Why do they overrepresent niggers and females in video games?

why do they overrepresent niggers and females in video games?

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Don't you talk shit about Alyx, she's what the archtype SHOULD have been:

>smart, but not ultra genius, gets outshined by protag and other supporting characters
>capable, isn't a damsel in distress, but inferior in combat abilities to the MC
>has useful things to say, moves the story forward, but isn't the "oh thank god NIGGRESS is here to save us!" trope
>is a qt 3.14 but not some exaggerated shit attempting to "celebrate" nigger beauty (but ends up being a gross caricature because it's so overdone)
If you compare and contrast her to all the really egregious minority characters in gaming in the last 10 years you'll realize she's the opposite of them

They’re trying to kill video games from the inside out since gamer gate failed. Stop buying tranny made games and support based and indie developers.

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Half life is an overrated piece of shit

nigger that would never be in that position to begin with
female doing things that no female could, can, or ever will do in real life
go back to reddt also. the bernie shilling campaign is over, if you havent gotten the memo from leftypol.

>playing anything else than HOI4 and S.T.A.L.K.E.R

Females in games make sense depending on the game. For example a female protagonist in a horror game makes sense because women are physically weaker so you feel more danger than if you were playing a buff dude.

>Thousands upon thousands of white males in video games
>One single black girl

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im bored right now, played kaiserreich for about 2 weeks straight

Blame the market, not the companies. Companies put niggers and trannies in their video games because it makes them looks cool and progressive and helps them sell more copies of their game. They don't give a fuck about "representation" or whatever, they only care if you buy their product or not.

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To give the player more opportunities to shoot such things, obviously!

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>helps them sell more copies
Almost every video game with race pandering has failed miserably. Its kind of hard to make money off a game that panders to a group of people that dont even play.

Just IMAGINE still playing games made in current year. Literally the last game that was made was GTA 5 and that's only because you could larp as a tradie carpenter by walking around with a hammer.

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Who wants to play as a guy

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Better to do that then in real life

fuck you

literally nobody does.

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>the last good game

White guilt and dissatisfaction with their lives. Alyx is(was) the least offensive of this trend though.

people who arent gay

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Same reason they do it everywhere. They have to get you to hate exclusive white communities and love diversity. This allows an uninterrupted stream of cheap labor to flood the country and earns huge profits for the Jewish Masters and their good goy pets.

You want to watch a guy a run and jump around? That sounds pretty gay

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females can do all those things you're just an incel, friend

because Xirs unironically believe in social justice and transhumanism.
Us Millennials were raised with social justice and transhumanism and "Lies My Teacher Told Me" and Howard Zinn's Hidden History being official truth, therefore we officially believe it and will act like we believe it to the extent that is required of us.
Xirs actually, unironically believe in social justice. If you tell an Xir that social justice and transhumanism is fake and gay, he will get angry with you and dox you to antifa. Xirs will unironically spend their own money supporting social justice.

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people who arent gay

>Half life is an overrated piece of shit

this, it fucking sucks. real niggas play stalker.

You want to watch a guy a run and jump around? That sounds pretty gay

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Based. Women essentially don't play vidya (when they do it's either ultra casual games or e girl) and men don't give a shit if the games have a random nigger thrown in the background or not.

Jews are trying to normalize niggers

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true. gta5 was the last good game and also the most culturally significant game of all time, exploring the difference between the yuppie hipster dad and the proto-hipster who never got married

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give me one that can do that stuff. ill wait.

b-bro le jews are ruining my hobby!!1!

Women and minorities can only achieve parity with white males in pure fantasy environments.

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Your cheese and chocolate are overrated pieces of shit

Why not send blacks into china?
Wouldn't that be a much more important goal?

Yeah sure, almost every game. I guess Overwatch, Fortnite and Call of Duty are complete flops that nobody plays then, lol. No, pandering actually helps a lot. Companies wouldn't do it in masses if it hurt their sales.
>Its kind of hard to make money off a game that panders to a group of people that dont even play.
Progressiveism isn't for minorities in the first place. It's PR for the normies.

Giselle Salandy

overwatch, fortnite, and call of duty can get away with it because they arent story driven games.
also COD and overwatch have fallen severely, and fortnite is just a game for stupid kids.

>Using a VR only game as reference
>VR, A small market that is facing supply issues thanks to coronavirus
>Thinking this is a good indicator of modern games
I shitty diggy

>helps them sell more copies of their game
No, it really doesn't. They do it because NGOs give them tax free grants to be more Common Purpose and big companies love free money streams.
If all the NGOs promoted nazism, then the games would all feature jewish baddies and portray women as wives etc. It's the same for virtue signals coming from Hollywood: they shamelessly promote whatever pays them free money or permits them to dodge more tax, which amounts to the same thing.

