>“This is going to be the hardest and the saddest week of most Americans’ lives,” Adams said on “Fox News Sunday."
>“This is going to be our Pearl Harbor moment, our 9/11 moment, only it’s not going to be localized; it’s going to be happening all over the country,” Adams said.
These statements are for a flu with less than 10k deaths in the country so what the fuck is he actually alluding to??
Surgeon General Warning - WTF did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
10k deaths per day
It all makes more sense when you realize he is talking about sex trafficked kids
He meant we're about to see the biggest happening of our entire lives. The government is going to let loose and will exterminate large batches of Americans under the guise of the coronavirus.
Day of the grill
>activate the asymptomatic cases
I wrote off the rescue/tunnel stuff as just another LARP but it's the only thing that makes sense. POTUS using terms like invisible enemy, being at war, hidden scourge, churches will be full, etc. Mercy & Comfort ships. Then there's the number of missing kids reported each year and the various underground tunnel systems that exist. Could this shit actually be happening?
They're activating 5G towers across America this week. That's what.
My heart says yes, but my brain says no.
MIlions are going to die!!
How do we know they are not already activated??
You mean us user. You know they're coming for us now right?
(((they've))) robbed, raped and poisoned us so badly that theres only one way out now. stir up as much shit as possible and run out the back door with the gold.
triple doubles checked
is surgeon general that nice black guy who showed me how to make a t-shirt mask?
REMINDER: schizoid 5G posts are to distract from the fact the towers are made by Huawei (Chinese government)
now you complain about the Chinese controlling our internet and you sound like a tinfoil hat retard
It makes no sense to me
They keep comparing it to
>Pearl harbor
So is that confirmation this is a militant act?
Because the flu has more kills. Lots of shit has more kills. Obesity and smoking destroy these numbers.
Why is this the saddest week?
Checked and agreed.
My 2 credit scores
I think ((virus)) cant spread anymore because everybody at home.
So we need some kind of ((radioactive)) clouds that go around......what could that be?
Same here. I've been on and off the Q wagon. I want to believe but it seems like a long game LARP. Pic related.
>Credit score is in the 200's user?
Any Bros worried about that comet? It's passing between Mars and earth. The atmosphere is the size of Jupiter. I looked and Halleys Comet comes within 20M KM to earth. This one's closest approach is 350M KM. That unspooped me but all this death and destruction talk coming from government doesn't seem to equate to Coronachan....
>our 9/11 moment
911 wasnt even 20 years ago, what is this nigger talking about? anyone old enough to give a fuck about the beer virus will already have had their 9/11 moment on 9/11
>The atmosphere is the size of Jupiter
what the fuck are you talking about
>The government is going to let loose and will exterminate large batches of Americans under the guise of the coronavirus.
Q LARPers will be the first to get Zypher'd
No please lord bog plz don’t
Probably a no on that.
I'd be super happy if i was wrong though and kids were rescued.
Just like I said. The atmosphere of the comet Atlas is the size of jupiter. The nucleus is estimated at only a couple of KM so I don't know.
Damn, it really could be that comet.
And what's up with the queens speech???
World Narrative is we must go FULL ECO.We must abandon oil.
The air is so clean now when everybody is at home.
They gona fake nuclear terrorist attacks on oil rich teritorium.
Radioactive clouds in the air
No more oil for 100 years..muh..((radioactive))
.....I mean, people are also going into DUMBs
Could be for virus, could be for comet
That would only happen if the ((Comet))
Would heavily invest in stock market and now wants his money back.
The government is being overdramatic about this. if it was really a something burger they would still be downplaying it. worst case scenario is 200k dead in the US, a country of 300+ million.
Are you telling me
Fake nuclear terrorist bomb is out of the question?
Thank god.
That user replied to himself, not you so here's a link. The atmosphere of the comet is half the size of the Sun, which isn't rare by any means but still very noteworthy.
You really think that’s more likely than just a moderately busy flu season?
2017-2018 flu season in the US:
44 million suspected cases
20 million visited a doctor
800,000 hospitalized
60,000 dead
Thanks to an 8 year study from Glasgow, we know that every year 7-15% of all ILI’s are caused by coronavirus. So...
4.4 million suspected coronavirus cases
2 million coronavirus doctors visits
80,000 coronavirus hospitalizations
6,000 coronavirus deaths
What were the media, government, and public’s reactions to that flu season? Do you even remember it? Why wasn’t it newsworthy? Hospitals set up tents to treat people, they ran out of masks, there was a shortage of IV saline bags... but no mass hysteria.
It’s literally just the flu.
time to put Chinese back in the camps
this. it is literally 2x worse than the worst flu season in the worst case scenario. there's no reason to expect millions of deaths. italy and spain have already peaked.
finally all the people who don't understand math are about to have it shoved violently up their assholes
hope you told grandma and grandpa you loved them, all your old relatives are toast
Get em locked and loaded boys. If you ain't blastin then you ain't lastin.
They wouldn't give you hints about something like that lest they would be considered complicit
No one gave a fuck about the flu pre-corona and they shut the entire fucking planet down for this bullshit. H1N1 killed around 13k Americans and 150k-575k worldwide and barely and mention relative to this corona hysteria. Not one quarantine. No talk of a vaccine.
captcha number memescams.
