If you're truly redpilled than you can't have a religion.
If you're truly redpilled than you can't have a religion
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Anyone who says they can talk to god on your behalf is going to ask you for money.
Redpills lead to inceldom.
I don't think you are redpilled at all. Division is the jews game, Moshe.
Religion is part of human nature. You abandon one religion you’ll find another one. Atheism is spiritual anarchy, it’s a temporary state between one power and another.
OP if you're truly redpilled you'll read and understand this whole book: yogebooks.com
>Anyone who disagrees with my politically correct ideology is a __________
>[Russian bot]
The NPC meme is more than a meme.
*tips to based fedora plebbitor*
There isn't a single proof that God exist.~
Who says otherwise is coping .
There isn’t proof you exist nigger.
Well, "redpilled" is a reddit term for cargo-cult retards who have actually drank the media kool-aid and got pissy when they entered real life and realized that women arent "naturally good" like the TV says.
Existence itself is proof of God.
>muh natural
>Baby's first philosophy class
What'll you have to start? Some Aquinas? Maybe some Descartes?
OP is a faggot
I will never understand why Christians willingly worship a dead jew named Yeshua and his father Yahweh, the national God of Israel. At this point I can only assume they haven’t done any research into their religion beyond reading their favorite version of the bible. Most Christians aren’t even aware of Church history before Martin Luther
Christianity is not a religion, it's simply the truth.
SEETHING retard who doesn’t understand human nature and is eternally mad at his father.
Christianity is the only thing keeping the west from complexity collapsing into degeneracy. Why do you retard insist on attacking it? I'm genuinely confused what your're doing is so fucking counter productive.Yeah the west is falling into degeneracy already but Christianity is stopping it from completely collapsing
>Stop believing in God
No faggot pic related it's you kys
>So much text.
>None of it worth reading.
>doesn't know the Big Bang theory
imagine being this brainlet
Bigger the Big Bang theory was created by a priest. Atheist before hand had the steady state theory which we know is wrong because of the Big Bang theory. You are the biggest nigger gorilla ever.
As long as they're woke on the JQ I couldn't give a fuck.
>Christianity is the only thing keeping the west from complexity collapsing into degeneracy
>Christianity is stopping it from completely collapsing
Children are being kidnapped from fathers because they opposed slicing off the dick of their 8 year old son so that the mother can get likes on facebook while sleeping with apes.
>magic floating dot containing everything exploded
>Big Bang theory
Ah yes like the other great theories from the scientific community
lol you nufaggots need to kys
red pill is from the matrix and refers to the dialectic matrix... and its a term that at least dates back to usenet
>but but but whats the dialectical matrix
you will probably never know, you are very low level.
Christcucks are an embarrassment
You do realize that circumcision isn’t nessary to be a Christian Right? Just because boomers are retarded doesn’t mean you get to blame it on us
You are an embarrassment
We'll be laughing at your dumbass when you aren't in heaven
I assume you're referring to circumcision. Circumcision is an American tradition not a Christian one
agreed based defender of science and Judaism
>doesn't know the Big Bang Theory is a theory about what happened at the start of the universe not how the universe started
Do you even metaphysics, retard?
I'm talking about trannies, user(s).
Fathers are being given restraining orders because they don't want to pay for their sons to get chemically castrated because the mom wants to turn Billie into Susan.
>red pill is from the matrix
>newfag thinks people are referring to the tranny movie when they say "redpilled"
they are referring to r/redpill, which was a "men's rights" subreddit about a decade ago before it got baleeted
Enjoy this
Yeah you and Rabbi Yeshua will be up in the clouds laughing with all the cool kids, right? What a pathetic belief system
Prove me wrong. The Big Bang theory was a boon for Christianity because it implies a beginning unlike the steady state theory.
you know doggo and Yas Forumst are gay and you will end up having dude on dude bum sex with a nigger before you die
We're waking up.
No specific religion, but you can be spiritual.
Imagine being this mad at God
Ah. Apologies. I’m feeling rather wrathful today. My desire to snuff out HERESY is strong.
