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I like my job, I'd work even if we got basic income.

but this is true, why would people work?
Who would take out trash if they could just watch anime on government bucks instead?
Who would wash the shit from mcdonald's toilets?
Who would stock supermarkets?

The only way ubi can theoretically work if there's full automation and almost all jobs are obsolete. That's not the world we live in.

And those predictions turned out true since burgerland doesn't have industry anymore.

Trying to simplify a complex problem like basic income salary shows your desire to get attention

Our nation is 25 tril in debt

>unconditional basic income instead of universal

Who fucking writes this shit
Is it so goddamn hard to pay attention to words/memes and get them correct when you try to counter argue them?


To who? The fucking moon?

I'd imagine people would still work because the cost of goods would rise due to lost productivity.

On the other hand UBI would allow useless people to quit their jobs and improve efficiency and joy of the people that stay working.

We can import cheap labor from 3rd world countries with the promise that their children will have a better life. That how we do slavery now.

>He doesn't know

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>mixing nice things in with SJW bullshit
Nice try, commie.

Communism is a slippery slope which will always lead to dictatorship. And under dictatorship, we'll all be equalled poor.

And, btw, China is a kingdom not a communist state.

The primary aim of this is not workforce anymore but an artificial increase in consumer demand, mostly the cheap shit offered by most multinational conglomerates. As their is no domestic demand for the excess "workforce" however an UBI is required.

>We can import cheap labor from 3rd world countries

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>Politics works by careful economic analysis

Oh boy.

>Why would people want to make $50,000/year when they could make $12,000/year?
Most people will still work on UBI because most people don't want to live off of $12,000/year. But what UBI will do is give workers more bargaining power so employers can't continue to fuck us over like they do now. Euros really have no idea how miserable the job market in America is and how hard our employers fuck us. We have almost no vacation days, we have no sick days, we work significantly longer hours than Europeans do, and in many jobs are now expected to be taking calls and emails 7 days a week. By giving Americans universal basic income, we would have greater flexibility and power to tell our bosses to fuck off. We would be able to save up more money and be able to take time off from work similar to what Europeans already do.

I would not call it careful but rather desperate ... what I describe is not supposed to be financed by actual tax money but merely by more debts at the relevant central banks. It is nothing but a desperate stopgap, the death spasms of a failing globalized system. Vae victis.

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Well that's communism with additional steps.

Prove me wrong: Pro tip, you can't.

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unions became corrupt and ineffectual while businesses lobbied for and achieved loopholes to prevent further union formation
niggers are paid in welfare money from the taxes of working whites and kept in the welfare plantation by low paying employers who often also accept foodstamps
for many industries it was and the sweatshops were moved to the 3rd world, where they continue to this day making cheap cheap under armor brand athletic clothing
the company will just shutter the branch if a union forms avoiding the need to fire anyone, the positions simply no longer exist
same as 1912, the child labor simply moves oversees
yeah, *sip* were going to need you to come in on Saturday
paying anyone more than they're worth is in fact bad business and will lead to failure
...just true? I mean what's there to argue here, large sections of the economy have been disabled due to environmental regulations and the only thing the libs have ever said is "retraining" which is just "learn to code" said politely
>everyone is a nigger now!
sad but true

How much of that $50k (ignoring the fact that most people can't earn that much) goes to work?
- rent (you can live in a cheap house in the sticks if you don't have to work)
- driving to work
- more spent on food (house cooking vs eating in bars etc)
Rent is the biggest one.

I mean, isn't the comic kind of true? Most big industries have moved out of the West due to regulations and labour cost to the East where nobody gives a shit and you can pay people pennies a day to manufacture sweatshirts for the rest of their natural lives.

All salaries will just drop by $12k/y.

Speak for yourself NEET

Yea you guys sit around and do nothing. While I work AND get UBI, making me much richer.
Jesus christ, no, not everyone is as worthless and lazy as you.
UBI would if anything encourage me to work more to increase my riches tenfold.

If the glorius nation of USA rewards employers by some magical methods, why wouldn't you try to become an employer. Why do you seek to be a well fed wage cuck??

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I own an apartment building. If UBI passes id raise my rent every time the lease ended in $250 increments so nobody would notice.

