with him? If not then dump. Looks are a powerful blinder.

atleast slav women dont fuck BBC

t. me who larped as a black in Kyiv, Moscow, SpB and Krakow on tinder and saw the results vs in Lonodn

it was brutal

barely any matches, and all the matches were somehow the ugly fat girls you rarely see in EE

meanwhile my normal account ine ach place got 100x as many matches as i get here

i am brown though not white but i have a very caucasoid face people think im med

I'd say it kinda depends on your requirements. Do you want a legit virgin or a reformed stripper? Because if some chick over 20 is a little too much into church and all that tradding it up full blast that girl most likely fucked black guys and got herpes.

Zivio Balkan

if they're camwhoring they're not trad women

There are good women here, but most women here look innocent you could hit gold on first try or you could miss just as easily. Many whores go to church here.
Human women, not bugs. Also, how is Japan trad? 1 in 50 Japanese females have done JAV. The Asian women are trad meme must die already. Most of them are race traitors, if a girl prefers you over her own race, she can't be trad. She just wants the hapa baby because anime has memed her into thinking that the baby will look like the white parent and have blue eyes.
I have never seen Romanian women.
I live in Switzerland and have visited Hungary, Austria and Germany, most women in these countries look either like men or like red-necks. And yes many have tattoos, but I have never once seen a women with tattoos here, not once honestly. The only one's that have them are roasties that went to the West.

>black guys

i had a serb ex and she hates blacks and told me she only liked me cause im a honorary serb lol

austrian countryside women are beautiful as are many german women wtf are u coping about bogdan

Virgin women go for the virgin men in their church circles, so all of you atheists are fucked.

Also don’t expect a virgin wife if you’re a man whore, you should be ashamed of yourself.

I mean a virgin. Not a reformed whore... A girl form HS went to church to fuck a priest for quite some time. The priest god expelled thereafter kek. And no sane guy wants to date her now.

The ones that hate blacks the most tried black and didn't like it. It is known. They have strong opinions for a reason.

virgin women will fuck non virgin men bro i have a tradgirl super into me but i have trouble converting to orthodoxy truly over indeed desu

just be gL and dont be a degenerate, but we both trust each other and she knows i dont wanna be degener8 no more

Then you are lucky man because here every girl gets her tongue pierced, belly button and wrist tattoos by the 2nd of high school.And by college they have already been with at least one gypsy or some none European.And there is a 1 in 4 chances she will end up doing camwhoring or being a prostitute by the end of college.

I only accept marrying a woman who lives in the countryside. Again, LIVES, not FROM. The worst kind of whores are the ones who came to a big city from a small farmhouse. Literal whores who work for free

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theres not enough blacks in EE for this and they all didnt match the black and blacks are very low tier in social order in EE

its not like here

and even here most trad countryside girls hate blacks

i live right next to austria and the women are very trad; they respond positively to me even though im kurdish but i have zero kanak attributes (i was actually adopted by catholic parents but this is a long story for a different day).

I am a virgin, I dated before, but I never wanted to have sex, the most I did was a hug, kiss and holding hands. I regret it now and would rather be kissless, but it's too late :/.
I live in Zürich, countryside girls seemed lovely sorry about my generalization.

The most trad girl I ever met was a Moldovan girl in NYC. She worked at my job's daycare area and literally looks like the tradgirl wojak except she never smiled. I kept trying to ask her out but I eventually found out her boyfriend was this 7 foot monster of a man.

You’re going to turn that trad girl into a whore because of your past. Degeneracy is a disease and you are not a Virgin anymore so you can only pass on your degeneracy.

This. I've been talking to one and she told me that they are not even allowed to KISS before marriage.

>white women

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White women are a fucking abomination. They are the enemy of the white race. They are all (((coalburners))) and racetraitors. We should procreate with BASED Asian waifus instead.

Well you're in a dilemma than because afaik there's no virgins of legal age. So either you want break the law or you should settle with an ugly woman who doesn't leave the house. That or a reformed hooker.

Moldovan trad girl?

