>wife posts half naked insta thot pics on facebook numerous times
>i get mad she asks for divorce
>go online meet a girl whose 10x sweeter than her
>wife takes me back
>still talking to the new girl cause she treats me so nice and had alot of bad boyfriends before like I had bad girlfriends
Hmm what do? Leave my wife for the new girl or break the new girls heart for no good reason. Pic related.
Wife posts half naked insta thot pics on facebook numerous times
Here’s another pic she posted. This one stings the most. “Why arnt there any REAL men like this here??” With some retarded emojis sprinkled on top
Kill yourself
My main point, are ALL women this fucked up?? What should I do? I want to move away to Thailand and live the meme but I feel like that’s just as bad
Why is everyone's English so broken?
Why did you keep talking to new girl after getting together with your wife?
You don't have my sympathy. You choose poorly in getting married.
The new girl is obviously into you but ask yourself why.
Seems like your wife is already looking for a new relationship. I’d say you’re in a pretty good position to help her along with that. Drop
>29 years old
You already know why
If you smell shit everywhere you go, check your shoes. People may shit in women here but you are pathetic, OP.
Why is OP pathetic for wanting something other than a wife that drops hints that she’s already looking to cheat on him?
I love her to death though. She’s not nice but she’s a great person, has lots of friends and such.
That’s my age too though, so it makes no difference.
How? I have two women practically fighting over me. How many do you have?
If you comment on this thread after reading this post your mother will die in her sleep.
He's pathetic for being "indecisive". If you want your wife, you wouldn't be talking to new girl. If you want the nice new girl, you wouldn't be with your wife. OP strikes me as the kind of man who is scared to be alone, and disguises that fear as "But I how two women into me, lul" This is probably how you ended up with bathtub wife in the first place. You're like a street dog. Someone showed you attention and you wifed her because you wanted to lock her down. Now something "better" has come along and you want this new one instead.
His wife isn't real retard this is a bait thread
>t. Cuck
>That’s my age too though, so it makes no difference.
You're in the position you're in with your whore nigger loving worthless wife because of bluepilled attitudes like these. At no point in your life should you ever be aiming for anything less than the youngest and most sexually inexperience you can legally lock down.
Divorce, divorce, divorce.
Tell that cheating cunt to take a hike.
Fucking drop her you fool
how come she chose poor people who use blankets as clothing?
kick thot to the curb but find a way to keep all your money first
He won't though, you gotta do it.
>had a lot of bad boyfriends
this cannot be real
if my wife posted this to humiliate me I would steal her money and gaslight her before divorcing her
Stay with the new girl. Forget old one as she is a lost cause already
>>wife takes me back
ask yourself why
I think you know
This is a slide thread.
Your wife seems like shit, I'd leave her ass and get myself something new.
Hahaha both of them are whores
Leave this bitch
This is an obvious cuck thread.
Why are you responding?
Divorce user. Once it starts it's too late. She has roastie on the brain and she will cheat. Look at that shit mate
The girl in this scenario is always supported by the man. The girl will only leave when she can move on to being supported by another man. Right now she is looking for or has found another man but he isn't ready to support her lazy ass yet. Women don't want to be on their own, they need someone to take care of and fund them.
>had alot of bad boyfriends before like I had bad girlfriends
Lol don't fall for it idiot.
A girl saying she is attracted to niggers, is the ultimate deal breaker for me. But you are you user.
your wife wants you back because it's easier than being alone, she's just biding her time til she can move into someone else's house, do not trust her. go for the young chick, you'll regret it on your death bed if you don't.
Nothing gets a woman wetter than knowing that their man has options and will leave her
What is it with you burgers that you marry anyone without even knowing them in depth. You marry and get divorce like is a fucking walk in walmart or mcdonalds. Wtf.
Go back to your own country chinkoid
I’m not being indecisive, I’m simply weighing my options.
I like women my own age though, maybe that’ll change when I’m like 40.
She says she’s never cheated and she’s just teasing them.