I know what hes referring to
I was there when the jews took the term and did that to try to attach it to women haters and incels lol
>oy vey youre mad at yahweh its not the absolute failure of a church it cant be that oy vey
bullshit. atheism is the most bluepilled thing ever
just go on le r*ddit
>If you are truly redpilled you let tyrone fuck your wife
I too can make baseless controversial claims to cause controversy and infighting
porgue sub human filth, there is not even a single word like jew in the original nt language yet cuckss like you claim that christianity was jewish jesus was not a jew , remember when muslims pawn where ruled by their jewish rich masters in spain ??
the christ followers you hate protected europe for centuries from the jewish muslim pawn, do we get thanked for it ? no we get impeached for it.
Meaningless platitude.
Imagine having the same beliefs as niggers
That’s true
We converted them dummy. They were worshipping rocks when we found them.
You forgot
You can't be mad to something that doesn't exist
That is good.
At least, good insofar as you fighting evil.
Non-believers are not evil though. The people who are evil are faceberg moms who are castrating 8 year olds so they can get likes on the internet. THAT is evil. THAT is the enemy.
Then again, technically those moms are not evil. They're just lemmings. 90% of humans are neither good nor evil. They're just lemmings without free will. They see authority figures telling them that mutilating their children is "good" so they do it.
The truly evil people are the jews at the top who are those authority figures.
Imagine choosing a faith based upon the followers and not what you know to be true.
Yeah, it's further down the dumb-retort screen. Just keep scrolling.
You’re mad at your dad. Just forgive him. Then get good with god.
Wrong. I believe in the aryan spirit and natural law. There are more options then just desert religions like Christcuckery
Whats the deal with the 10 active Anti-christion threads , if anything this makes my faith only stronger .
Thanks Shlomo
Who's 'we'? Of what race were the First Christians?
If you're unironically using a jew reaction face you can't be redpilled.
lol low iq subhuman filth, Atheists to the chopping block
Religion is fundamentally a bluepill.
>not knowing universal order is proof
brainlets need to fix there insecurities
You said niggers so I assumed you meant when we converted the slaves.
>‘you’ll be sorry when my sky daddy lets me into his magic kingdom and not you!!!’
There absolute state of christfags hahahahah
Check em. Our faith will be forged in fire and steel.
Yes goy worship Jesus
I agree with what Jesus taught in the New Testament. Since embracing the moral aspect of religion is natural for me, why not take the extra step and embrace the supernatural? My behavior is not going to change anyway whether I believe in the supernatural God or not, since I will still strive to follow the New Testament.
I think people worship because they really do believe in something good and bigger than themselves! And that's okay! There is nothing wrong with being a small little nobody...
>not knowing science came from the church
>big bang was thought by a priest
just give it up, we know your a fool
You will be. Eternal seclusion from god is a fate worse then any other.
ok muslim
You didn’t rebut my point. How’s your father? Do you call him?
Dr. Goebbles said that while not being a Judeochristian
Looks like christcucks just confirmed that they worship kikes
>sky daddy
can you be more of a cuck? faggot terminology reflects your mind, stop cooming
If you were truly red pilled you would be a european pagan. Either ancestor worship or Jung style european pagan belief.
Adopting the enemies religion (christianity) will eventually lead you to where we are now.
kys I am a christian you cuck fag porgue
I like jones but he’s blue pilled on race.
So glad Jews are dying from corona. Less Jew troll threads here.
One right after another. 4JewsChan.org
religion is the jews tool to break apart the right, if we are divided we are weak, we all have to fight for the same cause weather we are Christian or pagan or atheist because we cannot be divided, if we are divided the Jew and the Muslim win.
Jews are a post Christian belief system. Christ wasn’t a Jew. Please understand.
Holy shit he actualy did it, he actually tried to defend christianity by passing a jewish ritual as american tradition.
>is too stupid and/or weak to realize Christianity is a larp
>worships a Jew
>falls others Cuck
Confirmed brainlet
Imagine, if you will, taking a symbol of the choice to pursue truth over ignorance, from a film series based on the exploration of philosophy and religion, only to present yourself as someone who has clearly taken the blue pill.