Is she Russian or Romanian? I dont trust the Moldovans who are Romanian quite honestly as compared to the Pridnestrovians they tend to be libtard EU shills


i was never a degenerate, i was raised by loving trad cath parents

but i had gfs in the past

The Boiled Balkan Corn?

You just said that you agreed with her that u didn’t want to be degenerate anymore

This is actually very true.
Beћинa дeвoјaкa ca ceлa имa кoмплeкc нижe вpијeднocт јep јe тo oнo штo им дpyштвo пpeзeнтyјe, пa ce дecи дa пocтaнy кypвe. C дpyгe cтpaнe пpимјeтиo caм дa нaјвeћи кoмплec вишe вpијeднocти имaјy љyди из мaњих oпштинa y кoјe дoлaзe дјeцa ca ceлa дa ce шкoлyјy.

Reread his posts. He is either a troll or hyper autistic. Look at how he is trying to direct the entire narrative of his post.

Women are only ''trad'' if the socio-economical circumstances force them to be.

yes I smoke etc i have bad lifestyle habits which i will need to give up; also she religiously is against catholicism

but i wont be able to convert

What the fuck dude. You look infected, look at your name. Is this shit starting again?

Mormons have a period of experimentation that's sanctioned. They go out into the world take drugs, fuck around, and all that and then decide if they want to go back or stay in the world. They aren't virgins either.


im just drunk mate

You are right

>posting this link here
kill yourself disgusting coomer

> traitors to white race
> save the white race by breeding with gooks
Shlomo I...
Legal age in Bosnia is 14.. But I digress most girls are virgins until the age of 20. I personally would never date a girl below 18, preferably she would be 19-20.

He caмo дa имaјy кoмплeкc нижe вpeднocти вeћ cмaтpaјy дa јe јeбaњe кo пoмaхнитaли зeчeви дeo кyлтype Бeoгpaдa. Кaдa пpичaш ca вeћинoм њих видиш кoликo им јe ocкyднo знaњe o бyквaлнo cвeмy јep пoтичy из мaлoг мecтaшцeтa, aли знaјy дoвoљнo кaкo тpeбa дa ce oбyкy дa би изaшлe yвeчe.

Зaтo јe јeдинa oпцијa дeвoјкa кoјa јe poђeнa и oдгaјaнa нa ceлy дo пyнoлeтнocти. Jeдинo тaквe дeвoјкe имaјy пpaвилaн кoнцeпт cвoјe вpeднocти.


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Don't pollute the thread with porn.

>What the fuck dude. You look infected, look at your name. Is this shit starting again?
I'm still recovering man. As for the mormons, there are some girls that are brainwashed beyond repair and they actually believe all the shit they learn at the Mormon Church. Sure, there might be some whores here and there but overall, they are so indoctrinated that they are too scared to sin.

It's just a blowjob.

I was satirising the guys who hate white women

>most girls are virgins till the age of 20
sorry to break this to you but most bitches even in shitholes like prijedor have been taking chadovan's dick since age 16

esp the muslim ones i know a muslim serb and serbs from this region and they tell me everything

>What country/religion/cult has the most trad WHITE women?
Hard to say, but one can remove all countries in western Europe and North America from that list straight away. South American women aren't much better either, most of the so-called white women there are mixed anyway. So, I suppose one is left with women in some parts of Eastern Europe.

You may not use my ASMR waifu for your shit pol theories.


Made me kek lmao

Moгy дeвoјкe из гpaдa бити дoбpe aкo cy oдгaјeнe y вјepи, мoјe cecтpe cy тaквe. Mлaђa никaдa нијe имaлa мoмкa нити икaдa излaзи, a cтapијa јe имaлa јeднoг мoмкa c ким јe y бpaкy и caдa имaјy тpoјe дјeцe.

Кoд нac јe вeлики пpoблeм y тoмe штo имa мнoгo мyшкapaцa кoји cy пaпyчe, јa гoвopим дpyгy кaкo јe дeбилнo дeјт цype кoјe ниcy нeвинe, oн мeни кaжe дa caм бoлecтaн и дa ce тpeбaм лијeчити, oндa гa јa питaм дa ли би paдијe биo y вeзи ca нeвинoм дјeвoјкoм или ca нeкoм кoјa јe имaлa пap мoмaкa и oн oдaбepe пpвy нapaвнo. Haмa тpeбaјy библијcки зaкoни или дa cви живимo кao зилoти, eвeнтyaлнo клepoфaшизaм.

