War with Russia was triggered 35 minutes ago
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RIM hahahaha who are you fucking kidding. Niggers tongue my anus.
Not the heckin ruskies, nooooo!
How many Russian will you kill in the coming World War?
All of a sudden, like that, "huh guyses stop thinking about covid and venezuela we got white supremacists to kill now"
That is feeling so sudden and uncalled for that it is really suspicious.
Russian Imperial Movement.... Weird name...
>imperial russia
I'm a member of RIM
O0o /
They are here !!
What's up Fren ?
How do you take these news ? Are you gonna be ok ?
Why do you hate our freedoms?
Imperial movement what?
Where do i join?
Is the target the US east coast and the UK?
How can i get a RIM job?
What time is it? Tick tock.
Bend over for Putin
Why can't we be friends?
>US official announcement
>white supremacist group
Why is US establishment anti white? Is this the reason why they import niggers and allow anti white propaganda to flourish while censoring free speech through all of the their corporate offshoots like google, facebook, apple, etc?
Why are americans like this? Btw did you see what those chicoms are doing lately?
whats it like to have a rim job?
What is your end goal , do you plan to overthrow the government , if so when are you going to move your plan in motion .
Remember that there is not a lot of time left , soon they will chip us all
I'm black but based, can I join?
No, go uplift your community, whites will help you all rebuild once our common enemy is gone.
Stay safe out there, jews are kvetching again.
Americans aren't like this, only dipshits who belong in Israel but occupy America are like this. Real Americans don't like these assholes at all.
shitskins used to understand this
Are you sanctioned by Russian government? Will Putin be happy or mad about this news coming from the US?
> that end
> "see you, Kylee"
What a joke.
Hail RIM, fuck kikes, and fuck their anti-white agendas.
Should've pounded them with nukes immediately after Japan. Shame.
anything pro white has been openly considered terrorism since Kennedy was no scoped, now instead of a black bag over your head you will get a camera shoved in it and shamed
>ostracize white males for decades
>white males find each other globally and talk shit about how ostracized they are
>accept the MIgrants, Goy
Their greed and lust for power and unwillingness to give it up and restructure the corrupt system will trigger ww3. Like usual though with previous wars. But this time it'll be biblical.
We're not like this.
getting tired of hearing "real Americans" when every day i see them stamp on your constitution whilst your government assures the world stays stable and pozzed... you guys single handedly allowed unborn genocide then exported the shit globally
Anyone got a screenshot of the kyle posts?
Never heard of them.
Where can I join?
It's not that we allowed it, there's no fighting and winning against it at this time, lets see you try and stop it.
tell me plans of invasion on Poland and pls dont nuke Lubelszczyzna
Probably related to the oil price war and they throw the jews a bone at the same time.
Russia and/or KSA (/Israel?) are trying to kill US shale. Russia backed out of the supply cuts this weekend and blamed KSA, KSA now talking about canceling OPEC+. Russia's gotta be mad by now at how relentlessly the jews have been smearing them in our name.
Same shit's going on in Australia, but possibly to a greater degree, don't sit there and act like your government is any better dude.
The jew is scared. This is the tipping point for wypipo, they bend over or ackshually do SHOAH 2.0. It's now or never
If their government/establishment was even remotely credible with "exporting freedom", they'd try to implement US constitution in all those poor countries it conquered, but what they do instead? They install dictator and exploit the natural resources and call it blanked free market capitalism and freedom. While in reality the country gets put in heavy debt, to keep up the vassal well oiled but the country stays in ruin for decades/forever. And domestically they try their best to destroy even their own constitution and reduce the freedoms of their citizen, and what's worst they keep destroying the middle class with wealth transfer subsidized by the government to the rich fuckers that keep fucking the whole word as well.
Literally literal-whos, not even a wiki article on them.
Just enough to be used to prop up cold war, and ofc air it through all the msm to the stupid NPCs.
For the millionth time? Just fucking stop it already Rachel, go back to covering real news
And possibly link the all "white nationalists" as Russian shills.
look up the word "ZOG"
All this hate speech from the government.
They should learn to stop the hate.
Being anti-RIM is racist and hateful, nothing but pure hate.
Midget Putin big mad!
majority of the worlds NGO's and their financiers come crawling out of the most defended isreal golem on the planet. how about you dont become the literal opposite of what your forefathers wanted... you have no excuses every day your spirit dims, if any other country rebels you will FUCK everything up again like WW2
>but not Antifa, Komintern or shit like that
Your typical burger.
What will actually happen is people like Gavin McInnes and Jared Taylor will get rounded up and imprisoned for life. Or really any major supporter of Trump who isn't part of globohomo. They can claim any crime is terrorism, and that the "leaders" are responsible.
serb your actually making sense... Ustase good or bad?
RIM job
we are all waiting American... you can be the last and most important barer of the eagle or you can rip it apart, there is no living forever as our ancestors have no one to live through left
Because for every one of us that does, we get imprisoned for life, possibly murdered, and shamed internationally, while the jew tightens restrictions on the rest of the population as result, yeilding nothing of value because there aren't enough of us willing to do it at the same time. How about you come to America and show us how it's done tough guy eh?
gay, fake and gay
(((American))) goverment designated based RIM as terrorists. Nothing new at all.
More like how many Russians would you fight alongside during the freedom wars
Can't decide. In the historical context from their side, probably good. From our, bad. I don't blame them, because I won't blame chetniks neither. Those are motherland interest groups, and road to hell is paved with good intentions. Reason why I can't blame burgers for hating China. Even though they get misguided into that hatred because China earned their fair share, and should instead look inward to their oligarchy and their government being greedy for cheap work force and easy money while disregarding their own people and eventually detaching from their commitment to them. Offshore tax heavens should be banned by them, and fact that they're not, proves this point.
Now, what I would suggest is letting Corona-chan do her job, that's what she's here for, Coronavirus is taking slowly out the zionist trash.
How come mutts are so hungry for war anyways?
That's a weird flag
you are this eras eagle bearer... were you go we follow as we are your vassal, i am willing when the time comes to die by the hordes of china as the worlds cursed protection by America fades away, we would slow the insects and drain their resources whilst you sort your shit out... we all have our place in the power vacuum
We;re not, we're actually sick of the pointless zio-wars. A better question would be why retards think we're the same thing as our gov't.
I think it has to do with circumcision.
It is proven to lead to brain damage in infants (evidenced with MRI)
The brain trauma probably stimulate unreasonable aggression, coupled with their culture of individualist rivalry over solidarity
Again, we are not our gov't. Real Americans don't even bother voting. Best to wait for Coronavirus to weaken the enemy.
you forgot gay and fake, and op is a faggot.
Look back in American history, it's been proven that no military force on earth can take out the American empire, we've tried, remember the civil war? We lost.
this is why croats cant be ur friends... your eternal neutrality never unifying is a liability
money and personal wealth means only bribery in any democratic system, you want a future you gotta give all the power to one man so he can be killed if he steps out of line
if you dont start it no one is able to... the world is waiting, i dont have the right to change your country my blood has never been to your shores... yet your country will not let the world correct course we are stagnation eternal until you DO WHAT YOUR FUCKING SACRED PAPER TELLS YOU TOO
Stay safe Russia bro
gas yourself kremlin kike
How about you come to America and show us how it's done?
It's a individual thing imo, we have those kind here as well, eager to fight and start wars over the past atrocities. When you look at it honestly, recent history is what keeps us divided, even though we're so close ethnically, same language, culture etc. WW2 is to blame. Don't think that divide will change any time soon.
woah! deep and edgy!
lmao kys sympathizing bolshekike