Is depression a meme?

Is depression a meme?
I'm think about an heroing

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wen day is dark always remember happy dey

Depression isnt a meme but staying depressed is

an heroing is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. don't recommend it. just find a new hobby such as drugs.

Attached: giga bump.png (769x651, 1004.24K)

>Airborne bataids
>Police state
>Forced microchipping through vaccination
>Possible yellowstone eruption
>Possible meteorite
>Israel saying the antichrist will come next week
Why do that when all of us are on the verge of dying anyways? Just enjoy whatever time you have left lmao

>enjoy whatever time you have left
dis ya faggot

Of course its a meme, its called existence, one can only improve himself, what else is there ? Fuck being happy thats a meme too.

Depression is also permanent

>Israel saying the antichrist will come next week
Next week eh? That's a new one

life is pain. enjoy the opportunity.

maybe. depends

Instead of straight out killing yourself, do things that might kill you.

hence drugs


No it isn't.
t. formerly depressed

only if you cut your dick off

Depression is a meme once you get through it

Don't listen to faggots like this. Anyone who's ever said suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem has never had depression nor do they sympathize with you.

op, these digits speak truth

From what I've heard, it kind of always sticks with you somewhat. You can drop to that low again and maybe easier than others. You can over come it though. And once you have, the occasional low won't be as bad as the constant depression you're in now.

>do things that might kill you.
In Minecraft, obviously...

Attached: laughingemoji-560.jpg (560x481, 27.53K)

fuck off, i have deep depression. it's a battle that can be won without killing yourself ya cunt

Think on the bright side. At least you aren't a Chinese mainlander.

Only makes day seem darker

Nofap cured my depression.
Turns out being a coomer makes you feel like shit.


>Is depression a meme?
It's a mental illness. Seek help, not psychiatry though ... they are just quacks. If you want to be a druggy to solve your depression you don't need their help.

Lay off the booze though, it's not helping.

>an heroing is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
Actually, it’s a permanent solution to all temporary problems.

It is, but how you feel and experience depression evolves with age.

not politics

When I embraced my dark side much of the burdens I felt left me. I don’t do evil, I choose to do good. Much of the pull of the darkness has left me. I’m not sure if that helps you.

If you say that, you don't feel the way OP feels. Simple fact.

OP probably feels that way because to him, this is endless. His suffering won't go away. It's hard to get through one day, let alone the rest of his life. For him, the depression is permanent, just like Death is. And Death is preferable to him at this state

That's why that's a retarded saying also and kind of lends into the fact that I think that poster doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about.

Suicidal people want to kill themselves because of one problem? Singular? I didn't get what I wanted so now I'm going to kill myself? Doesn't really happen like that and belittles what the depressed person is actually experiencing.

>calls depression a meme
>says the guy calling depression a meme doesn’t know what he’s talking about

Permanent solution to a temporary problem is spot on. People that call themselves depressed are turbo fag NPCs. Depression is what happens when an entitled ungrateful child thinks he’s powerless to affect his world.

Or get a mbike and try to be a motogp legend on mountain roads

>>Airborne bataids
>>Police state
>>Forced microchipping through vaccination
>>Possible yellowstone eruption
>>Possible meteorite
The last 3 kinda fixes the problem with the first 3 so that's good.

hyped af for the yellowstone and meteorite desu, younger dryas event 2.0 here we go.

You forgot
>Taxes, taxes, taxes.
>Parasites get government protection.
>Productives get penalized.

>Actually, it's a permanent solution to all temporary problems.
Actually, it's a permanent solution to ALL problems.

>permanent solution to a temporary problem

Why do fags always say this? If anything suicide is a TEMPORARY solution to a much greater ETERNAL problem: existence. You will always experience existence because it is impossible to not exist. This life happened now for apparently no reason, but upon death it must happen again. Non existence simply cannot occur, it’s illogical and impossible. Think about it? what are the chances you have never existed in any form for all of the time before this life, and that upon dying you will never exist again? it’s essentially a zero percent chance.

