>“China’s agricultural industry has collapsed.”

>Rumors of a food shortage have swirled on social media for weeks, in the wake of the coronavirus lockdown that stopped tens of millions of people from going to work, and a leaked government document made public on Thursday shows that government officials have also been planning for a shortfall in food supplies.

>The document also calls for the “mobilization of the masses to consciously store grain and ensure that each household reserves between 3 and 6 months of grain for emergencies.”

>There is also evidence that citizens in certain parts of the country are panic buying in response to rumors around a food shortage.

I hope this is true

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Other urls found in this thread:

Does anyone really believe they've beaten the virus either?

They probably did not beat it.
In the US, I imagine about 15k to 20k people will die. (May even be exaggerated)
Then in April, it will just go away. May will probably have things slowly open again, but summer things will go back to normal, and finally schools open in mid to late September.

We should charge em double for all the bullshit bans they put on our exports after we caught their vpnof spying for huawei.

I lived there for 2 years, until I returned to Ireland this March. When I left the lockdown was tightening up, despite claims in the international media that things in China were getting better. The week before I left, local Bao'an (security) had started chaining the doors of my apartment building and those around it shut between 10 and 11pm each night to enforce curfew. That's one of the reasons I left.

Eat a bat

No. The rest of the world should cut all contact with these disgusting insectoid chinks. Forever.

The shopping mall near my apartment was totally deserted

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Beijing city center was like a ghost town right before I left, despite claims that everything was going back to normal

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Agriculture is slowing down in most countries as farming is dependant on migrant labour either internally or from other countries

Buuuut, China has strategic food reserves much like other somewhat developed countries, they had a strategic pork reserve that means their Swine flu didn't stop new years festivities, even though prices globally increased by about 50%

You know whais tealy in short supply in china right now... adult sized penises.

USA isn't far behind. You still have some time to stock up. GROW SOME FOOD THIS YEAR.

China imports most of it's food.

They're utterly fucked.

China cannot afford go to war.
they import 80% of their food, it would be too easy to defeat them: cut supply lines, let the population starve, get some popcorn and watch chinks implode from the outside.
that's why they'll never go to full blown war with the US.

Food prices in China were massively inflated before I left. The price of pork had tripled, and steak had doubled.

This thing looks to be as bad as Spanish flu. Given our superior technology I expect deaths to hit about 400,000 after 2 years of circulation.

No. Only retards would believe this.

Based haha hope they all die

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Fucking Legend!

If you think about the grocery store runs that happened in the US they were probably much worse in the chink megacities.

Oh noo! Not the ricerinos!

Nope Satan, nobody does

It won't happen, we export produce all around the world. As long as farmers still go to work we will be fine

Good. It's what happens when you poison the people that you depend on for survival gooks.

I took photos when it happened

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400k in the US?
Wtf if the were true then the US better firebomb China.

Fuck, if you hadn't left you wouldn't have been leaving ever.

They'll just buy all the food from their biggest colony, Australia. If China has food shortages it means aussies will starve, not the bugmen.

Restaurants in Beijing started selling their stock of food on the street

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kek guess that's the end of the ccp funny how life works out a flu takes out the commies

We should let them starve

Good fuck China

So business as usual?



And don't believe the doomsday shills who try to claim the same for America. America is the only nation that could shut itself off entirely from the rest of the planet and still be 100% self-sustaining, with the exception a couple of things like coffee beans.

The US makes enough food except avacados, the hipsters will starve

You need to dig deeper and do some research. Last year's harvest was historically bad due to the flooding in the midwest and the early frost. They are still trying to get last year's corn crops out of the fields after the thaw. Canneries have shut down due to nothing to can. Hay prices over the winter were FUCKED. The grand solar minimum is just getting going and shit is already getting fucky out there.

>Muh China will collapse
Imagine thinking that will happen after all they have been through already. This meme is dead.

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>shoot people who accurately report virus numbers
>shoot people who accurately report crop yields
china is in for a fun time

Got ‘email!

Also, this notice probably went out to all the Chinese operatives in every Western nation. So guess what? They are going to show up en masse, to try and purchase and ship back to China as much food products as they can get their dirty little Chinkoid fingers on.

And that is a good thing!

Of course they're facing food shortages, they only have one section of arable land suitable enough for large-scale agriculture, the Yellow River. And it is heavily urbanized, polluted with industrial waste, and is being swallowed by the Gobi desert to the west.
So a good portion of their food is imported. Mostly from America.

Bruh. We had 10k dead as of yesterday. Add a Zero to the end of those numbers.

It's the classic liberal/communist play:
Dig your head in the sand and pretend everything is okay. Shoot anyone who tells you it isn't.

For anyone that watched this from the start this is not new. There were a shit ton of vids on 8kun of them destroying every farm animal they could. Bashing heads in, burning, burying millions of farm birds alive. As well as destroying trucks full of veg trying to get into cities.

USA is a exporter of food. It can go for a long long time just by itself. Choice may be low, but it won't starve. China imports most of its food. And spent the last 3 months destroying the rest. If their wheat harvest in the north fails this year they be mega fucked.

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>Chinese can't spell Gansu
Also all my friends in China told me they heard the rumors but so far everything is properly stocked.
Might have a meat shortage at some point sur to American swine flu though.

