
Last Night, I Realized As A Young Black Man-In my 20s. Since 1829, The Democratic Party Has Ruined Black People. The Truth, Is Heartbreaking.

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Smosh, stop making this thread and larping as a nig. Nobody cares.

black people who don't fall for the jewish created "gangsta culture" are normal

Didnt the smosh guys have a huge fight and split up?

Your people are demoralized into believing that it's a white man's world and you can never be a part of it.

It's not a "white" man's world. The world belongs to any who take initiative and make something of themselves, something blacks don't seem to watn to do.

They'd rather just get their NEETbux and do nothing.

*does nothing*

You just leveled up from nigger to black man. Good job.


the democrats failed us which in turn we fail ourselves


Why in the fuck do you have that old ass picture of Anthony Padilla

Same thread/pic posted earlier. 100% slide, don’t forget to sage jew garbage

>it's whitey's fault
Every time

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its not the point of the thread


Keep spamming nigger to get this nigger out of here and keep this site white.

No blacks mexicans or colored allowed

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lying like a democrat

You’re a faggot and a nigger. The guy you replied to points out that niggers are held back because they don’t take responsibility for themselves and you blame Democrats.


racist like a democrat

deception from a democrat

Now get out of here nigger you're not wanted

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I didn't ask to be wanted

Bingo. There is a Dinesh Desouza documentary about this. I think it is called Hillary's America. Talks about how all the slave owners were Democrat party.

Welcome to your first day out of the matrix bro. Keep ingesting red pills and get lit. We're all in this fagfest together.

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that isn't a swing set though.

Theres a decent amount of black people here. Typing nigger on the internet only gets more white people who have nothing to do with you or this site hurt irl

Shut up shit skin.

but my skin isn't shit though

Kill yourself, nigger.

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who are you?

You can call me Massa.

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is that what it says on your ID?

Will you help us kill all the Jews or not?
How do you feel about Chinese people?

>Theres a decent amount of black people here. Typing nigger on the internet only gets more white people who have nothing to do with you or this site hurt irl


I love meeting white women who's whole "pillow talk" routine is how they hate white men. The lil convo's in between breaks of face-fucking on what it really means to be a feminist. The white women's hate for America is lovely....not as lovely as the white women's hate for the American way of life...but i get a kick out off all the different iterations of it? Why would I kill myself? Life us good! We out here fuckin these hoes and yall just sit here and complain.

By the way. Black lurkers like myself show this site to our hood rat friends, and we all laugh at the UnWaRrEnTeD vIoLeNcE against whites

I'm not going to prison. Second I don't have any problems with chinese people

Why Do Niggers Capitalize Every Letter?

you sound like an angry democrat

Wrong answer.

I don't care what monkey niggers do.

When niggers rise ethnic tensions enough you'd all be exterminated

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are you referring to me or to an entire group of people?

Be afraid of whites nigger

have fun in prison

Well, ruined is a word. Enabled is a better one

niggers tongue my anus

this actually made me chuckle a bit

So how well do you think the whole nigger monkey thing really works on the internet? Kinda stale when that's all you have. We have white bitches. We make you cry about affirmative action. White genocide by jews. Mainstream media where you're the but of every joke? You're basically the sad fat guy on the internet trope. So yeah, sure....nigger monkey. Cool.

Your fear of getting eradicated is good enough nigger

did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

Your race mixing and humilation of the white race only aides in the extermination of your race.

Ummm...isnt it dumb midwestern whites who are holding on to muh freedom to gather getting eradicated right now by an asian virus? The economy propped up and maintained by white men....being taken out by the kung flu? Dude you're not even trying

sounds like you need a hug

Black people don't go on Yas Forums

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Kill more family members of white people, continue posting pictures of you with the daughter of a white man, it's all evidence to your doom

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Who told you that you could stop picking cotton?

i guess you're wrong cause im black

Plot twist. Im mixed. I want black people to succeed, but what i want more is for white bigots to fail

How can you ask that when I never picked cotton in the first place?. HAHA gotcha!

When the powder keg of humilation and anger blows up it will engulf the entire country in ethnic warfare and it would be done and stabilized in hours.

Africans aren't black americans. They're africans. I'm american black.
We're the reminder that you did this to yourselves.

do you need a hug?

No, I'm going to brew some black tea to calm my ire.

Always the white mans fault isnt it you filthy nigger?

thats what democrats would have you believe

have fun