Look at how much interference the media is trying to do against hydroxychloroquine
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>People might be taking a drug that does nothing, just like 95% of prescribed drugs.
They're more worried that it does actually work and Trump gets credit because he's the one whose been pushing for it to be used so hard.
These people are nuts
Thousands of patients in NYC are being given teh drug right now.
Anti-Chloroquine is Chinese Propaganda.
China is bribing the media and politicians everywhere.
This drug is just another Trump scam
He's an investor.
>Michael Cohen sold WH access to Norvartis for $1.2M
>Trump met with CEO Vasant Narasimhan in January
>Giuliani bought 2M Shares in Feb & promoted heavily on Fox News
>28M doses of hydroxychloroquine purchased by U.S.
>Must have a financial interest
>Generic drug that is easily manufactured in mass quantities even by third world countries
Do these people ever wait long enough for both of their brain cells to meet up before speaking?
>trump is an investor
>in an open source patent free drug that sells for dirt cheap
shut the fuck up, retard.
It’s a generic drug you drooling retard.
Essentially the majority of people are idiots and need to hear “it might not work”
They know they peddle bullshit. They are marketers of death and suffering. They very well know what they are doing: entertainment.
Remember, the virus escaped from a Chinese lab. They knew the virus before the first cases.
China warned Russia to close their border meanwhile told the world, by OMS, that the virus were not transmitted person to person and close the borders were not necessary.
The media and Trump haters don't want it to work. It's just their latest stupid anti-Trump attack, they'd rather have people die if it makes Trump look bad.
>Daily Kosher
>anti-malarial drug
>does nothing
You don't want to be poppin those pills unless you're sure it's gonna be killing covid-19.
Financial ties to an unpatented cheap malaria drug? That's a hot take.
Oh yes, it can't simply be because he doesn't want people to die! He must have ulterior motives because only Democrats are allowed to have well-meaning intentions!
I opened that website and got this - pic related.
Enough to close it right away and tell you to go fuck yourself.
>try getting it out
Brazilian army is making tons of chloroquine.
India too.
Is a simple drug, cheap, secure.
People who travel to Amazonia take Chloroquine as malaria prevention, without restrictions.
Pharma can’t make any money off this... let’s wait a year and change one ingredient and sell the cure for 25000 a pill.
>800 treated patients
>0 casualties
Can we have a war where we destroy every single mass media source please?
Fuck off with your influencing techniques
Hydroxychloroquine is the fucking cure! Democrats suffer from BLINDING TDS and they need to be commited and executed in minecraft of course.
media fags need to be rounded up and executed.
Why is trump peddling this? He has no idea what he’s talking about.
>Why is trump peddling this? He has no idea what he’s talking about.
Search. China has partnered with the media in several countries.
China controls the media.
They are everywhere.
>China controls the media.
Man you Zionists are more scared than ever.
There are multiple studies showing it’s an effective corona treatment, why are they acting like it’s a conspiracy
The conspiracy is them wanting to keep the country locked down indefinitely and wait until Bill Gates can vaccinate and chip everyone.
Anyone have the schizo info graph thread on how people who have taken adrenochrome can’t be cured of Coronachan?
When this is all over and it's clear this shit works these TDS NPCs will be BTFO. Press faggots will get rekt for literally killing people because they hate blumpf.
Because if Trump is right about this it makes a lot of people who shit on him over this medicine look really bad. But mainly because (((they))) want to force everyone to take an expensive new medicine/vaccine to treat the China Flu instead of something we've had around for decades.
so all the documents published in the past and archived here
are fabricated lies cause the jews told'em so?
Kek you Zionist shills are desperate. Cope more your psy op failed.
>No shekels to be made for (((Big Pharma))) in prescribing a combo of cheap unpatented drugs and minerals.
>they had a $20k/dose symptom reliever and/or vaccine waiting in the wings
>Bill Gates shills for the vaccine that probably doesn’t actually treat anything.
