in b4 "Asians lol".
Well what the fuck are Pakistanis/Indians/Bangladeshis if not Asian? These countries are in Asia.
in b4 "Asians lol".
Well what the fuck are Pakistanis/Indians/Bangladeshis if not Asian? These countries are in Asia.
Other urls found in this thread:
Asians, lol
imagine the pathogens
"Asians" lol
This video old. Fake news
>Inb4 Asians lol
>Still though.
Those are called indians dude.
And then middle easterners are west of them
Shut the fuck up, all of these are Pakis, Pakis are not Indians
BANGLADESH AND FAKISTAN are fucking moslems.
Even Indians living abroad of Muslim origin can fuck themselves.
India is only for HINDUS . fucking foggots brits divided it
Look at those whores! Where are their men? Where are their hijabs?
>ignore social distancing
>Well what the fuck are Pakistanis/Indians/Bangladeshis if not Asian?
Shitskins or poos in polite company.
yeah Orientals thats what he said
I wonder if this pakis would rather be called goat fuckers instead of asians and be lump with the rest of those rat eating yellow niggers
Pakis> indians at least they can poo in loo streetshitting rapist
Honestly as an actual East Asian, these curry motherfuckers need to be classified as another racial group. Some Chinese thot on Twitter was attacking Asians by showing rape incidences from Asia which included shitholes like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and so on.
If you remove these groups from the "Asian" tag, then the crime rate even for Asian Americans becomes MUCH lower.
Indian women for example form only about 20% of Asian America population but form around 40% of "Asian" HIV cases. I'm guessing the rape statistics would also be much lower.
>inb4 the Indians we import are high IQ!
They're outliers. The average IQ of the race mixed brown people in the subcontinent of India is 85. That's barely a step up from African Americans at 84. You're seeing the effect of this in the UK where the Asian *cough* population is now around two generations older. The Indians you import are high IQ but that does not mean their children will be.
America NEEDS a separate racial category for these fucks.
fucking Pakis
>India is only for HINDUS
based poo
white polish girls love big paki dick
its says 2019 u commie
so this is London now?
Some of you poos are okay
You hate niggers and the followers of mutt-ham-head (May the pigs blow their salty loads down his throat for all eternity) just as much as we do
Kek. I never knew Pakis were Chinese.
Pakis are the same race as Chinese? News to me
they dont look asian they look arabian
Don't care how many times you say it ...
NOT ASIAN. It should just say Muslims
i almost feel sorry we lump korean and japanese in with pakis. surely we can come up with more than 3 arbitrary ethnic labels.
Asian lol.
pakis are literally just muzzie indians you stupid streetshitter. genetically identical, they just read a different book than you.
Lefitsts don't seem to know what Arabs or Middle Easterns are
you're either black or asian
they look Indian
Kill some muslims for me while you're at it
dont pretend to not know the difference between a shitskin and a chink
"South Asian" is how I differentiate them.
middle east indo muslims, not asian. subhumans, you can see the turkish blood in them
So you can tell who a Christian is by the skin color?
>pakis are not indians
They were till your country got chopped in half.
because youre retarded
>Well what the fuck are Pakistanis/Indians/Bangladeshis if not Asian?
South Asian or Indic
Arabia is Western Asia though. I get why they’re doing it but that doesn’t Suddenly render the label inaccurate.
High IQ post and accurate.
Pakis aren’t Arabians or Middle Eastern though
KFC is shut here, chap. Shut down with Greggs and McDonalds two weeks ago.
No not really , they’re are various ethnicities and pakis are lighter and more arab looking . While they’re were mass migrations the original divide was based on what regions were predominantly Muslim and pakistani ethnicities are more aryan than Indians
And BTW most of those rapefugees in France and Europe are from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Morocco.
Actual Lebs and Syrians don't look that different from Mediterraneans. Let's be honest, they are literally on two different shores of Mediterranean. The brown shitskinned ones come from further East of the Middle East.
Gulf Arabs and some Persians look like poos/pakis, but other than that no group of MENAs actually resemble Pajeets.
Sand Niggers
If I take a bunch of Indians and Pakistanis and mix them up together, would you be able to point out exactly who is who?