Left cant meme cunt

>communism with additional steps.
so not communism

>UBI would if anything encourage me to work more to increase my riches tenfold.
I thought the same, but I managed to secure an arrangement where I get over $10k every month for the last several years + a lot in investments. There's nothing I want to buy anymore so money stopped being a motivator altogether. Initially I was concentrated on being a 'millionaire' but then I hit that million and realized it's all meaningless. Once I bought an apartment the most expensive thing I want to buy are new gpus.
What makes you think you would be different?

Short of ultra-rate exceptions like Musk the only other 'working' scheme I see is a high-maintenance girlfriend or a wife that somehow manages to find new ways to spend everything regardless of income.

entrepreneurism is dying in America. It's just giga-corporations now. You can't just start your own Google or Microsoft or WalMart. And this latest economic collapse is just going to make things worse, small businesses will go under and be replaced by extensions of bigger companies.
Plus, it takes a lot of start-up capital to launch a business. Boomers could start businesses because it was easy back then, it's not so easy and cheap now though.
no they won't. It won't be evenly distributed, this is just the kneejerk reaction that Yas Forumsbrains have to everything. If a job paying $15,000/year drops to $3,000/year they will have a hard time filling it. You'll only really start seeing drops at the very top, but those drops will also correspond to better working conditions for skilled professionals. White collar workers would see maybe a 1% drop in pay but also more vacation time and better hours.
some of it does sure, but not nearly enough to convince everybody not to work. And our economy doesn't need everybody working, if 2% of the workforce drops out to live in a cabin in the sticks then we'll be fine. The benefits far outweigh that loss. Retirement would be another benefit, one of our problems now is that nobody is retiring. We NEED those 70-year-old workers to retire, and UBI would help that happen.

Basic income does exist. It’s called the welfare state. And we spend hell of a lot more on it than we do the military

>$10k every month
>What makes you think you would be any different
because we aren't talking about $10k every month we're talking about a tenth of that in a country where the cost of living is higher and we already have too many workers as it is. The main benefit is balancing the power between employers and employees, because right now workers have no bargaining power.
>bargaining power
sounds like you don't know what communism is. Prove me wrong: You can't.

To various degrees those laws have led to most of American Industry being hollowed out and offshored to China Etc.
Thats why the Chinks now have your balls in a vice and you can't do anything about it...

sounds like the globalization that was pushed by elite billionaires is the problem then. America doesn't need China, billionaires need China. We got along just fine before globalization made billionaires richer.

My agenda

People will always want *more*. It's in our nature. Shit, I'd keep working with UBI in place. Get me enough money to but a VR headset. Maybe save up for a house or something idk

>What makes you think you would be different?
The fact that i have much more ambition in life you waste of air.
If I had your money I'd open up my own animation studio like i dream of doing. Go to school for engineering like I want to and would be able to pay for it all. Use my knowledge and resources to make cool shit. I don't care if all of it fails, but having resources like that I sure as hell would try.

Let me tell you why your master plan of UBA is a disaster.

Step 1 :
Congress passes UBI. Orders governments to pay citizens certainly sum every month.

Step 2 :
Government pays taxpayer's money to everyone.

Step 3 :
Why work if I can eat and sleep all day?

Step 4 :
Now labour becomes expensive because you have to pay more to get someone to work.

Step 5 :
Now that labour in expensive, products become expensive too.

Step 6 :
OMG, now UBI is not enough.

Step 7 :
Demand more UBI

Step 8 :
Government says no.

Step 9 :
AOC = "Elect me, I'll give more UBI"

Step 10 :
AOC President of USA with all senate and house majority

Step 11 :
AOC - "Government needs more power to compell business to pay more employee and pay more taxes, for UBI"

Step 12 :
Government gets power to control businesses

Step 13 :
All business now lost freedom

Step 14 :
More UBI, All workers happy, celebration. But due to step 5, things become more expensive

Step 15 :
AOC - "To open Business, you need government permission"

Step 16 :
AOC - "Things are very expensive, workers now need to work anyway"

Step 17 :
AOC uses power to make herself president for life.

Step 18 :
All people complain.

Step 19 :
AOC shoot people who complain.

Step 20 :

Note : Since, communism doesn't work, people will revolt after 20 years and bring democracy anyway anf then they will complian about low wage again.

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This is why we're going to kill all the landlords. Enjoy what little time you have left. :)

Yea why did ppl ban child labour
Imagine the growth


I worked my ass off for a decade in a factory to get a down payment, fuck you


> Can't start business now.
> No new business can be start now

New business will always open. Anyone who says that he can't do business is either too weak or lazy.

