It's so funny how landlords think they have power over tenants

They don't. Ever heard of squatter's rights?

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>Own's gun
>Can make you disappear

Squatter is the definition of breaking the law in america.

You have no idea how that actually works, do you?

Landlord fags like you think you're gonna disappear someone lmao what a fucking retard. Bro, I'd shoot you in your chest if you came to my door at this time demanding rent.

Don't know about the USA but squatting became a criminal offence in the UK several years ago. Also a legal tenant is not a squatter.

"your door"

Another good notion, lads. If the property is failing in just 1 more fields, contact the housing authority or a home inspector. Really stick-it to them. They end up getting their renter license pulled or revoked until the property is up to code. FYI.

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Squatting is not illegal.

You think like an armature and wouldn't stand a chance. Hell, you sound so retarded I'm sure I can take you out with little more than a pocket knife.

I'm a combat vet with PTSD. Try me.

Squatters should be lynched

>my door

yes, it absolutely is in america retard. The only loophole is when the bank forcloses on a property you live in and doesn't update your contract. You can live there for free until the bank unfucks the property status.

Other than that--squatting is the definition of illegally staying somewhere you're not welcome retard.

Lmao, I'd just cut the utilities.

This. I wasn't able to pay rent in my last place due to being laid off (I was looking for work) and when they demanded rent I recorded evidence of the building not being up to code, not having any fire extinguishers or alarms in the unit, and the electricity always failing. Ended up never having to pay rent until I got a job. Landlord was so scared of having the building looked at and the fines from not having alarms. Landlords are literally the worst people alive. Not paying them means they suffer, and that's a good thing.

So you're fat, over confidant and have no practical hand to hand experience nor know anything about tacticts or strategies beond point a gun and pull the trigger.

You'd lose pvt retard--I could Ice a dozen of you before you knew what was going on.

I squatted for years. You're talking to someone that actually did it, never was arrested for it, and I now own a property because of it. Retards like you don't know a fucking thing about the laws and how to skirt around bullshit.

lmao ok kiddo

Guess I could let some niggers fuck up the place for a while. If I'm not getting paid by my tenants, then I might as well let some apes shit up the place to annoy the tenants.

Oh noes what will I do without power except what they did for hundreds of years without it. Fag.

You don't own a fucking door.

Almost impossible to prove an adverse possession claim in the United States. It may work differently in OP's home country of China.
All these "rent" shill posts are Mao propaganda. It is verbatim how the Mao revolution started, which incidentally killed tens of millions of Chinese. They tried they same rhetoric during the Hong Kong riots, hoping to spark a Mao-based counter-insurgency but nobody bought it.

Only Chinese peasants buy into OP's shit.

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You mean the landlord's door, right? Sorry you spend your money on useless shit and have to rent.

If a nigger came on the property I'd shoot it.

I currently reside in a rental property and I documented 6 violations. Lemme tell you. If the landlord gets pissed over being 20 bucks short of $550. I'm not gonna waste a moment contacting the housing authority and a home-inspector. I could literally ruin that landlord and prevent him from collecting from 20 other rental properties.

OK fags

>Squatted and didn't get caught
>Eventually purchased the property
I know you're lying and mostly a retard who is both disingenuous and a retard.

I kill squatters.


Hell yeah. Landlords are trash who commit highway robbery every month. I kind of hope everything goes to shit because these landlords are gonna hang.

It's better just to burn the property down and collect the insurance in many cases.

See, you know nothing about squatting. Courts will give you the property if you squat long enough on it and fix it up.

You're gonna ruin a landlord over some housing violations? Lol you rentfags on this thread clearly have no idea what you're talking about

Squatters would kill you for 50 cents.

I don't, please explain it. Can a person just claim squatter's rights and not have to pay rent for a couple of months or is there more detail to it than that?

That's called arson and fraud, dumbass.

Oh good turn it from a civil matter into a criminal.
Get a jury in there too for the fuck of it !

OK fag

Breaking the law is the definition of America

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You goddamn right I will. I could have had it done months ago if I wanted. If he pisses me off because I am $20 short on the $550 rent, because I have been laid off because of the virus. I will deliberately fuck that motherfucker over in a heartbeat. Just 2 phone calls and that's that. I chose to rent over the fact that I don't wanna live with family. But I will not put up with any bullshit from someone who BY LAW has to keep rental properties up to code. He chooses not to. So, I can and will do worse if it comes to that.