And take up the new one?
She probably doesn’t mean them in particular, probably muscular white guys.
Any recommendations? I want to kind of leave but man.. she’d definitely smear me to my family and friends.
Sounds like your in an abusive relationship. Look abuse cyclies up and see if your in one?
Are things frequently bad then it fixes and things are great for a week and go back to being bad?
You fight about dumb shit and then make up sex is great and everything is great for a bit of time.
For real, I have sabotaged relationships of mine in the past to hide my powerlevel instead of outright saying they're gross for having any level of attraction to blacks
As long as the new girl is white, go for her. Your wife seems like a vapid whore anyways. Go have some white children with the new girl.
This. There are very, very few things that would make me support divorce. But if the wife is trying to humiliate you by openly soliciting new sex partners? And you don't have kids together? Divorce.
Also, thread is fake there is no wife or potential gf.
>real man
>thinly veiled cuck thread posted by a chinkoid
>wife takes me back
your shitty grammar makes me think you are a worthless faggot anyway, so maybe suicide is the best answer?
Nice bathroom looks like ur rot money, so ist kinda curious to me that u havent friends family around u u could ask, so i think its bla bla. If u need someone that actually know how to handle such problems then let me know.
>real man
that's not a man, friend, that's an ape.
Pathetic if real
What are you a man or a child
The absolute state of our civilisation
I don’t see how that ties in. It’s short but why would that give her bad boyfriends?
Yeah, but if I leave I’ll get fucked anyways. That bitch is going to end up getting my house, it’s easier said walk away then to actually do it
:/, any reccomendations on how to break it off? She’s gona flip out and throw shit at me if I do it
I don’t know, why?
Again, easier said that done. I don’t want to break up and lose “half” my stuff because it’s more like 99% my shit.
Kek. What bait. Too bad I was dumb enough to post. I mean really, you leave your wife, and then you go back?! What kind of backassward logic is that? Where’s your resolve?
Leave your wife, THOTs get the boot
If you don't have kids with your wife or don't get an financial gain by staying with her, you should totally drop her, get a good lawyer and erase any clue about you having a sidegirl.
>I don’t know, why?
Because you're the bread winner (unless you're not) and she wants to keep you around to pay for her shit while she fucks black guys
Post her facebook here
Get a life
If you're chit-chatting like a 12yr old mongoloid on social networking apps, you shouldn't have a wife, manchild.
The quality of slide threads is going down
All you need is your clothes, guns, car, tools, and gym equipment if you have any. Who cares if the wife gets the rest? If you want to be a piece of shit like me, slowly start disappearing things before you tell her or have some friends stage a break in while you take her on a date to grab anything you'd really want.
someone wouldn't do that right?
go on the internet and tell lies? right?
built for bbq
Go on a hike with her. Accidents happen all the time.
It means that her shit genes will give you manlet kids which she desperately wants as seen complaining about her eggs drying up at 29 and wanting to settle down, and that she obviously has some issues and is pretending all innocent when all her past boyfriends were supposedly bad, but totally never her fault and totally no poor life choices involved in there.
>oh wow they stole the mattress and the refrigerator.
they're exhausted
She wants you back (wrong choice of words honestly, your relationship is permanently broken) because it's convenient to her. She'll have someone to listen to her bullshit and probably she will enjoy a better financial situation. In fact I'd wager you're the only breadwinner in the household.
She'll be looking for new adventures. You're just a temporary safe harbor to her until she can find something better.
"What people call "love" is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, Morty, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage."
Rise above user. Rise above.
Wife's Facebook to confirm your claim?
My bad posted the wrong pic
Let’s spice it up...
Q is real!
Trust the plan!
It’s about saving the kids!
Incoming comments in 3,2,1...
>ape is a real man
bro leave her, you're mad if you don't take the other one, but think twice before marrying again if you do
lol, youre wife got blacked and you're wondering if you should take her back? head to the cuckold forums on reddit, they will be better suited with your situation.