>Shit, I'd keep working with UBI in place. Get me enough money to but a VR headset. Maybe save up for a house or something idk
those are very basic needs that could be fulfilled in few years of working at most under UBI (enough to live on).
all I see is delusion. If you were a person like that you would already do it. Guys that really have that drive constantly have projects on the side regardless of money. Those I can believe.
If you are a person that thinks 'if only I had money I would ...', no, you wouldn't. That's just an excuse.
In fact you wouldn't even spend time on Yas Forums right now. You would be making something.

>I don't understand communism, UBI, inflation, or economics
Wow, so much stupidity in one comment

>Euros really have no idea how miserable the job market in America is and how hard our employers fuck us. We have almost no vacation days, we have no sick days, we work significantly longer hours than Europeans do, and in many jobs are now expected to be taking calls and emails 7 days a week.

I do have an idea and I'm Euro.

t. work for american company and i see how engineers there are always answering emails even when they are not supposed to be working

What’s wrong with your penis?

Absolutely true

And now with working from home employers have even less boundaries. We're basically at work 24/7. The American economy is fucked because workers have no bargaining power and UBI is the best way to fix it.
You are so unbelievably stupid I don't even feel like responding to this level of sheer stupidity.
>I grew up in a generation where the economy was easy, fuck you
OK Boomer.
also you wouldn't be able to raise the rent enough to compensate for UBI, that's not how inflation or the economy works you Boomer brainlet. People would just move out and live somewhere else.

> I'm intelligent and you're not. Hurr durr
> World doesn't run on logic, rather it runs on my imagination

Show your economics degree retard.

World doesn't work the way you want it to work.

Human greed is universal, if you deny it, you're stupid.

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Except I am, have been since I was a kid. Always practicing and developing my skill in one area or another. Was paying for guitar lessons (since music is a part of the big picture for me) but that was put on hold due to corona. I still also have to work a normal job. Also I literally said open a studio which I can't just pull out of my ass you dingbat. I'm still going to try and do all those things, but they wouldn't take nearly as long if I had those resources.
So go fuck off you waste of life. Stop projecting your uselessness onto everyone else.

user you have absolutely no fucking clue about anything you're talking about.
>HURR DURR if we give everybody $12,000/year then nobody will ever work again!
is such a profoundly stupid statement that the best response is just to call you an idiot.

but okay I'll humor you: Show me your proof that everybody will be so happy with $12,000/year that nobody will ever work again. I'll wait.

I'll tell you only if you take off your memeflag.

> I'm unable to respond

Like every retard, when faced with reality.

All the strawman points are true though. Where are the american factories? In shitholes with no labor laws.

>I'm spewing a bunch of obvious bullshit that only a retard would believe
like every retard, when denying reality.
Still waiting for you to show me your proof that everybody will be so happy with $12,000/year that nobody will ever work again.

You're probably one of those idiots who thinks that we have to have 0% income tax because if we tax anybody anything then nobody will work.
Go kys brainlet

solution: only let net tax payers vote

better solution: Brainlets like who are obviously too stupid to understand anything about economics are not allowed to vote.
Nothing he said makes any sense at all. Step 3 is something that he made up which goes against everything we know about the economy and human nature. He is also assuming that there is uniform inflation that is 100% of UBI which we know is not true. The guy is an idiot and his opinion is worthless.

Well, your logic sounds good and very very plausible. I accept that.

But the issue I see with your proposal is that:

1. A taxpayer will never be willing to give his money for donation, because he's worked hard for his money.

For eg, you wouldn't give your $100 to a random guy, if your mom asked you gently

Hence, this discussion will always inevitable lead to 'forcing' taxpayers to pay for UBI. Which taxpayers will never agree on.

2. So, how do you 'force' taxpayers to pay for UBI???

By using power of government. -> and Tadaaa!! Communism

user....... how the fuck do you think taxation works now? You have a meme flag so I can't tell what country you live in but in America we currently force people to pay taxes and have been doing so for a very long time. What meme country do you live in that has zero taxes? And how to you afford roads, police, firefighters, etc?

If I had 12000 dollars, I'd invest it every month in Index Fund. After few years, cash dividend will be enough for me to live the life the way I want.

Also, about 'Should not be allowed to vote' , who decided that you're intellectual enough to vote? Why should you vote at all? Notice when tides turn against you, how would you feel?