At least in this fleeting life, you’re able to comprehend your position in the universe. There is no guarantee the next time will be as pleasant, thats the biggest motivation not to commit suicide.

try and get a daily routine sport/take care of animals or any other shit that can keep you busy

This pretty much sums it up. I've been hit super hard by depression multiple times, done lots of drugs and fucked up shit, but I've always pulled myself out of it.

You don't know what you're saying and your greentext doesn't even pertain to anything or conflict with anything I said. So you don't really know what you're talking about.

The globalists fucked our brains up with their chemical and estrogenic poison, they dulled is out with their "education" and their social media. They turned our women into thots with room termperature IQ at best. If you are going to go out, make sure you make the right people pay the price before you do.

You’re an insufferable child. 99.9% of humans that have ever lived would look at your life and be blown away by how wonderful and comfortable it is. If you understood this, you wouldn’t be depressed. Its impossible to be grateful and depressed at the same time. If your life sucks, do something to change it.

>Israel saying the antichrist will come next week
got any proof for such a bold statement Felipe?

Your situation can be improved, OP. Somethings push you over that edge. But you can slowly improve and feel better. It's possible to get out of it, it won't be easy, but it's possible. The quicker you act, the faster it'll be over. Gather your strength and force a change. Your life will never get better if your circumstances stay the same. It's different for everyone. Whatever is afflicting your life, try to better it in some way. No matter how small. The easiest stuff first.

>Its impossible to be grateful and depressed at the same time.
Prove it.

At least wait until after the happening, user. You dont want to miss out on this

This. You can't ever escape but you can certainly find a way to live with it. There's some breddy interesting shit you can get your head into.

True, you'll probably just be born again and live through this hell all over anyway.

gtfo this board kid

You're still retarded? Well, I guess it's foolish for me to think people get smarter after just a couple minutes. The things you've been saying are only said by privileged people. Let me guess, you work hard and you're a bad ass who never feels depressed because you're just that cool of a guy. Everything is perfect because we live in the now, and we have computers and drive thrus so life is amazing. But the truth of the matter is you probably inherited an easy upcoming even if you work hard or are "self made"

What's the point of feeling anything when children in Africa are still starving? It isn't confined to the past. Humans still struggle today.
It's such retarded logic. We don't have to worry about scavenging for food and being murdered raped by warlords, sure. But that's because we don't live in a savage and primitive society. Ours is many times over more complex than more primitive life styles that can have many more sources of grief. More stress and more things to do. Humans will suffer for all of eternity, no matter how advanced we become. It's all relative to our surroundings. Just because it isn't a primal source of stress doesn't mean it's imaginary. In many ways, earlier people had it easier. They had more simple lives.

im schizo depressed last 12 years. it doesnt go away even if you try hard. i tried to work, to socialize, to do everything what normies. but in the end you are here and see all the shit around, what makes you immune to happiness. because on the big scale you know that you cant be happy in world full of shit.

Yes, you are either vitamin D deficient or a retard who thinks that not feeling blissfully happy at all times is "depression"
Go buy a supplement or spend time outside so your body will produce vitamin D naturally


>you are either vitamin D deficient or a retard who thinks that not feeling blissfully happy at all times is "depression"
Prove it.

It never gets better. But you should stay because it will get a lot worse soon. Gotta have front row seats to the end. Think about it. One day the internet gets shut off, shortly after this- all you hear are jets screaming overhead. Everyone is panicking. On the horizon you see flashes and large explosions. The sound becomes deafening. You think to yourself "maybe I should--" and you're gone in a flash.

ZGo buy a vitamin D3 supplement and start taking 3,000-5,000 UI a day and then tell me that you're still depressed

Obviously a typo but whatever

Have you tried exercise? The dopamine release makes you feel great. KYS later user first self improvement.

>The things you've been saying are only said by privileged people.

You’re privileged, faggot. That’s my whole point. The reason you’re depressed is because you’re too much of a faggot to realize it.

You equate the fact that girls won’t talk to you to starving to death. Only people who have wonderful lives and have never had to worry about food would make such an absurd comparison.

Not a bad idea. Might give you the will to live if you survive. It's mostly temporary though.