Brit/pol/Small garage edtion

>Labour shadow cabinet revealed, including the return of MILIBOT as Shadow Business Secretary and DAVID LAMMY as Shadow Justice Secretary, thus ensuring Labour to be forever unelectable

>Coronavirus: 'Under 25's and women among worst hit in lockdown'

>Coronavirus: Domestic abuse calls up 25% since lockdown, charity says

>After this crisis, remember the NHS is not drained by migrants, but sustained by them

>Rees-Mogg firm accused of cashing in on coronavirus crisis

>The coronavirus crisis has exposed the ugly truth about celebrity culture and capitalism

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for are Mozza

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previously on brit/pol

You lads ready?

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Attached: barratt homes.jpg (788x924, 197.04K)


>the nose crease

>wearing a Killers shirt in 2020

The absolute state.

top kek

Attached: jacob rees-mogg becomes prime minister.png (504x338, 231.09K)

lads, if you are ever an employee
please dont run psychological operations on your employees

oversized car edition

so, is boris on a ventilator? there was a leak about that last night and he hasn't been seen since then.

Attached: article-8191027-26864270-465_964x543.jpg (964x543, 127.45K)

yep cheeky 350k and its yours


Attached: oinkoink.png (677x738, 41.71K)

>what kind of people live in these houses?
>t-shirts or blouses?
>torn jeans or trousers?

Attached: 1529094162670.jpg (750x744, 569.01K)

Go talk fashion with your fag hags you fruit

STOP being a 5G loony

Attached: Alan_'Howling_Laud'_Hope.jpg (650x682, 350.29K)


Attached: online-estate-agent-left[1].jpg (1000x703, 62.87K)

>sits down
>knees now bulge for the rest of the day
Based cotton trackies.

>we will never see the MRLP in power

The most unelectable bunch of nonentities Labour have ever produced. Put Starmer or Lammy or Miliband or fucking Nandy on Andrew Neil and they collapse immediately

>fast food restaurant

Can't upset the pakis with your pet pig now can we?

Hows your car industry doing, bongs?

>be me
>graduate uni
>get work on an entry level job anyway
>work hard and save as much as I can
>get promoted 2 times in 2 years
>hopefully get promoted this August again
>live in shared accommodation just to save up on bills
>savings still not enough to cover deposit

>see dino lads
>get house with me mum’s help and get into debt
>rely on benefits and sit in ass all day

I’m seething that the government doesn’t help people like us.

why is that even a thing

One of the funniest pictures on the internet. Two expensive cars (likely on finance), designers clothes, and cosmetic surgery yet they live in a fucking Barrat new build. And they think that's IMPRESSIVE

>problem solved

Attached: 1547995364260.jpg (1021x1136, 400.79K)

She is horrendous

>sits down
>pussy now bulges for the rest of the day
Based cotton leggings.

>it could but neil fergusons track record can't be ignored. he got foot and mouth very wrong. he shouldn't be head modeler.
fair point.
but surely other insitutions around the world are modeling this, and coming to simular findings?

If the whole world is acting of ONE institutions findings, then that is fucking stupid.
Anyone else aware of other modeling aside from the imperial college?

>Yvette Cooper questioning a police chief on sky news about what social distancing means and the mets approach on enforcing it.
Not even the police know what they're doing.

And the guy is not.

mfw , i make a new thread but the nonce's in the old thread have filtered me and cant see the links

Attached: download (3).jpg (300x168, 6.44K)

>24 years old

Attached: chloe2-1[1].png (507x595, 306.24K)

Foot and mouth, you need to get permission every time you wish to transport your pig anywhere via public land

>listening to yvette balls

Disgusting ogres

>hi my names Matt and I work in outbound lead generation for a telecoms company
>hi my names Hannah and I’m a beautician

Make Brit/pol/ less doom mong

Download and install Tampermonkey
Download and install 4Chanx

click spanner top right
ctrl F and search for stubs, unselect it.
Click filter at the top of menu and use the dropdown to comment and paste in

#CVG Mong#
/just a flu/
/deaths are being underreported/
/31-Mar: COVID/
/5-Mar: Neuroinvasive potential of nCoV/
/27-Feb: Virus hides in neurons, indefinitely escapes recognition/
/underreporting deaths/
/no chance of a cure or vaccine/
/why do people assume that this will be over soon\? we're nowhere near the first peak yet/
/no new "recoveries"/
/no new recoveries/

Now select filter, then use the drop down and select Image MD5 and paste in


How long does it take from the last cigarette to lose the physical addiction?

>this is the alt-shites foremost intellectual

Attached: downloadfile-1.jpg (2174x2358, 1.04M)

>She shaves it too because he likes it that way.
Anyone who likes bald cunts are secret nonces and should be shot on site.

4chanx is a botnet

Who are these people?

/r/ing the estate agent copypasta pic

You're the known nonce, no one wants links to your anime noncing sites

Oh it's the return of the filtermong


She's gorgeous mate, dunno what you're on about.

Reckon she gets through quite a bit of creosote.