Retard. Religion binds people together. Jews push atheism constantly on tv. Hello?
>muslim pretends to be christian
>Goyim please believe in our words
No thanks
>A guy named Rabbi Yeshua that celebrated passover, ate kosher, and worshipped Yahweh wasn’t a jew
What caused the big bang?
Is there something like an uncaused cause? And doesn't this uncaused cause have some very specific attributes?
>science came from Christianity
You are a fucking moron how the fuck can christkikes be so damn stupid
And they love it... Eternal slaves.
Oh god you’re a Frenchmen. You’ll be worshipping allah soon enough, you frog eating guillotine neck.
Your shit skin nation could be wiped out by one of the weakest of our states. Try again sheep fucker
he cant talk about it on jewtube, when he said a foreigner could be integrated if he learned the language, adopted the religion, and suited his mind like the populace, i think he knows deep down that imposable
Maybe redpill isn't as necessary or even as good as you seem to think it is.
Maybe it's better for many people to not be redpilled.
You're clearly not benefiting from it.
God is the truth. He can do whatever the fuck he wants.
>hey goy i have trillions of dollars more wealth and assets and land than you
>but for some reason i still want to make a point to "deny christ"
>would you like to join me goy? you wont get any of these trillions but it could be fun!
OP, if this sequence doesnt make you pause then you are poor and low IQ
He said understand.
imagine not knowing that science came from the catholic church
imagine forgetting that the bible tells you not to give ANYTHING to any foreigner before your fellow countryman
imagine making thinks up about a book you never read
and above it all, imagine pretending that the bible does not CLEARLY reject jews and inform you constantly that they are evil, to the point they where wiped and sent plagues over and over in the bible
He didn't preach only to Jews OP, he also said that gentiles could be like dogs and feed on the table scraps that fall to the floor. What a guy!
the only way to stay jewish is to "deny christ"
well OP, are you going to stay jewish?
Christ was Hebrew. The kikes of today stole tertiary elements of the Hebrew religion, but actually practice Babylonian occultism.
So glad Jews are dying from corona. Less Jew anti White racist troll threads here
>not knowing the difference between science and philosophy
wew lad, dont post unless its a question
Amen, brotherrrr
OP cannot explain why jews have practiced maternal succession since 70 AD
Imagine trying to reconcile Nazism with Christianity. One teaches insane tolerance towards others and cucks whites, while the other literally does the opposite.
Stop embarrassing yourself
Alright I'll concede that one since it appears to be from a fictional book but I will find another.
Western science is heavily built upon by the Christian church. Modern science is a joke because their is no incentive not to lie anymore. Post truth world
>If you don't believe in rabbi jesus fucking christ then you must believe in mohammed the goat fucker
No thanks, keep your faggods to yourself kike. I'm a humanbeing, I have free will and my free will tells me that magic doesn't exist, at all.
The fact that jewish religions suck, doesn't mean you should forget Gentile ones.
I didn't mean that, right now the "alt right" are in the minority so we cant afford to divide ourselves into Christian, pagan and atheist sects we must join as one at least until we have won the big war.
Punished jones. A man denied his logos.
>Stop embarrassing yourself
Back at you
Jews and Hebrews have the same blood, and the same beliefs, and worship the same god
You worship a jew, just accept it
im glad your exposing the catholic church, but the menace came from you
paganism > cuckstianity > at*eism
>insane tolerance towards others and cucks whites
who was jesus beating with a whip? that doesnt sound so tolerant
Only seeing one testament being mentioned there Moshe.
There isnt a single proof ur not mind controlled. When you say otherwise ur coping
>you wear le hat
>therefore, you are le wrong
Another thread of people who think they know what the point of religion is.
God will always exist
Jesus was quite the "anti-semite." Synagogue of Satan and Moneychangers were the terms he used for Jews.
wrong picture, but that one fits too.
pagan greeks were the first to have anything todo with modern science fucking stupid.
OP is right