>(((Big Pharma’s))) deep pockets fund MSM networks via advertising and Congresscritters’ bank accounts, so they’re also REEEEEing about missing out on shekels
>All at the suggestion of le ebil oranj man who must face peach mints once again.
it's throwing a huge wrench in the scripting/"modelling" and making it very obvious they're trying to run out the clock to some pre-determined date (""""2 weeks"""") so gates can swoop in at the last moment with his miracle vaccine
It's used to treat arthritis. My grandmother has been taking it on a daily basis for years.
Go to sleep, Shlomo.
Really. Retard!!!????
so angry
There was an actual info graph where someone discussed the chemical complications arising from treating someone for Corona if they had excess Feriton and Iron in the body.
>You want to check my shape -- let's do push-ups together man. Let's run, let's do whatever you want to do
>I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect. I went to law school on a full academic scholarship
Go make your own thread. Stop trying to inject your derail bullshit into this one. HCQ is working and the lockdowns are gonna end soon. Liberal World Order BTFO.
Kissinger is a failure.
a face of utter punchability
Bruh it was just a question why are you so assmad
China is buying the media and politicians after lose for Trump trade war.
lmao look at this retard
some random whores speculation is news now
Trump's getting desperate. He's about a week away from another bankruptcy and needs a miracle.
referring to fauci/birx, i assume?
that article reads like it was written by a 23 year old tranny redditor
they always talk in that really obnoxious internet way that no one talks like in real life
I have spoken to many ER and ICU doctors here in TX. I have asked them directly about Hydroxychloroquine/Azithromycin.
The consensus is that it is effective in the home environment during the early stages Covid19 with symptoms that appear to be progressing.
It doesn't usually help at all if you are already experiencing ARDS or even advanced pneumonia.
The ventilator supply is irrelevant because ICU doctors will tell you your chances of getting off the vent is 5%
>must have a financial interest
Because that is the only way they act. They can't fathom doing something that's not for personal gain.
>desperately scraping the bottom of the barrel for the most tenuous reason why Trump is wrong.
Or maybe Trump is right?
They are acting like this is his idea. Hes got all sorts of the most qualified doctors and experts advising him on what looks promising and what doesnt. Trump wouldnt have known what Chloroquine is until somebody with a lot of qualifications told him about it.
If Trump mentions at his next briefing that people should breathe, all the lefties and media types will hold their breath and die to avoid doing what Trump said.
use to treat other shit too you dumb fuck
I want to ask how you all can be so stupid, but I know you are not dumb, you are just a mendacious, manipulative piece of shit.
Meanwhile actual doctors are excited about hydrocholoroquine. So which actual doctors do we listen to?
The USA had a rich history in snake oil and quack doctors. Trump is making snake oil great again.
Yeah but let's wait 18 months for a chip+vaccine from bill gates, right?
It's been in widespread use for 70 years. Anyone arguing against its potential utility in this case are about as retarded as those who argued against the utility of *walls* - which would be, you know, the entire damn media.
Journalists are truly the scummiest fuckers on the planet.
This is news to the NHS. Bojo is almost certainly on a course of it right now.
Is it because orange man bad said it was good?
No worries, drumphth doesn't know what the fuck he is doing and is a fucking retard.
Which is why he has made the demorats look like fucking morons time and again the last 3 years and I look forward to another term.
Breathing is how you get sick!
You would have thought they'd have done that to this med a dozen times already. If not, there must not be any huge profit potential in that direction. No one they left that possibility unmined all these years.
team hydrochloroqueen is based
>all Jew and chink shill rags
daily kosher.....
yeah because those are a beacon of thruth
Brainlet detected
>Everyone who got sick also breathed.
Shit your right.
>Heckin Drummmmmffffffffffff
Elections are popularity contests. A lot of times the class clown is more popular than the smart kid. Good ideas aren't enough, you need to attract people. The songs that top charts are often garbage for a reason.
>trump is bad and rong
>dude trust me
>remember we were right about his chances of winning?
>remember we were right about russia hacking the election?
>i mean the collusion
>remember we were right about anything at all?
>dude trust me
I'm sure they're buying up as much as they can, but in the US, in pretty much the entire western world, the jew controls most every media outlet. Even if China buys into these markets, they are going to have to play by the jews rules. Luckily the jews hate wetserners also! So... shit.