Maybe it's not just a flu

>maybe it's not just a flu

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No, it is just a flu. They just had the chance to use it as a pretense to crash markets because they were overinflated

>>maybe it is just the fucking flu
>maybe everyone is a fucking npc

Fuck Shitaly.

i know but the jannie deleted my thread saying that

This wojack doesnt make sense. These idiots arent people under their NPC facade, they're NPCs incapable of waking up to these realities unless they are told to do so by the talking heads. For shame user.

>Maybe we should've elected Hillary

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My broke ass ghetto school district near DC started rolling out 1:1 laptops in October to some kids even though they had no infrastructure and no funding for 1:1 for all (so much for muh equitiee). Put a guy on all electronic curriculum and platform devt at same time. At lockdown schools told to deploy all in school IT assets to students and $1 million to buy gorillions of chromebooks for rest of students suddenly got pulled out of some monkey’s ass. Also somehow came up with 1000’s of comcast wifi routers to gib ebbery chile a hotspot.
Where did that $$$ come from?
Just one example of in the know local commiecrats somehow being ready to deal with a surprise pandemic when they can’t even figure out how to log into a network or enter grades.
t. Husband of a teacher in VA

This is just a flu. The hype is the result of the misunderstood gappy statistics, one sided media narrative and mass incompetency in politics.

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>the jews wanted the complete collapse of all their stocks, the setting back of all kike social propaganda and the complete collapse of the satiated worker bee that's stupidly slaving away for all of eternity because of reasons

legitimately kill yourselves by getting corona you diabetic obese boomer retards

t. dumb zoomer retard

Why else would they fucking push this boomerremover virus so hard ??

>would they fucking push

unironically coof yourself

> (((MSM))) was saying

Faggot. Goverbmenbts are in lockdown. KIKE states are pushing "stimulus plans"

You stupid retard. Everything is going so smooth

They crashed the market to eliminate middle class business (those aren't getting bail outs) and buy up more shares of big biz.
All to further destroy the middle class and create more dept slaves.

do you have the memory of a goldfish?
or are you just an alzheimer patient?
in fucking january when the chinks locked everything down is when the entire jewish media was coping and saying it was a anothing burger whilst this website said it was gonna be a happening
every single media outlet was saying we should worry about big line and not crematoriums being over capacity like in italy
don't fucking reply to me again

Yeah maybe these people are retarded.

1. Its worse than the flu
2. The disproportionate actions towards this nasty flu is worse than getting it.

>negative clinton coverage
u wot m8

It’s the flu with asymptomatic transmission. That’s the problem.


That's not true. I've revived two NPCs. (my father and my now-wife.)

>they caused the biggest wave of unemployment since the great depression because muh middle class that's still politically disenfranchised btw
you are retarded
the stable status quo for the current order IS a docile middle class that receives all their surrogacy from media and hollyjew
not a jobless mob of people

>disproportionate actions
You think they are disproportionate, when the real issue would be prolonged restrictions of the economy. We were too late at dealing with the ongoing epidemic, now we have to pay the price. If we do not stop the spread effectively (within 1-2 months), our economy would tank for years to come.

It's 5g dude do so research

This. This whole thing is the great reset for a massively over-inflated world economy based on nothing. Good news is that it might be the death of globalism.

>>the jews wanted the complete collapse of all their stocks, the setting back of all kike social propaganda and the complete collapse of the satiated worker bee that's stupidly slaving away for all of eternity because of reasons
The jews wanted a mass reset and an ensuing power-grab where they will consolidate and make public things that were once hidden.

>jews wanted the same thing they have now
okay retard

中国撒谎, 人民死亡

doomer here. trust me i wish it wasn't the flu. however it is, pack it up, maybe mext time doomers will catch a break.