You wouldn't. Same if you took some ACTUAL Frenchmen and Swedes or some Southern Chinese and Koreans. Yes, one is darker compared to the average, but outliers aside to an outsider "all look same".
>hurr ThEY aReNt AsIaNs thAy arE ArAbs
ok fine. But it’s very insulting to call someone who isn’t an Arab or Middle Easterner an Arab or Middle Easterner. I’m Nepali and it takes everything in me not to have a meltdown when someone calls me a Middle Easterner or pajeet, but insists on it because I’m brown. Like I hate poos and pakis but South Asians aren’t Middle Eastern you retards. Nor is every brown person Indian/Pakistani.
Fair enough but Indians don’t commit crime In the west like Pakis and that’s true because of culture
What an absolute shithole. This should show people how much Muslims have liberalised. Jewish Power had no intention of sparking some race war, they wanted to degenerate Muslims the same way they did to us and the process is much quicker. It looks no different than a Friday night in Cardiff, grugs and thots with no respect for environment or place just shitting up the place without a care. These people shit where they eat, they have no respect. This wouldn't happen in most Muslim countries, not that those countries are nice but there is a sense of respect and dignity. That's gone in Muslim youth. The women are slags, the guys are chavy grug brained idiots and any concept of religion or spirituality is generally gone. It's just a fashion and little more. Within another generation the women would be openly slutty and there'd be homo's and Muslim gay pride.
Racial Holy War was a cope for both us and them, as we both degenerate in an environment ruled by Jewish Supremacy. I bet none of those girls know how to even cook.
Paki's are coping when they they claim they'll take over Europe, they can't even keep a KFC clean. Their birth rates will drop like a stone.
You look like mongrels & you overwhelmingly vote for gibs just like every other shitskin, don't get mad when nobody cares enough to make the distinction.
Indians And Nepali Hindus don’t commit crime nigger Muslim , see
This was true until the India-Pakistan divide where every Pakistani Hindu and Indian Muslim switched sides.
>mutt unironically calling my thousands of years of pure Aryan genetics mongrel
I know Asia is a big place, but that's so fucking disingenuous.
>ok fine. But it’s very insulting to call someone who isn’t an Anglo or a Nord an Anglo or Nord. I’m Gaulic French and it takes everything in me not to have a meltdown when someone calls me an Englishman or a Swede, but insists on it because I’m white. Like I hate the Eternal Anglo and Swede Yes Men but Nords aren’t French you retards. Nor is every white person Germanic/Slavic.
Shut up, m8. I get what you're saying but you do the same, and don't pretend you don't. You're alien to us and we're alien to you.
Mental retardation increasing in Pakistan due to cousin marriages: Pakistani researchers
Cousin marriages among Pakistanis ring alarm bells even in the UK
...First cousin marriages among the Pakistanis were leading to disabilities among the children. She even wanted the couples to undergo DNA tests first to ensure that the issue of incest could be controlled.
..The situation is ‘absolutely appalling’, especially, for the Pakistanis coming from occupied Kashmir.
The British citizens of the Pakistani origin account for a mere 3.4 percent of all births in the UK, yet they account for 30 percent of the children born with recessive gene disorders.
In Bradford, the Pakistani population is mere 15% yet a whopping 55% are married to their first cousins.
Worldwide, marriage between cousins is common. Muslims often marry cousins, taking their lead from the prophet Mohamed, who married a cousin.
Cousin marriages among the white population of Britain account for about one in every 200 couples. But in people of Pakistani origin, about two in every three marriages are between first cousins.
Kill yourself nigger in the west South Asian Hindus don’t commit crime and rape like the inbred muslims. Despite being 1.5 %of the population Hindus are 0.8% of prisons and muslims are 5% of population and 15% of prison population . Vietnemeese commit more crime than a Hindu
>In Bradford, the Pakistani population is mere 15%
A mere 15%
>Paki's are coping when they they claim they'll take over Europe
Most of them are too inbred to do basic stuff, never mind conquering a country. I remember this one paki kid we had at our school. I'm sure his parents were first cousins because he was fucking retarded. You could insult him and say anything to him and he would just nod his head and smile. Fat as fuck as well.