If you could sum up this board with one sentence... what would it be?

If you could sum up this board with one sentence... what would it be?

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Gas the kikes.

You're here forever.

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Pol is a board of love.

Virgin rage



Jews jewing jews jewing jews


Why am I here again?


They make us necessary.

Pol: Smart people acting like retards

Reddit: Retards acting like smart people

Twitter: Famous people being retarded

Instagram: Retards pretending to be famous


All fucking niggers must fucking hang.

gas the kikes, niggers, sandniggers, chinks, christians, muslims, macons, space niggers (if they exist), retards, spics, poos, jungle asians

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OH! I read one word, not one sentence.
Dispossessed angry virgins raging over concepts they hardly understand.

A place to share your worst thoughts and jerk off to traps.

best one so far.


I never got the unironic attraction to traps

freedom of thought


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God' s last sanctuary.

Frustrated men who want to enslave women.

Politically incorrect people and kikes being together in the same board


>If you could sum up this board with one sentence
everything is shit, except piss, and that's shit too


the only place on the internet that embraces diversity of thought, nation, and religion.

The rabbit hole you never come back from.

sad yet true, but with lots of shills.

Does anyone else get the message that you have to wait 8 seconds to post again, and that pass users don't have to. Who else thinks that Yas Forums is collecting data from us and is gearing up to becoming a pay site? It'll always be free if you're willing to put up with the inconveniences, but the inconveniences will become bigger and bigger until most people just decide to pay. Working with google, (captcha) Yas Forums can easily track every IP not behind a VPN that already hasn't been banned, and google can relate that IP to everything else you do. Working with other companies who do different types of collection and analytics, this information can be combined to give a profile of the user of any computer, including names and addresses and every single word you type here.

Still doesn't stop me from making fun of niggers, though.


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jews, trannies and clowns trying influence autist meme magicians in order to influence reality.


God delivers.

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niggers tongue my anus

Providing jobs to ShareBlue loser shills since 2015.


satire or braindead and both

Monkeys on typewriters will eventually type truths

came here to post this.
I'll also take: "No more brother wars"


I don't know who is jewing who anymore.

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(One word sentences work too)

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good summary


Feds and kikes ruin everything.

a chorus of demons

Successfully subverted

This, unfortunately.

Right wing atheist here (i'm really a diest but I don't usually feel like enough of a snowflake to call myself one to strangers).
You should be nice to Christians, they are a gigantic white, right wing, ZOG-hating population.


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I would say "tolerates"

basically this. I love writing short retarded "fren" posts. Not sure why, but it's satisfying.

Also, pee pee poo poo

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Racist, inept, and angry losers desperately trying to sound important and intelligent about anything at all.

I know many are stupid when it comes to Israel but many are also very aware who ordered the Romans to kill Jesus instead of just banishment.
We need as many white bodies as we can get, brother.

Contrarianism: the board

Based Bjorn.

Yas Forums is the worst book club with the best books on any digital network I'm aware of, though despite halfcuck's high volume of traffic it remains the most embarrassing instance of said club.

Experimental website that utilizes numerology and memetics to awaken Jesus Christ the one and only!

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