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Low IQ

How you pasta bros doing?

we flattened the curve, southerner niggers cant wait to go back to mafia business oitside and we risk another outbreak


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>it's a bioweapon bro


Its the same as muh climate change. Globohomo plans are not pushing forward fast enough regarding their desire to seize control and abolish all sovereignty under the pretense of saving the environment. So now we'll start seeing all these "soft resets" like this, but it doesn't allow them to seize control of industries and businesses, it does allow them to abolish your sovereignty and liberties though, which is the first and biggest step to establish their plans.

Its the same mantra and stratgies involved in the social racketeering of climate change hysteria -- Believe. Just accept it. Give up. Concede to us. If you don't you are low IQ, you are stupid, you are a non-believer, you can't be a globohomo citizen proper. Just accept it. Same thing with covid hoax, literally nothing is happening and it has transformed into a foundation myth where good little globohomos go around like inquisitors routing out non-believers, claiming the non-believers are going to kill us all unless they start believing, despite their being no happening and no pandemic, this is what they believe and what they need you to believe under threat of fine, arrest or imprisonment.

Open warfare needs to pushed for from this point on, because they will never stop and we will not move forward as a species until the ZOG progs are annihilated .

Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly Shitaly

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>jews care about goy families and are trying to help keep them healthy and not dead

a cattle farmer doesn't need to love his cattle to prevent them from getting diseased you stupid cunt
he literally lives off their labor, of course he'd want to pragmatically protect them

show your flag

and again
the first instinct of the judeo-corporate system was to allow the cattle to die off in moderate amounts so the big line is pleased and remains green

that is my flag you fat retard
пyши кyp џyкeлa дeбeлa

right i forgot you were a real country

It has killed less people than a flu does every year

It’s lesser than a flu

And now it is reversed.
The truth is it that it is just a flu, a slightly more potent and infectious kind. It's just infectious and asymptomatic for long enough to strain medical services. It is on the edge of being a biological weapon.
It is just powerful enough to cause economic and psychological damage, weak enough to plausibly deny intentional attack.

>maybe it IS just the Flu.

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>And now it is reversed.
no it's not
it's always been the same people spouting the "just a flu bro XD" narrative
fat subhuman boomers that browse /ptg/ and probably believe in Q
not to say that corona-chan will make the whole world kill

You know what kills more than this Coronavirus and the flu combined? NOROVIRUS 200,000+ a year.

Quit being a corporate chinese puppet

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>being this much of a smooth brain that you’re only realizing this now

it is just a flu

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most likely a product of your low IQ negroid genes

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>corona-chan will make the whole world kill

China is kill after covid

>High intelligence quotient

Choose one

china is doing pretty good all things considering
i doubt their real numbers are even half of the JUSA's numbers

you are a non-country with a stupid flag that looks like a memeflag, you talk like a histrionic memeflaggot yourself, so if the shoe fits it fits. Go on and continue having a stroke because no one buys into your globohomo cocksuckery you fucking moron, you're having a psychotic meltdown because people refuse to be pressed under the thumb of global tyranny under loose pretense then in your delusional hysteria claim THEY are the kike slaves. You're completely out of your mind, literally and unironically go take your meds schizo

fat also must have out competed your brain tissue
it's all good man
i can't hold a grudge towards a retard

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There it is, the USA won't completely hamstring and destroy itself, therefore this is an issue.

"China is doing pretty good" though, fucking lol

Worthless globohomo cocksucker, get fucking skinned alive you shit eating squirmy little maggot

>Meanwhile we just had another 5% rally back to 22000
Welcome to America where the jokes are stale, the values made up, and the points don't matter!

>There it is, the USA won't completely hamstring and destroy itself, therefore this is an issue.
fell free to die of corona my boomer friend
jokes on you
i'm a han supremacist

Economically they're done. The CCP has zero credibility now.

lol sure, all your enemies are weak and if you can't deal with reality just make shit up to make yourself feel better. Won't stop you from being pinned to the floor and getting nigger shit wafflestomped down your worthless throat though, so I guess the joke is on you along huh?