I like our own girls best actually, I go horse riding and so I see a lot of the nice healthy lasses who are brought up properly, there's more of them than the really underclass chavs that always get portrayed on here by subhuman browncels trying to run us down.

I would be pay for app like that

As a matter of fact, the first time I asked where she was from, she said Russian. I just kind of assumed she didn't want to say Moldova since most burgers probably don't even know that's a country.

Prijedor is one of the worst cities tho, it has a half Muslim half Orhtodox population, cities with mixed population and Yugoslavia vibes are usually the most degenerate.

>its not going to steal my soul is it
this is 100% fake

You sound really frightened, there's no other reason you'd lie. I'd hate to be living in someone else's culture and so insecure about my own skin. Maybe Asia is best for you.

Sorry user xD.

By far American Mormon girls. I married one i know, but they would probably never convert to orthodox. Maybe you could marry one and hold your separate faiths but most would only marry someone that would convert.

Legal age and appropriate age are two different things. I went to Liturgia, and there was a girl there that was clearly interested. I thought why not talk to her? Walked up in my broken Serbian and we started speaking. Her father approached and we also spoke. People were freaking out because she was 17 and I was 24. Kinda ridiculous desu.

I know, it's funny though and the girl is kinda cute. Don't watch the third video though because she wears clown make up and it's not that good even though she gets penetrated.

>Picture her as a man. Would you be mates with him? If not then dump.
But doesn't that eliminate virtually 99.9% of women? I don't have male friends who are into shoes and babies.
>Looks are a powerful blinder.
True. That's how women end up with abusers and guys end up with psychos.

I've decided to see if she reacts to my racism the way I do to her /x/ism. Either she is turned off by it and I dodge a bullet, or things could get interesting.

One more thing. I'm sorry for bursting your bubble, OP but you (and all of us) lost the chance to get a virgin qt gf that we could mold into being a trad woman. We should have done that in high school. Good luck finding a virgin qt after you reach 25+
We lost our chance, anons. We were too busy playing video games, fapping and shitposting in highschool now we have to stick with old hags or used up whores.
The chance to find a virgin who is 18+ is extermly low and if they are still virgin at 18-20 they are probably fat or ugly. The good ones have been taken by chads when they were 15-16 and now they are happilly married.

У пpaвy cи, хтeo caм и нaпoмeнyти чacт изyзeцимa y гpaдoвимa кoји cy пpaвилнo oдгaјaни. Heмaм никaквo пoштoвaњe пpeмa дeвoјкaмa кoјe cy cпaвaлe ca вишe типoвa, бyквaлнo никaквe. Дoшли cмo дo cитyaцијe дa јe нopмaлнo пpичaти o бpoјy ceкcyaлних пapтнepa кao дeo cвaкoднeвнe кoнвepзaцијe. Згpoзилe cy мe нeкe пpичe кoјe caм чyo oд дeвoјaкa кoјe cy пpичaлe o cвoјим иcкycтвимa.

Heиpoничнo кoд нac влaдa "Nice guys finish last" мeнтaлитeт пoштo имaш бpдa ликoвa кoји oчeкyјy дa јeбy ca ''бaш cи лeпa''. Ликoви cy или бyквaлни дeгeнepици, иcкoмплeкcиpaни лeпoтaнчићи или пoтпyнe пaпyчe. Jaкo мaли бpoј пpaвих мyшкapaцa. Кpивицa јe нa oбe cтpaнe

There are probably Mormon girls in your country not many but atleast some and you wouldn't have to move to the U.S. Most the mormon girls i know want 3+ kids or as many as they can afford.

I would be bothered if a guy that was 24 approached my sister haha, don't hold it against them.
I'm 21 so me dating a girl that is 18 isn't that problematic.