>between 3 and 6 months of grain for emergencies.”

Hey Wu mao shill. Have you stocked up on food?

Maybe two zeroes

If they dont import adult sized penises no ladies will get ficked only molested with vienna sausages

That is still enough food to feed every American for a year six times over.

Good let those filthy chunks starve to death.

Good, let them die.

Choke on a bat dick Chang

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>they only have one section of arable land suitable enough for large-scale agriculture, the Yellow River. And it is heavily urbanized,
Who the fuck builds cities on good and limited farm land?
build them on shit land for fucks sake china

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Pretty much how I see things, I just think the deaths will reach 40-50k before being walked back in a few months.

Just for perspective user we have 300,000,000~ people in the US. Assuming everyone gets it a death rate of just 1% would be 3,000,000 dead.

This thing is estimated to have a case mortality rate of like 2.4-38%. Even assuming that drops as cases increase we are looking at seriously huge numbers. The only reason I estimate 400,000 instead of 3,000,000 is because of our response and technology. There was 100mil people in 1918 in the US and only 6-700K died from it. I'm making a rank assumption that it will be less bad than spanish flu in raw numbers due purely to technology and response (they just let it spread in 1918).

Who does this woman work for, or why is she putting out all of this good news? She was the one who leaked the CCP's propaganda instructions for internet shills also. How has the CCP not "reached out" to her? Even if she's in the US they have enough enough people on the ground to deal with her. Hope it's true anyway, one of the few bits of good news these days

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I think the US will be fine in the long run. We export more then we import, for food

Like I told user above you need to do more research. We are not in a good spot right now in the US and the myth that "it can't happen here" is gonna catch a lot of people unprepared.

Anti Chinese soros bots.

The coming depression will hit them hard yes

> Inflation of prices on food
> Weakening of currency to improve exports
> Exports that will dwindle because of global depression
> Exports that will dwindle because of anti-globalisation effort from the West

Here's hoping they all die of kuru and more chink lung aids when they eat one another. That'd be fucking karma.

Iceagefarmer is the best channel to see the relevant data.


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I understand doing that for pork and poultry products but why fruit and veg? I hope this country does fucking starve itself and global foodshelves take their own productions back from the chinkas.

I don't think so, or at least if it is it might be highly localised.

Source: chinese girl I bang keeps on getting food packages from home.

Not very reliable I know but that's my hot take.

Looks like they're going to have to resort to eating dogs , racoons and bats.

>>“China’s agricultural industry has collapsed.”

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The Australians are waking up though, the whole "steals your masks" thing has pissed off everyone from national news stations to politicians.

I don't think they are gonna be as much a breadbasket of China as the Chinese would have liked.


Folk who can take advantage of the situation to obtain under the counter wads of cash or establish or use favours

He's shilling CCP propaganda on Yas Forums for like .25 an hour. After a weeks work he'll finally have enough saved up for a bag of rice.

They are too dumb to be allowed to live

Chinese companies will start buying up Australian/American/Canadian livestock en mass if this is true, in fact an user posted yesterday that a local farm with award winning cows had sold all their livestock for big money

Let them starve. Let their neighbors take clay. China needs to end.

>as farming is dependant on migrant labour

what a bizzare logic... everyone in slavlands buys from local peasants, hell, even turks do it and land there is way worse for agriculture.

with today's tech being a peasant is easy mode living, plant some crap, put some industrial crap, and ship it to asia.

reconnect with the land friend

Can overpopulated nations just stop having kids already?
8 billion people without infrastructure looking for food is worse than any zombie movie.

You know, it's possible to dislike more than one thing at a time, Chen

The asians who over develop do. They have near ruined our agricultural land here by forcing urban sprawl.

We could come out of this leaner and more self sustaiming, producing more of our neccities and limit inigration to put our own unskilled jobless to work

I thought the CCP had every thing under control!
fuck drumpf and fuck wypipo!

Experts say stockpiling is bad for the (((market)))

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And eachother
So many traditional recipes in a proud and ancient culture

If your girl can afford to live abroad she is part of the wealthy 5-10% of the population
90% of the population will have a hard time feeding themselves once food prices come under inflationary pressure and people loose their jobs

nigger they collapsed and swapped governments 3 times in 100 years and got btfo in ww2, all they do is eventually collapse and shuffle "leaders".

This is a war.

USA stop food exports to the bug people and give aid to Brazil to do the same

Nothing is going to happen retards. You keep saying China will collapse and it never happens.

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>despite claims that everything was going back to normal
Well, nobody here bought their bullshit.

We've been watching them steal seeds etc. trying to get their hands on food. Other admins have been light on punishing the chinks. They are in for a very rude awakening with this current admin.

Look at those knockoff chuck taylors. Holy fuck chinks have no shame

and worst of all, up north is just siberia, frozen tundra, down south is vietnam and a loot of terrain bad for land conquest.

they really have a bad geographical position for power projection... i do wonder if the whole gobi desert is spreading thing is real

How do you have a food shortage when your culture eats everything including insects?


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Yes, because you have areas suitable for agriculture and are poor as fuck.
Europeans farming is WHOLLY dependant on poor people migrating for labour, Ukranians and Romanians are a stable at Danish farms, illegal Maroccans in Spain, Illegal Mexicans in the US.