
I could have been an engineer or a doctor in Africa, in one of the empires or republics there.

YET I am in the USA and I am none of these. Why? Instead I am none of these. Because fucking crackers, here's why

Your ancestors colonized and enslaved my ancestors. Your cities are built on the bones of african civilizations and black slaves. You continue to reap the benefits from this to this very day. You invaded our countries and stole our resources and destroyed our cities.

You are the reason I don't have a job. You are the reason I don't know my father. You are the reason I dropped out of school.

I don't even want reparations or any bullshit. I want every white person on Yas Forums to come in this thread and PERSONALLY apologize to me.


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Other urls found in this thread:


no i enjoy being a cracker

>I want every white person on Yas Forums to come in this thread and PERSONALLY apologize to me.

I'm a cracker since the day I was born boy, I ain't apologizing



Africa still has a fuck ton of resources, why do you think the Chinese are re-colonizing it?

Why do US blacks always think they're the only people who were ever enslaved or getting shit on?

Jews brought nigs to the West. Without jews or nigs, the west would be exploring the stars right now.

Africa is looking better than South America in your faggot little shit picture you got there why don't YOU apologize to THEM?


We built America.
Our forefathers built the white house.
We built the cities, we farmed the land, we ran the factories, we dug the mines.
But we didn't get paid.
All the wealth in America today was generated by black slaves.
Our people have been downtrodden and suppressed.
Give what is rightfully ours or we will take it from you by force.

>u raacisss :'''(

You wouldn't have been a doctor or engineer there because you're too dumb and lazy. That is the same reason you aren't a doctor or engineer anywhere else. You're nothing but a lazy nigger.

They are not smart enough to think, they only say what the likes tell them to say

>I could have been an engineer or a doctor in Africa
No one's stopping you from leaving and doing that now.

I don't have a bone in my body that desires to apologize for beating someone else and reducing them to nothing, apologize to me for existing.

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ok go back to nigfrica.

you realize colonization stopped because it cost more to try and help African country then the resources you obtain

>or we will take it by force
The only thing you nogs can take away is your neighborhood property value

I didn't know that everything was made from cotton. The scramble for Africa happened in the 1880's. Just before then whites had discovered the atom, invented lightbulbs. Yet black Africans were still living in mud huts. The large majority of Africans were uncontacted before the scramble for Africa and furthermore, the vast majority of slavery was conducted by the Arabic slave trade. Whites outlawed slavery first.

The average black iq is below 85, mentally retarded. Iq is 86% genetic per panizzon.

none of the gold went to iberia or florida?

I enjoy being a spic mutt

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Stop having to justify anything, you don't need to explain anything to the enemy.

No nigger

Also 97% of all human scientific achievement bwas accomplished by males from Europe or north America. (Murray)

Non whites = enemy
Your mind should be solely to demand their capitulation, not agreement.

SORRY, but I'm keeping all the gold nigger

Notice how even the water doesn't want to go into Africa.

Sorry we brought you here. Really. A US with no niggers would be paradise

iberain peninsula flat made me sad. We went and build dams for the stupid monkeys ...

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Should have gone full Leopold on those ungrateful niggers

>the carpenter didn't build this, the hammer did
oh, and you're a nigger

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>hurr society is based off gold that resources nogs had no concept of
>america took all of our resources
>still can’t get ahead despite being in the Us where all the supposed resources are


Nope niggers belongs in shackles. Might makes right.

>yt pipo single highhandedly sucked out all of the IQ potential from Africa

South Africa used to be a prosperous nuclear state with a bright future until globohomo had its ways with it.

Lol no? Get fucked cunta keentay

You niggers were only cotton pickers.

Wasn't India considered the crown jewel of the British Empire because it brought in more wealth than was needed to maintain it? If anything the African colonies were a detriment not a boon.

Nice larping fag. You don't have to pretend you a nigger asking for gibs and blaming everyone around for it's mistakes. Got plenty of that everywhere already.

explain to me how in the thousands of years before europeans even thought of colonizing your shitty continent you couldn't even build a structure more advanced than a mud hut while the rest of the world had created civilizations.

We do a lot to help you but I can see how being in the US could be hard on you. Perhaps what we are trying just is not working. I would support giving you a one time payment from the government a $10K+ and a 1 way flight to Africa in exchange for your American citizenship.


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kill urself

Kme kme do niggers cry again for whites man help for they dont know ho to dig gold dumb nigur

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Leave nigger

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If you could have been you would simply be.


black people do not talk like that, your grammar's okay. Learn ebonics if you want to LARP more believably.

>you are the reason why I dropped out of school

Ah yes, another pseudo-intellectual nigger


is it the "when-I-say-slavery-you-say-sorry" Yas Forums memeposter?
because it sounds a lot like the "when-I-say-slavery-you-say-sorry" Yas Forums memeposter

anyway, this is the copypasta that seems to work the best to shut it down, or make it delete the thread as soon as possible because it doesn't want others to save the pic

Attached: WhenISaySlaveryYouSaySorry.png (1087x204, 13.1K)

Shit bait OP

Niggers had filled their use by the time the cotton gin was invented. The broken backs of German, Irish, and Italian labor built this country. The Chinese have bigger contribution to "building" America, than your joke of a species.

>ancestors colonized


And we keep doing it. Pay the colonial tax and give 50% of your change reserves for the CFA Franc, nigs.

Africa belongs to us

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> didn't want to be colonized
> didn't want to be enslaved
> shouldn't of been so weak
We should of just leery evolution ruin its natural course.

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based, when are you taking those non countries back?

It's more profitable to turn the screws on whitey. GIBS ME DAT.

Show flag

>we will take it from you by force.
Now now calm there nog, don't wanna wind up in jail with your dad and uncles.

Im sorry Mumbo..