Depends on state. Most outside of Commiefornia and JewYork all you do is post the notice, prove to the judge you have no lease, and let the sherriff in to arrest the squatter if he hasn't left. Then change the locks. Takes about 3 weeks.

>squat on property
>landlord tries to evict but can't
>cops have no authority to make you leave
>landlord must go to the courts to get an order to evict
>usually takes months for a judge to see landlord
>meanwhile you don't pay rent, landlord loses money
>once court date arrives, move out
>landlord is stuck with the bills
>landlord kills himself
>the world smiles

Lmao, Poorfag!

If you hate paying the rent, then just buy a house. Why is this so hard? If if ownership is so fucking easy, why aren't you doing it?

>breaking an entering
>damaging property
>using utilities without paying
Reddit shills are retarded

Only if you get caught.
>No accelerants
>Electrical fire
Poor, crispy squatters.

Takes more like 3 months under normal conditions. Will take probably a year or two depending on how long corona chan lasts. Cops aren't even arresting people right now for shit lmao landlord fags are up shit creek now.

Rent is passed due. 14 of my 22 tenants are refusing to pay rent. I still have to make mortgage payments by Monday. This isn’t right. I am a human being that worked hard and bought rental properties so I could comfortably retire and tend to my passions. Now I could potentially lose my life’s work because of slackers who live hand to mouth and refuse to have emergency funds like responsible members of society. I have a family to feed to, why shouldn’t I get paid? Why should I subsidise other people’s shelter from my own pocket? When are property owners getting OUR bailout? It's NOT fair

I have enough emergency funds to cover five maybe six tenants not paying their rent but 14? 14! Why should I wipe out MY savings over this? Landlords are entitled to a larger check for EACH MONTH of the shutdown.

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Oh so landlords get to pull every jew trick available to them but piss-poor renters have to roll over and worry about others even when they are being shafted and can do something about it? Go fuck yourself, bootlicking faggot. Can't believe there are people here who still feel like they owe one lick of shit to people who decided they were above us.

Theoretically, doesn't actually happen. Nice try, larping chapoid.

I hope they all kill you.

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You are factually a kike if you are demanding rent from tenants if they have been affected by this pandemic. Pulling the rug out underneath someones feet isnt suddenly going to get you, your money.

In the UK landlords don't have to pay mortgage for the next 3 months

Will you greentext how you did this?

Happens all the time. Just look up C Squat, dumbass. Its in NYC.

If you live in any city that is decent to live in they will have annual housing inspections and he'll have to fix them anyway. Sounds like you live in such a shithoke that let's landlords do whatever the fuck they want. Man they are not gonna do shit when you call lol.

>also owns gun
Let's do it cowboy style lol

Low IQ's

> Lived with parents for years
> Inherited the property after parents died

Why dont you rentfags have the same contempt towards the insurance companies, utilities and taxing jurisdictions that also do not bend their fees and due dates?

I-I c-could totally ice man a dozen men in the blink of an eye

Lol you aren't a landlord, and if you were you would die, face down in a dirty gutter

Extremely based. Any lawfag knows that there are always a bunch of annoying legal strings that can be pulled, while things are going okay there is a sort of 'cold war' to amass leverage through jew trickery but once one side decides to use whatever power they had, the other side goes right for the dick moves they have in their arsenal. My law professor told me that during a union-company pissing contest when the union felt they weren't getting a fair deal they pulled out some absurd contract clause that said only licensed electricians can handle anything electrical, and refused to plug anything into wall sockets until they got what they wanted. It worked.

Escalate, be escalated upon. Cry about it despite starting it (especially when the other person is poor and you are rich) and be eternally branded a faggot.

I do but they are titans in comparison to land lords.

>found abandoned house at end of private drive way
>nobody around, house kind of falling apart but livable
>have carpentry skills so me and some buddies fix it up after a few weeks and nobody coming around
>get power and water running
>live there for 2 years, have bills coming to me and everything
>landcuck comes by and flips his shit over us living there
>"where have you been all this time, landcuck?"
>landcuck goes to court and tries to fight for the property
>have all documentation of fixing up property
>have documentation of living there for 2 years no problem
>show judge pics of property before and after
>judge decides landcuck can't have property due to dereliction of property, codes broken, etc.
>judge orders property to be given to us
>still own property

Do it then. Don't wait for him to stab you first.

