If you weren't white, what race would you be?
If you weren't white, what race would you be?
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I guess a Jap would be okay
Or maybe Slavic
Elf. So, finland.
Slavs can be white
and Japs are honorary
You aren't white, pelotudo.
Probably a bear. I feel like I was a bear in my past life and I admire their day to day routine. Sleep, eat, sleep.
Full Japanese born in Japan of course. They're descended from based Anglo Fishermen don't you know
On paper, japanese sounds nice but id rather not be worked to death.
Plus, if I was full Hispanic I could get a full scholarship and better engineering jobs because of muh diversity.
I guess middle eastern since it’s the closest thing
I'm a huwhite dude stuck in Argentina till we can fly again
chu say nigga?
Jap>western slav>eastern slav>southern slav>Mongolian.
south korean
all nonwhites are niggers therefore if I weren't white I'd be a nigger
a slav
Why do you want to be a european nigger?
Dolphin or whatever the next smartest species is.
Black as coal Haitian with a harem of liberal White girls to do anti white raceplay with.
Either Italian or Irish
If I would not be white, I would be wishing to be white too.
Let me guess
Trump is his President
You want to be a landmass?
Hell I would choose to be Jew over white
I wish I was Jew
Abbo,huffing gas all day and drinking hairspray while collecting Gibbs is a nice life..
that doesnt work out anymore, you have to be a 100% indigenous aztec/mayan spic phenotype to get a full ride. mestizo and castizo spics are losing theyre minority status.
No, just a non white person.
>if you weren't white, what race would you be?
Smart choice goy. Just imagine how fun it can be to pass as white and have the race card of a nigger.
its funny how americans think that they look like europeans.... lmao.
Jewish right now .
Mongolian during Genghis's Khan's time.
Chink in the future if they figure out A.I. first.
Literal worst "philosopher"
Don’t you have some raping to do, Mehmet?
Better than a real nigger
>laughs in white
I would love to be some kind of Oceanic people. Relax, fish every now and then, and live on an island in the middle of the Pacific, far away from the degeneration of the modern world. I’d worship the local gods, surf, drink a few beers and feast.
fuck it, I'd be a nog just for the gibs. and I don't mean one of em lighter basketball american nogs, nah I'd go full-on black african blacker than black nogs with one of em 60 IQs and just muhfuggin bix nood all day long noamsayin?
Black. Because I would be in the NFL. I'm extremely athletic and strong, just missing black skin that's it.
Japanese but I’d lift weights
bootleg germans like you shouldn't open their mouths at all
Jewish because controlling the world seems fun.
Or if you don't consider jews as a race I would be black so I could fuck 18 year old white thots with my BBC and get paid.
Dies irae dies ilae
mongol so I could kill muzzies and gooks
Jap or the Pajets that come to other nations and take over academia. Yes that is an ethnicity not a race but so is Jap. There are a lot of ethnicities in India and all of them hate and are very racist towards each other.
I'd like to live freely in nature like for example suggested but most of them are über poor brutal retard niggers. Maybe there's some small ethnicity somewhere out there that isn't.
That's a white ethnicity. Invalid.
whites are fucking pathetic and the men are weaker than adolescent girls both mentally and physically...they used to be a respectable race until they abandoned their own culture and adopted black culture, nowadays all you see are skinny white faggots dancing around to rap on tiktok because they have no central identity rooted in masculinity and strong morals, and don’t get me started on the women....day of the rope is coming whitey, you shouldn’t have apologized for anything, that was your first mistake