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Most gamers are incels and betas, so they cater to them with the kind of women they can realistically aim for.

want some more?

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>most gamers are incels and betas
>source: trust me bro

>Common Purpose
not heard this in 5+ years, are you saying it wasn't just a boomer conspiracy?


Same reason they're overrepresented in everything else. To push the DivERsiTy narrative and normalize becoming niggers.

> First big VR title from Valve
> Featuring sassy minority (who is a canon character and much beloved tho)

NOT Half-Life 3, Gordon will make his appearance in five years time when VR is fully established and ready for his return

Source: YouTube, twitch, Yas Forums, reddit, every game with online mode, every gaming forum, every p2w game, every gaming "journalist". Need some more?

Alyx is cute

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They tried to infect China using the Uyghurs and all they accomplished was getting them put in camps.
The jews like the huge chinese population and the cheap labor that comes with it so they're turning a blind eye to it.

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still havent linked a source

It is a medium where you can objectify the female form in whatever way you can imagine.

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that made me want to vomit

This is true. It was only not true upon release of the game, which at the time was mildly interesting due to the physics engine. Other than that, hundreds of games have done what it did, but far better

>overwatch, fortnite, and call of duty can get away with it because they arent story driven games.
So why is The Last of Us and Mass Effect massively popular then?
>also COD and overwatch have fallen severely
Because the hype for those games has died down with age, not because Tracer is a dyke.
>and fortnite is just a game for stupid kids.
Not an argument.


Get the fuck off this board

you probably have the GAY

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People who aren't gay.

Woof it's the VR industry shill defending his purchases for mega corporations!

Alyx is based

I'm pretty sure that 90% of the things YOU think are muh "boomer conspiracies" are totally real, you just couldn't handle the people presenting these truths.
Why? Because they paid very little mind to "optics" (thinking people would HAVE to see the plain truth(they almost never do)) and "optics" is all you look for in a book or lecture; as long as all of the exactly correct context is there, you don't give a shit WHAT the facts are probably.

>mass effect andromeda was massively popular

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Spend a couple of hours on Yas Forums and you won't need to question that anymore. Either way alphas are busy living real life, not a virtual one.

>VR game
>play as a woman
>can't virtually touch my virtual bobs or virtual vaginer


based, Gordon Freeman is the aryan prophet that saved humanity from space niggers

Because niggers and females are under represented in programming and coding. To avoid criticism, publishers demand game characters be females and minorities.

ok so you cant present a source so youre a retard talking out of your ass. got it

First one is good. Everything else related to half life kind-of sucks or straight-up sucks.
Why are Asians grossly under-represented?

trips of trash

>First one is good. Everything else related to half life kind-of sucks or straight-up sucks.

It's ubiqitous in our public services now. All of our NHS managers network with it, for example.
NHS, Red Cross, Citigroup, Deloitte, UNICEF, the full list would be huge. All executive management reading off the same page. A page that says Globalism is great and Diversity Is Our Strength irrespective of any empirical evidence at all.

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Because you haven't stopped buying their bullshit games.

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Half-Life 1 and the Opposing Force expansion were the only good Half-Life games.
Despite having the least amount of dialogue, they had hands down the best and most original storytelling.

All the subsequent games just rely on the tired generic formula of 'ragtag group of diverse rebels fights the grotesquely evil and oppressive government.'

i didnt buy it, never will. all i gotta do is look at how many niggers/females/or faggots they put into their game and ill already know how good it is.

You want to be a woman

>All executive management reading off the same page. A page that says Globalism is great and Diversity Is Our Strength irrespective of any empirical evidence at all.

Well put. Exactly the same in North America.

What the fuck does a score on a review site have to do with anything? It still sold millions of copies.

The Last of Us has a 95/100 on that same site.

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There is literally nothing wrong with female Mischlinge when they look hot.

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The companies have been shaping the market for decades now, gradually adding in more (((diversity))), fags, niggers, trannies, mutts. It's to the point now where if you DON'T have those things then it becomes a problem, i.e. Kingdom Come.

its because they string people along for a one-time fooling by just slapping the title onto nigger loving garbage.

You have a case of being a nigger

NGOs don't give a fuck about video games. Companies pander because retards keep buying their game.

Last of Us 1 was a 10/10 game

das rite

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If they didn't include mutts, you wouldn't be represented.