I think you are projecting my guy. Landlords are not allowed to cut utilities

What you described is standard, except the last part.
I rent out a condo. I hired a guy to manage it since I don't live near there. He handles everything, including evictions and court orders. If my tenant refused to pay, it wouldn't inconvenience me in the slightest and for the manager it's just part of his usual day job.
And you'll wreck yourself when you try to rent a new place and have an eviction on your record. It's a court order. It's not private and future landlords will look for prior evictions.

"Landlords are normally prohibited from using "self-help" eviction measures against people occupying their rental properties. Self-help eviction measures include turning off utilities, physically removing tenants or squatters and their possessions and the like. Depending on the jurisdiction, evicting people from rental properties during the cold weather season can be very difficult. Squatters often present detailed, though ultimately phony, documents purporting to show proof of their right to use the properties in which they're squatting."

Fuck me Get fucked sorry
Landlords find themselves in a position between losing and a Pyhrric victory.

>Go to court
>Have jury
>Countersue your entire stay and then some, due to undue hardship
>Jury filled with other out of work bums like me who hate the gentry landowner class

Even better question, why do you think i'd be willing to come back into your system and give you anything? especially after treating me like expendable dirt in deed and writ ? The best you can ask for is an end to all future hostilities, not beg to watch your kids get raped in front of you my friend.

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Says the fag nazi still living with his parents

>unironically defending landlords

call me a hippy faggot or whatever but individuals shouldn't be allowed to own habitation. Most of them didn't earn it anyway. Government regulated house market now !

It is a kicked dog mentality.
Literal bitch made little cucks lol

honestly if someone ever did that to me i'd just burn down the house in the middle of the night and collect the insurance.
in minecraft, of course.

Doesn't work when someone owns the property and wants you to leave. It only works when whoever owns the property is not contesting you being there, or is so negligent of the property that they don't even know you're there.

>squatters rights
Squatters deserve no rights. Only bullets.

My county does instant evictions for any landlord, don't know if the virus is suspending that policy or not.

What state?
In Maryland, adverse property claims require you to have lived there for 20 years minimum.
2 years wouldn't cut it here.

landlords seething

>you'll wreck yourself when you try to rent a new place and have an eviction on your record
That's simply not true. Typical landcuck scare tactics. Might not be able to rent out a faggy condo, but only fags want to live in overpriced buildings anyway. lmao a fucking condo


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>That's simply not true.
Because you say so, right?

>only fags want to live in overpriced buildings anyway
it'll also fuck up your credit.
enjoy paying $500 / month just to be able to drive a 2010 honda civic.

>Doesn't work when someone owns the property and wants you to leave
Simply not true. Even the cops will tell you they can't do anything. Everything must be filed through the courts and good luck doing that right now lmaoooooooooooooooooooooo

yeah im sure you're used to living a everyday life with no power you cuck.

It is true. Any eviction or attempt at eviction is a huge red flag for me. You better make 5times the rent and have a huge deposit if there's anything like that.

But yes shitholes in the ghetto you can still get.

This. And it makes me so fucking mad, it's at least internally consistent to say that might is right and if landlords can get away with shafting you that they're allowed to, it is cuckoldry on an out-of-this-world level to say that they are allowed to shaft you all that want despite your moral claims that you didn't have a fair chance to make money to pay your rent, but you don't have any moral right to use the leverage you legally have through the same system DESPITE THE FACT THAT YOUR LIVELIHOOD RELIES ON IT AND THEIR'S DOESN'T.

It's a product of kids being emotionally abused by teachers and parents growing up so much that they develop Stockholm Syndrome and think that the insane cunts bullying them are actually better than them not just legally and practically from a power perspective but actually fundamentally morally better than them. I hope these faggots can man up, but if they can't then they're better off dead because that shit is a cancer on everyone.

>Pic related is my house btw lmaoooooooo

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Prisons are full of nigs like you who think they can break into property.

Fuck squatter rights. If you have a lease or mortgage and declare bankruptcy, with the courts clogged with similar cases, you can live rent/ mortgage free for over a year.

It happened in 2008/ 2009.

And what, its true because you say it is? Fuck off, retard.

>Be scumbag landlord
>Horde 22 properties that you rent for more then the mortgage would cost the family living there.

Why didn't you save up your money and purchase the properties for cash instead of taking out massive loans on 22 properties that you can't repay? Why don't you have cash on hand to cover them in case of an emergency?
Fucking deadbeat.