*goes extinct*

>*goes extinct*

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>rest of humanity crumbles

Good, who would want something like this around?

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braaaaap in peperoni

Imagine her spread over that fence with a BBC buried balls deep in her. Fuck.


same girl? her face looks a lot better from the front. not that it's bad, the ass just kind of makes it look like shit in comparison.

Built for KFC

Why is a whore who posts pictures of her ass on the internet your idea of something that should be protected?
She's a whore, she's going to Hell.

Yea? And?

non-christian white girls will go extinct, good riddance.
no one cares about them anyway

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She needs to lose weight.

>cellulitic nigger ass
It's already extinct, and you are a nigger

Well, if you keep lauding asses like an ass worshiping nigger, don't be surprised when a baby doesn't fall out of there. I hate this world.

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>*replaces her*

Attached: HerKidsWillOnlyBe25Asian.jpg (540x537, 85.16K)

Future historians:
>the ass was fat

>commits suicide because Chad won't return her calls

Attached: Chad Thundercock says looks don't matter.jpg (521x360, 110.59K)

Holy inbreeding



I looked at it more closely and they are certainly not the same person. If anyone was tracking.

made for bbc

Still less inbred than jews


I really really don't like niggers.

Too bad

If she was a virgin I'd make her my second wife and go for a roll in the hey

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Is this Leipzig in the background?

these are all fake.

if there's an afterlife it'll be fun to watch them fail.


probably becuse she takes so much BBC

fucking based and christpilled


Unironically this, it's been said many times, but civilisation is due for a reset and new dark ages

She's not even pretty. Butterface.

Life already sucked, why shouldn't mass suicides be a thing if that is the case?

if cis white girls go extinct there's going to be a ton of trans white girls, so white girls aren't going to go away. they'll just be different.

thank you

Messianic age, world war 3 the final apocalyptic wars, it was all planned.

Black bulls take BBC? Have white woman started turning them gay now?

oh cool another SIMP thread lol

by her own volition
i guess you cant blame her though, you can convince a woman of anything with the right amount of exposure

>dyed hair

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Stop pushing this meme.

At least the cunt finally shut the fuck up.

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white ppl will not go extinct

>Go to Latin America
>Still tons of whites

Yeah, we'll be fine. The white genes find a way.

yeah natural brunette would look much better.

>comes back after thousands of years of evolution in cold climates

Why? It's true.
We are going extinct because our women are worthless piles of shit.

>New dark ages

We’ve been in the Jewish dark ages for at least 120 years now. You remember the optimism people had for the past and what a grand futuristic society we’d live in by now with flying cars, moonbases, etc. Well that would all be a reality. The tech for these things are already possible plus free energy. It’s been around all the way back since the 1940s. The Jews shutdown these scientists and continue to keep us repressed as a way of power and control.

your own doing

they need to be around BLACK BVLLS so they(pure white virgin aryan women) can take the BBC they need.

no your just a video game playing anime watching incel

>white people go extinct
>black people cheer
>black people starve
>civilization collapses
>why is this happening???!!!

Google what happened in South Africa when the whites left

Thats not true. White women are good women who just do whatever they’re told, i.e., how women should be. It doesnt matter if white women are redpilled or not: she will become redpilled if you teach her.

The family rapist

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Not even the same race.

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from BLACK SEED deprivation

>cattle gate
you know she's walking around barefoot on cow shit, right?


Kike post is kike, jew dog Gtfo of this thread

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Imagine a world only populated with niggers

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You kikes really have no life

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But Anna-Sophia IS Asian.

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lies. her ass is upsampled.

>da joooooooos
actually take ur meds skitz


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Un perro qlazo

it's like a zimbabwe sequel where it spreads to the rest of the world.

Its just biology. there's no way around it. Black men are more dominant, more physically fit and more fertile. Women are going to be biologically drawn to them....and it this point, even white boys are. White girls are going black only and white boys are becoming white girls. There's no point in fighting it. I tried. It's easier and more fun to just give in and accept it.