Why is British cuisine far superior to everything else?

Why is British cuisine far superior to everything else?

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That's not curry.

Thats american food

Our food may be pretty unhealthy, but it took the UK to decide that it was a good idea to take a slice of pizza, and then batter and deep-fry it

Fooking lush munchie box m8

Oh god I wish that were me. I'm sick of eating pic related.

Attached: Vienna_sausage_tasty_t600.jpg (400x300, 39.75K)

Looks like a bad version of American food.

what does IRNBRU taste like?

Did any part of that meal not come out of a freezer

throwaway garbage fit only for Northern monkeys

Attached: 13998578.jpg (375x500, 35.29K)

Not going to lie, while that looks vile, I'd inhale the lot

There isn’t one toast sandwich, or jellied eel in that picture.
Obviously not British at all.

everything cept the pizza.
>Delivery guy

What does Faygo taste like?

>Tfw Burger
>Tfw no fry-up

Attached: Start your day the britbongistan way.png (1823x853, 129.64K)

That's Scottish food

What's the pukey looking cup of stuff in the right lower corner? It already looks "processed."

wtf is that vomit

no wonder brits are fat and ugly.

>but it took the UK to decide that it was a good idea to take a slice of pizza, and then batter and deep-fry it

We didnt decide it, we discovered it.


Attached: british not white.webm (480x480, 2.9M)

dunno looks grim though

Lush mate.

You are no match for the Danes

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Fuck off paco. Real Americans are descended from British. WASP pride world wide

That shit in the bottom right looks like a cup full of pureed placenta.

Nah bet its chilly just what you need to smash those onion rings.

Looks like someone puked

fuck that looks good

How the hell have Munchie boxes not become popular in the United States??? I would eat the fuck out of them if only I could buy one!

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god damn i hurts so bad. i just want to taste a munchy box before i die bros.

Irn Bru tastes like the asthma medicine I used to have to take as a child. Literally undrinkable.

Alright, going to make a fry up rn

I'd like to hear the story of fried pizza, pls

based nigel living the dream the frie container full of BBQ sauce is what sealed it

Attached: this triggers the non americans .webm (640x640, 2.94M)

yeah but the colour is off putting

Where's the doner kebab and tikka masala?

Are you serious? That's you're typical take out food in the usa. I could be wrong does british cuisine exist?


bong food is nasty and is made for inbreds and why is pic related a 10/10 in bongland?

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Having been in Texas at the start of January, nothing compares to the choice and value of American food.
Even a simple fake Irish pub had a better menu and better food than most places I have eaten in the UK.

Not really, just meat and two veg in general. Oh and pies. We also invented and love our bacon sandwiches.

No fancy faggoty shit like beaners and pajeets do.

Attached: Chippy.jpg (1300x1390, 150.58K)

Awww, did the lack of artisanal kale make you sad? Souf nonce



Nice joke.

Attached: italiancuisine.jpg (1000x667, 68.79K)

Bloody lush m8

Attached: Baz.png (256x256, 51.35K)

I was in scotland once and i got one and wasnt disappointed. The deep fryed mars bar on the other hand was just too fucking chewy.

>British cuisine
That's an interesting concept , too bad it can't exist.

Show flag moishe

Lunch for gay people

damn it started so good

reminder brits are the jews and the chimps of europe

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Dude, do you even have a pack of noodles and some peppers or something?

pretty sure the one in pink is a man and unfortunately also the hottest one of the four

Attached: bbq.webm (640x360, 2.93M)


Red is good. Red is hot. The flavor wont matter once your mouth is numb.

>MFW even as an American, that looks fucking awful

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When I eat these I can tell that they're not very good but I still really like them.


lmao come on britbros, I love you but come on

Stop fannying about, and chuck the ingredients directly in a pie

Attached: pri_50131368.jpg (1200x900, 173.24K)

Good luck getting laid with burgers and liquid sugar.

Not one thing on that grease box originated from the US. That meal is just an international mukbang. You usually get something like this if you go out drinking on an empty stomach and on the way home are drunk enough to visit a late night Paki fry house

I went to this place:
No thrills, walk in, lift a beer, order a literal bucket of meat, use their own brand BBQ sauce (which I bought two bottles of it was that good), then wolf it all down from a basket.
Amazing place.

Correction. Cola is American. My mistake

based and bongpilled

Attached: mu77zuld1l2gusxuyytv[1].jpg (1120x1493, 184.11K)

we take the best of the world and make it ours.

I dunno, the first fried pizzas I saw were americans, don't know where it started


>filling the fry carton with sauce
that some next level shit

gross couldnt finish webm

Please retake that image in a warm color light setting.
The colors on that are cancer inducing. The sauce on the bottom right is somewhere between tomato red and fucking bubble gum, the pizza makes me want to puke, and the mozzarella sticks and nuggers look anemic.

Attached: color-temperature_grande.jpg (600x318, 61.39K)

real nigga hours, Vienna, Sweet Sue canned chicken, beanie weenies, Uncle bens rice

I eat like i make 200 dollars a week


Oh my gosh, you too? I had to crack into the Vienna sausages today, for sustenance, while on lockdown. I get the Armour brand instead of Libby's, though, they c-come in a 6 pack. It made it easier to s-stock up.
>tfw no prepper bf, to get me fresh venison to cook along with his thousands of pounds of lentils and pulses.
I really should have gotten a husband before the apocalypse. I fucked up.

looks like an obduction

If you ever make it back over this way you should try a different region of the South. The regional differences in BBQ are huge and they are all amazing.

Get them trending on social media, it's the only way

Call me fat all you want.

Pic related destroys anything you foreigners come up with.

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>Not really, just meat and two veg in general.

Literally what my friend of Romania cooked when she visited. Had to have a load of bread also. Spend all day looking for it since theres only processed whole bread and little pastries around where I live. I could see myself making it intead of only beans every some often. Good

this offends me

...the dead weeaboo dreams of obese U.S. mid western folk, preying to die from campylobacter rather than seeing themselves in a mirror wearing psycho clown make up un ironically, again.

based, had burgers like this before, all delicious

where's all the grease? that's not cuisine

And when you buy new bulbs, get ones that arnt fucking garbage. A higher cri is also what you want. high cri is what gives you real color appearance. Dinning areas should have a color temperature of around 3000k. You can use higher k blue lights elsewhere, just keep it away from food.

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