Attached: deano.jpg (405x545, 38.2K)


shit, should have specified
I meant the "walking a pet pig" bit

Love the tattoo on the leg, classy as fuck.

how is that garage meant to be used ? exit through the back of the car ?


Based Morrissey poster

Attached: Loony_Party_Parliamental.jpg (3072x1536, 787.17K)

which site lad

honestly both of these people disgust me.

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Two weeks'ish

Gutted about losing my trip for posting CP. Must remember to do it user next time.

??How did you get here then

Kek is that from when those nonces at The Daily Record started pestering him?

Adultwork most likely.

Is this typical of you poor brits?
ffs, my cat has a larger room than your garages

Lol you're seething

i wouldnt say no

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Starmers first bold move was to publish an editorial in the Sunday Times which is behind a paywall,

he doesn't sound like a radical lefty out to shake things up much does he!

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And where will they be
Ten years from today?
Bed-sitter, bed-wetter,
Oor penthouse go-getter?

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Covid has been a blessing for shutting up attention whores and lefties.

i am vomit


How long though? Day before lock down I was on a pack a day. First day I cut down to 5 cigs per . day and limited myself to that for 10 days. Yesterday I had 3 through the day, last one shortly before midnight. I havn't had any today and im thinking about stopping for good. Dont really crave one yet and starting to think I may have already broken the addiction.

milikino is back

every indication i've seen is that british people live depressingly meager existences. i genuinely feel sorry for them

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Got fuck all to do now I can't hang around schools and playgrounds lads.

that's a trannie right?

Are you sure? Thats longer than heroin. I figured it would be 48 hours. Im not talking mental addiction, purely physical.

This a circumvent to that law for spastics who want to prance around the neighbourhood with their poncey middle class pet

>Two expensive cars (likely on finance), designers clothes, and cosmetic surgery yet they live in a fucking Barrat new build. And they think that's IMPRESSIVE
Geordie shore checks aren't big enough for those 2 cars?
Especially in bong land where second hand cars are so cheap.

the amount of times i've heard cunts say "nah i've stopped" after 24 hours without a cigarette, who then immediately start smoking again. you've not even started lad

>he's still seething

It love to punch her in the lips. Reckon they would split like two overipe bananas.

approximately forever,

I’m guessing your cat is a fat cunt as well?

>Dan Hodges reported that while watching Miliband unveil the tablet on television, a Labour press officer "started screaming. He stood in the office, just screaming over and over again at the screen. It was so bad they thought he was having a breakdown"

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I guess they’ve been cucked since 1776 kek

What kind of faggot are you? Nobody is following lockdown rules. Park was packed today.

Checks are what you do to your aeroplane before flying.

We don't take up as much space as you lads though.

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I'm flattered to have gotten into someone's head enough that they feel the need to LARP as me :)

But your honour I'm no partial to picking the hairs from me teeth after partaking in the ol' cunny lingus

Not as fat as your whore mum

Too many adults around init.

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I would love to fold her up and squeeze her body into a luggage bag before lobbing it off beachyhead.

>t. 1 toilet roll a day Joe

By falling off yer mum ya shandy drinking nonce

Leave nonces alone

You'd need to add a few rocks to weigh down all the plastic. That cunt would float better than a message in a bottle.

What other type of faggot could he be but exactly like the one and most others in this thread are British nonce faggots with no balls

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>life could take years to return fully to normal
>all because chinks can't stop eating diseased wild animals from filthy market places

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>fitlermong is an oversensitive mong who overreacts at the slightest confrontation
Why you even on Yas Forums lad lol

the top live incredibly extravagantly,
but i guess that's true anywhere.
I'd say the brits win with more comfy/closer communities
Blair did a number on that tho, with mass immigration.

Attached: uk immigration vs house prices.jpg (800x521, 78.67K)

yes i want to live in a comfy village, not interact with anyone outside it or know whats going on in the rest of the world, how did you know?

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The average outcome of an interaction between an American and a Brit

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>when a mutt thinks his first amendment shields him from consequences

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do you think anti-chinese sentiment will increase?
what form will it take?

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>faggots with no balls
But faggots are themselves balls.

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Boring cunt.


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Literally everything about your lifestyle is fake and made purely to convince your lower classes that their lives aren't shit.

We just let ours wallow in it.

cheque is a portuguese word.
Then why is it paycheck? Or is paycheck american?

Well then move the fuck out of the city you stupid fucking Brit
(Have some relatives there in the country that actually have guns. GUNS NIGGER? Can you believe it? Fucking GUNS)

>just employ any old random cunt who might turn out to be a complete tosser and cost the firm thousands
Got it!

Yeah he actually fled the country and won't come back because for one arduous day a couple of reporters kept knocking on his door asking for an interview lmao

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Reminder to listen to the experts.

She may be. Whore but at least she ain't Mexican or black, Jamal.

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The Commies have temporarily banned the selling of wild animals for now, but guess what? Sellers are moving online to sell their goods

Need to make China economy strong by 0.00001% on the first quarter ;)

Used to fancy the arse off Cosey back in the day.

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if you wanna mog americans just post this image

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