This is the week where everyone wakes up user. Get ready for three days of darkness.
King nigger was President then. He could do no wrong. The American kike media controls the minds of the world except maybe China, NK, Iran and Russia
>my 2 credit scores
so sick of this hoax and its blind followers
>sex trafficked kids
>hardest week
wtf I love the government now
>4.4 million suspected coronavirus cases
>2 million coronavirus doctors visits
>80,000 coronavirus hospitalizations
>6,000 coronavirus deaths
It's cute how you faggots just make up random numbers to fit your narrative. It is like Vox telling you that 99.5% of women crave bbc
Always ready, fren. Pass the popcorn.
Mutts law
>op cannot into exponential growth
the ignorant bliss of the brainlet existence
How many people died in 9/11?
How many people died in pearl harbor?
A flu that stops oxygen from binding to your red blood cells causing you to suffocate while you breath. It's a little worse than the flu goob.
Checked! What is the SG referring to? Do you honestly believe the US is all of the sudden getting corona rekt this week?
The purge movie wasn’t just a movie, it was a warning
REMINDER: Leafs consistently talk shit and 5G is going to be used to track you once Bill Gates gives you your digital RFID chip so you can be reintegrated into society as a nCov negative citizen.
>muh exponents have no other factors that prevent infinite growth
>calls others retarded
>just make up numbers
user, I know when something conflicts with your view it can be tough, especially when you’re in a state of hysteria due to media saturation of a strong narrative that’s reinforced by everyone you know.
But there’s a link right there to the CDC’s website, and another to the Glasgow study showing that 7-15% of all flu cases are coronavirus. If you can’t put those two things together then life will be quite a challenge for you.
it is naturally a s-curve and we're still in the boost phase dumbass. it hasn't even begun.
you guys ready for all the TV nonsense blaming Trump for this in the coming years?
How many people die annually from heart disease, alcohol related incidents, cancer, car accidents, drug overdoses, etc. Tens of millions at a minimum. Where's the outrage? Where's the global coalescing? Where are the elites with their programs and solutions?
I heard about some people today dont have AT&T phone working.But internet works.
You mean pneumonia?
ive had this same unnerving feeling that all those indictments piling up are for the heavy lifters around here
>*invisible enemy*
White supremacists
>at war with
White supremacists
>hidden scourge
“White supremacists”
>churches will be full
“White supremacists”
Basically anyone who doesn’t accept the Jewish dick up their rectum is a white supremacist
Except we know what slows the rate of infection its called reducing the number of susceptibles.
And we know its not the weather killing it off because we know that its spreading and having an impact on every content on earth under every single variation of weather.
So stop being a retarded amerilard and neck yaself.
The many suicides that are coming due to the new unprecedented prolonged restrictions on people, but the actual number suicides will not be reported (to the public) or will be reported as covid19 deaths?
I don't watch TV, I avoid the lugenpresse to keep my blood pressure down.
There will be hard times ahead of us brothers. I am not sure in what way unfortunately. But I promise God is with us watching us waiting to save us. I would know I'm his Son!
Literally just the flu
>What is being called Coronavirus or COVID-19 is a “novel coronavirus.” Every year during flu season, 7-15% of flu infections are from a novel coronavirus. Even if this were to turn out with a high death toll, it would still just be a bad flu season. However, at time of writing there are 25,000 people in America dead of non-corona flu viruses, and just over 5,000 deaths from corona flu. So we are on track for this to be a normal flu season.
>In 2018, 80,000 people died of the flu. The hospitals were much more pressured than they are today, going so far as to put up tents to treat people in parking lots.
>The mortality rate statistics they are reporting in the media are being calculated completely differently than the flu is calculated and then compared with the flu mortality rate. Whereas the normal way to report the flu is to estimate the total number of infected and then calculate an estimated mortality rate based on the estimate of the number of those infected, with Coronavirus, they are reporting a mortality rate that is the percentage of deaths from those who test positive.
>In Italy, doctors reported that over 99% of those who have died have had preexisting conditions. They were also counting anyone who tested positive for the virus after death as having died of Coronavirus, even though it is certain that some of these people, particularly the old people (the average age of the deaths was 79.5-years-old), went to the hospital for some other reason and got infected with the virus at the hospital. Italy admits that this is the way they were keeping statistics – everyone who died and tested positive was a Coronavirus death.
Even if you are unaware of the way they are abusing statistics, it is still totally remarkable to get worked up about this. Even by these ultra-inflated numbers the media is presenting, if you are under the age of fifty, you have less than a half of one percent chance of dying.
>doesnt belive in corona
No, pneumonia doesn't systemically attack heme as it binds to rbcs and inhibit it's metabolism.
>7-15% of all flu cases are coronavirus
I wouldn't expect you to be smart enough to know that coronavirus is a category of virus and does not refer to covid-19 specifically. Neither of those sources even mention the term covid-19.
>muh exponents have no other factors that prevent infinite growth
You mean like quarantine and social distancing?
What about if God is a pedophile?
These faggots are so dramatic. Stupid nigger doctor is still a stupid nigger.
>80k died of the flu in all of 2018
How many have died in four months?